Chapter 1308

The money shopkeeper is gone!

Under everyone’s gaze, it just disappeared.

Strongly crushed and exploded, and even a corpse was gone.

Just now, the powerful and invincible money shopkeeper, the money shopkeeper who even the Heavenly Sword Sect feared, was directly beheaded.

This makes everyone feel a little dazed.

Each of them opened their eyes wide, and their eyes were filled with amazement.

Tang Linger, Tang Feng and Tang Yuan, saw this scene, their bodies shuddered, looking at Wang Xian, a trace of panic flashed in their eyes.

“Will it cause you any trouble?”

Wang Xian looked at He Yuan aside, and put the weapon in his hand into the space ring.

“No trouble, kill this kind of thing!”

He Yuan shook his head indifferently.

“You…you dare to kill Master Qian!”

The second-order Dongxu strongmen who were locked by the three Yan clan strongmen looked over, with a horrified face, they looked at Wang Xian, gritted their teeth and said.

“Oh, by the way, you two go back and tell you the Qian family, your dog from the Qian family provokes my He Yuan brother to death, so you just slaughter him directly. If he dares to take revenge, let him come to his family!”

He Yuan looked at the two strong second-tier Dongxu, said lightly, and added: “Also, don’t think about revenge, otherwise, it will be your money family!”

The wind is light and the clouds are calm, and his face is calm.

The death of the treasurer of money is like trampling on an ant.

Don’t take it to heart.

“Cough cough cough… He clan… He Yuan…”

The eyes of the two strong second-tier holes widened, and their pupils shrank slightly. The two looked at each other, and a trace of horror flashed in their eyes.

“He Shao, sorry!”

The two of them looked extremely embarrassed, bowed towards He Yuan, waved their arms, and directly grabbed the ring of the space left by the treasurer on the ground after his death, and flew outside with a movement.

Seeing the two Dongxu second-order powerhouses leaving, the surrounding people were once again dazed.

“This… they turned out to… even left directly, and even said a word of sorry!”

“My God, what is the identity of that young man, the treasurer of money, kill him if he says kill!”

“That Wang Xian is also very fierce, and he didn’t hesitate at all, but what identity is that young man named He Yuan, dare to ignore the Qian family of the third trading firm in the world!”

“It’s another horrible young man, one after another with powerful people to help Wang Xian, why is this Wang Xian’s network so terrifying? What is his identity?”

Everyone around looked at the two young people who were chatting, with shocked expressions in their eyes.

“Haha, Brother Wangxian, in the future whether in Liuhai area or in the vast area, as long as someone dares to provoke you, tell me, I’ll help you!”

Standing in front of Wang Xian, He Yuan patted his shoulder boldly.

“I took down the favor this time, thank you so much today!”

Wang Xian smiled. If He Yuan is not here today, there may be some trouble.

“Little things, little things, friends should help each other, hey, brother Wang Xian, are these two your confidantes? Great!”

He Yuan shook his head indifferently, and said when he saw Zhang Fengying and Ling Jian’er on the side.

Wang Xian shook his head speechlessly: “This is Zhang Fengying, my good friend, this is Ling Jian’er!”

“She is Girl Ling Jian’er, I heard Wang Xian said that she is a neighbor with you, now it seems…hehe!”

He Yuan looked at Ling Jian’er in surprise, “But with the strength of Brother Wangxian, you are also a talented woman!”

“I think so!”

Ling Jian’er smiled faintly on the side.

Her words caused He Yuan to be taken aback for a moment, followed by a laugh, and gave Wang Xian a thumbs up: “Awesome!”

“Okay, okay, how come your words suddenly become so many!”

Wang Xian looked at He Yuan speechlessly, and said with a smile.

“Hey, isn’t there a beautiful woman by the side!”

He Yuan smiled happily, but he was very easy-going.

He Yuan’s background is the pride of heaven, and few of his age can play together. If he were not stronger than him, he might not have paid attention to Wang Xian at first.

But although he is a little arrogant, he is still very good as a friend.

However, around, watching a group of people gathered around and chatting, everyone around couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

Everyone present wanted to know what kind of identity He Yuan was.

What kind of relationship does that king immortal have with the mysterious source of the background, and why are they so familiar.

“Patriarch Yan, take the liberty to ask, who is that Young Master He?”

Tang Feng and Tang Yuan looked at each other, their faces full of jealousy, they couldn’t help coming to the side of the Yan clan chief, and asked in a low voice.

Even they have to please the money treasurer, the person in charge of the third trading firm in the world who must be jealous of their entire bloody dynasty.

They were directly beheaded, but when the two second-tier Dongxu experts in the World Commercial Bank heard He Yuan’s words, they did not pursue the matter at all, and even left directly after apologizing.

What kind of power is this?

Can you kill the money shopkeeper without caring?

“One of the pinnacle forces in the vast area!”

Patriarch Yan looked at the two Tang Feng and Tang Yuan cautiously, and responded with a faint smile.

Today, if they make a move, it will bring them great benefits to the Yan clan.

In the future, all the forces in the Liuhai area will also know that they have a relationship with which family in the vast area.

This excites several people in the Yan clan.

“One of the pinnacle forces?”

Tang Feng Tang Yuan’s pupils shrank slightly, looking at Wang Xian who was talking with He Yuan, the two of them looked embarrassed.

“Go, let’s go immediately!”

The two of them did not hesitate at all, and directly pulled Tang Linger to speed up and walked outside.

At this moment, Tang Linger didn’t dare to speak any more, she walked outside with some horror in her eyes.

Even the treasurer of money was directly killed. If that Wang Xian relied on that young man to kill himself, what would the bloody dynasty do?

Will this thing not happen, right?

Blood Flow Dynasty is far from the peak strength of the vast area.

The Liuhai area is just a small third-rate area.

Seeing the crowd of Blood Flow Dynasty leave desperately, the crowd around them was slightly in a trance.

In the end, Tang Linger Tang Feng and the others left here with embarrassed expressions.

This time, it was not only Ling Jian’er that embarrassed them, but also that Wang Xian.

For that king immortal, everyone realized that they should not be messed up, absolutely not.

“Ha ha!”

At the place where Wang Xian He Yuan and the others were, Long Xiaotian, who was standing on the side, grinned and roared in excitement.

Niubi, Niubi!

He didn’t expect He Yuan’s identity to be so terrifying.

In fact, he didn’t think of anything that happened today.

Obviously, you can see the instructor of the Shenfeng Academy who admires Wangxian, the powerhouse of the hole virtual level.

Ling Jian’er who confessed to Wang Xian.

And the source of the background horror.

Each identity is very powerful, and their center is Wang Xian.

Wang Xian, is his Long Xiaotian’s brother!

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