Chapter 1304 Get Out

“It’s a lot more beautiful, a lot more cheerful, but I don’t want you, you still don’t have other ideas, I am a man you can’t get!”

When these words sounded, some lively surroundings were obviously silent.

Everyone around looked at Wang Xian in amazement, looking at his very serious face as if he were not joking.

However, Ling Jian’er, who was standing next to Wang Xian, was slightly lost.

“Didn’t you say that I am not beautiful enough and don’t like my cold appearance? Am I not beautiful enough now? And, am I still looking cold now?”

Ling Jian’er looked at Wang Xian and said in a low voice and full of disappointment.

When Wang Xian heard her words, his body was slightly stiff, and he shook his head slightly, not speaking.

“Is she one of the six wives you mentioned? Do you like this?”

Seeing that Wang Xian did not answer, Ling Jian’er frowned slightly and looked at Zhang Fengying beside him.

Some of her words are amazing!

“Hmph, I am not, he is not a good person, you better be careful!”

Zhang Fengying frowned when Ling Jian’er appeared suddenly, and swept Wang Xian aside with a frosty face, his eyes filled with contempt and disdain.

“Unexpectedly, do you have a lot of confidantes? How long has it been since you came to the cemetery of the shemales, so that such a big beauty will follow you!”

As she spoke, there was a bit of irony in the words, but as long as she was able to tell that this woman was jealous.

Everyone around was completely stunned, and they looked at the conversation of the three of them a little dazedly.

This damn good dog food, and it’s the dog food that countless men envy.

Everyone looked at Wang Xian, if the eyes could kill someone, he might be dead.

“Who is this guy? How can Ling Jian’er confess his identity here so disregarding his identity, and that guy turned it down!”

“Oh my god, what is going on, that guy… damn… how can he, how can he be like this, my god!”

“Why would such a scumbag be liked by two goddesses? How can he be? Isn’t this guy Long Xiaotian’s brother? How can he be so awesome!”

“That’s right, how can this kind of scumbag who has abandoned the fox mei likes the goddess Ling Jian’er, this…”

“No wonder Ren Xingchen is so respectful to him, it turns out that it is Ling Jian’er!”

“I really hope that Tang Yuan and Tang Feng will kill this guy!”

The corners of the mouths of all the young people around twitched, and their eyes were slightly red.

This is being pursued by Ling Jian’er. How good is he?

But what shocked them even more was that the guy turned down, rejecting Ling Jian’er’s confession.

And listening to their conversation, this is not the first time to refuse.

Oh My God!

Are such goddesses rejected?


While frowning, Ling Jian’er heard the sounds around her, with a cold expression in her eyes.

“what are you saying?”

She stared coldly at the young man who said the last sentence, the young man who said that he hoped that Tang Feng and Tang Yuan would kill Wang Xian.


The young man felt Ling Jian’er’s icy gaze, his breathing was stagnant, and a mournful smile was squeezed out of his face.

“Miss, just now…”

A disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect whispered to her what had happened.

This made Ling Jian’er’s face slowly cold.

She looked forward, glanced at Tang Linger and Tang Feng, and finally fell on Hu Mei.

“Because your appearance is not qualified to make Wang Xian tempted, and even abandon you, I don’t know why you framed her. I will find out about this matter. At that time, it is not only you but your family who will be unlucky! ”

Ling Jian’er stared at Hu Mei coldly, and said directly.


Hu Mei looked at Ling Jian’er with a murderous tone, and couldn’t help but burst into tears.

She had collapsed once, and once again saw despair.


Suddenly, Hu Mei took two quick breaths, rolled her eyes and passed out.

She was hit by people dozens of times stronger than her one after another, and even threatened to destroy her clan, which caused her to pass into a coma.

“never mind!”

Wang Xian saw Ling Jian’er’s face full of frost and shook his head towards her.

Hu Mei is just a pawn, and the culprit is the princes of the Guanglong Dynasty.

For these princes, Wang Xian and Long Xiaotian will soon let them know what despair is.

“In the realm of the Heavenly Sword Sect, no one can frame you or bully you, and they don’t have the strength and qualifications!”

Ling Jian’er looked at Wang Xian, and once again recovered the somewhat icy look that was before.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Tang Linger: “The person who brought you will get out of here immediately. As long as Wang Xian suffers any injuries in the future, I will definitely go to you!”

Ling Jian’er’s somewhat unscrupulous words stunned everyone.

Even Tang Linger Tang Feng Tang Yuan was a little stunned, not to mention the arrogances behind her.

Unscrupulous, too unscrupulous!

She is the daughter of the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and now she directly provokes a bloody princess for a man regardless of the overall situation.


Ordinary people can never do this kind of disregard for the overall situation.

But Ling Jian’er did it, not only did she do it, but she did it very thoroughly.

Directly let Tang Linger and all the arrogances behind her get out.

If this spreads out, what will her face be Tang Linger?

“You… Ling Jian’er, do you know what you are talking about?”

Tang Linger’s body trembled a little when she heard Ling Jian’er’s words.

She actually let herself get out?

She is the princess of the bloody dynasty, but today she was invited to the Heavenly Sword Lingyun Club of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

This is to give him the face of Heavenly Sword Sect.

Now he got himself out?

If she is really thrown out, what will her face in Tang Linger be in the future, even the bloody royal family will not look good.

“Your subordinates framed him, and you dare to threaten him here. You really regard this as your bloody dynasty. Let you get out. Didn’t you hear?”

Ling Jian’er stared at Tang Ling’er and said coldly again.

This made Tang Linger’s face change from red to white, and from white to green.

Let her go!

Let her go!

Seeing Ling Jian’er’s cold expression, she was almost mad!

Everyone around stared blankly.

This Ling Jian’er was so domineering for a man, it was simply…

“Ling Jian’er, don’t go too far, don’t dare to humiliate us when you think that you are the daughter of Sect Master Ling, don’t think that your father breaks through, our bloody dynasty will be afraid of you!”

Tang Feng and Tang Yuan looked at Ling Jian’er with livid expressions.

Tang Ling’er and the others no longer care about Ling Jian’er’s appearance just now. They didn’t expect that Ling Jian’er, who was the host, would be so domineering to let Tang Ling’er get out.

Really think that the bloody dynasty is so bullied?

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