Chapter 1292 Ling Jianer’s Invitation Letter

Two hundred thousand souls are not a small amount.

If converted into spirit stones, at least one trillion.

He won the title of Tianjiao Supreme, and he won only more than 200 million Dragon Crystals.

The one hundred thousand spiritual liquids obtained just now, plus these two hundred thousand spiritual liquids, are equivalent to more than 200 million dragon crystals.

Even if He Yuan had an extraordinary identity, he couldn’t get out so many spiritual liquids at once.

Not to mention just lost to Wang Xian Shiwan Lingye.

“You are too cheating, right?”

Unable to help it, He Yuan roared towards Wang Xian with a look of anger.

“It’s a bit expensive, so let’s have a hundred thousand souls!”

Wang Xian also felt that the price he was asking for was a bit higher, and directly reduced it by 100,000 with a smile on his face.

“Huh, this is almost the same!”

He Yuan snorted coldly, and immediately looked at his space ring, but soon his face froze.

“My spirit is gone, there are only 10,000 essences and blood, and the remaining spirits will be given to you in two days!”

He Yuan took out a porcelain bottle and gestured towards him.

“Well, I think you shouldn’t be a shameless young master!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he directly threw the animal trainer technique he had obtained from the old man of Baixun.

The art of taming the beasts is not very useful for Wang Xian, and this thing can be exchanged for a hundred thousand spiritual liquid, it is definitely worth it!


He Yuan looked at the secret book that Wang Xian threw to himself with some surprise, and glanced slightly.

My impression of Wang Xian has changed a lot.

“Well, I, He Yuan, naturally won’t do that kind of villainous thing, tell me a place, I’ll let someone send it over!”

He Yuan raised his head slightly and said towards Wang Xian.

“Well, you can send someone directly to the island of the Guanglong Dynasty at that time!”

Wang Xian nodded.

“It will be delivered within three days!”

He Yuan assured.


Wang Xian responded and looked at Long Xiaotian.

“Brother Wangxian, let’s go back now, we can go back first, hehe!”

Long Xiaotian looked at the first-order Dongxu apron beside Wang Xian and a dozen other half-step Dongxu level, and said with bright eyes.

“Okay, go back!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded. He knew that Long Xiaotian couldn’t wait to go back to tame them.

Moreover, with a dozen or so half-stepped ferry birds, his power has almost doubled.

“Go back!”

Long Xiaotian gave a soft drink, glanced at He Yuan and the crowd, his face was red.


All of Long Xiaotian’s men were also excitedly riding their mounts, giving a soft drink.


“Brother Ho, are you going back too?”

When the group returned, seeing He Yuan and the others in the same direction, Long Xiaotian hesitated and asked.

“go back!”

He Yuan looked at Long Xiaotian, still slightly arrogant.

However, he looked at Wang Xian curiously: “This one, I don’t know which family you come from, how can you be so strong!”

“Coming from a small country, my strength is not that strong, at least it is incomparable to our supreme Tianjiao!”

Wang Xian said lightly, complimenting himself in disguise.

“Isn’t the nameless sword demon? I’ve heard of this person, who can easily defeat the second-order monster beast of the hole, and he is only twenty-six years old, and he is indeed very sky-defying!”

He Yuan frowned slightly as he spoke.

At any rate, he is also one of the best in the vast area, but when he came to this small place, two of his generations were better than him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

“This brother’s strength is also very powerful. There are three beasts of the hole virtual level, and more than 20 half-step beasts of the hole virtual. In the same generation, there are few that can match it!”

Long Xiaotian said with a smile.

“This is just a part of my pets. At home, I have three virtual pets. If I bring them all, I won’t lose our game!”

He Yuan raised his head very much when he heard Long Xiaotian’s praise, and said.

“There are three more? It’s amazing!”

Long Xiaotian’s eyes were surprised, but he didn’t compliment him either.

It is indeed against the sky to have six pets of the first order of the hole at such a young age.

He Yuan smiled, his face full of pride: “In the future, I will build a powerful pet army, even more powerful than the old man of Baixun!”

“Is the Baixun old man famous in the vast area?”

Wang Xian asked He Yuan curiously.

“Famous, of course well-known, more than a hundred years ago, at the peak of the Baixun old man, he had five pets of the sixth order of the hole, do you think it is amazing?”

“There are more than a hundred of them above the hole virtual level, and their strength is simply against the sky, but they are too arrogant and provoke…”

He Yuan began to explain to Wang Xian about the deeds of the old man in Baixun.

On the next road, Wang Xianlong Xiaotian and He Yuan had a chat.

He Yuan came from a vast area, so he has more knowledge.

As the prince of the Guanglong Dynasty, Long Xiaotian is also very knowledgeable.

And Wang Xian was the least experienced among the three of them.

However, Wang Xian’s strength was the strongest, and Long Xiaotian moved closer, and He Yuan was obviously higher than Long Xiaotian to him.

The young people of the Yan clan were slightly envious when he saw He Shao talking with the second prince of the Guanglong Dynasty and the young man who defeated He Shao.

They are not equal to He Shao at all.

Perhaps, only this Long Xiaotian who has a high chance of inheriting the throne and the young man who defeated He Shao are qualified to communicate with him normally.

The two middle-aged people in the back saw He Yuan talking with him, and they were more supportive.

He Yuan came out to practice, mainly to refine the mind.

“Brother He Yuan? How long have you been to the Ladyboy Cemetery?”

When the group walked out of the place of refining blood, Long Xiaotian asked He Yuan.

“I’ve only been here for half a month. I spent most of my time in the land of refining blood. I need to take a good rest in the next few days!”

He Yuan responded to Long Xiaotian.

“Oh? Then if Brother He Yuan wants to stroll around the cemetery of the shemales, you can come to us, I am the host here, let you play around!”

Long Xiaotian looked at Wang Xian and said with a smile.

Wang Xian nodded in agreement.

“Well, yes, of course there is no problem. Tomorrow, tomorrow morning I will send the remaining spiritual liquid to Brother Wang Xian!”

He Yuan also showed a slight smile on his face and nodded.

“Haha, okay, okay, okay, how about Brother Wangxian? There are still a lot of fun in the ladyboy cemetery!”

Long Xiaotian laughed and looked at Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded.

Long Xiaotian obviously wanted to make friends with He Shao, a person with a deep background, and Wang Xian had nothing to do recently.

The three agreed on a time to separate from He Yuan and the others when they came to the edge of the human demon cemetery.

Wang Xian followed Long Xiaotian to the island of their Guanglong Dynasty and helped tame the fierce beast.

Then he returned to his residence.

“Huh? This is?”

When he returned to the room, an invitation on the table in the courtyard, he was taken aback.

Ling Jian’er’s invitation letter?

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