Chapter 1288 Narcissistic Beast Trainer

An extremely arrogant posture was shown on the young man named He Shao.

Even if he heard Long Xiaotian’s name, he still ignored it and stared at Wang Xian.

The two middle-aged men standing beside He Shao didn’t speak, and stood calmly on the left and right.

“Your pet?”

When Wang Xian heard him, he looked at the fierce beasts behind him, and he had a slight guess in his heart.

“Then you let it pass, it should pass, we don’t stop it, you let it pass and see!”

He looked at He Shao with a smile on his face.


He Shao slightly raised his eyebrows, a hint of curiosity flashed across his delicate face, and his eyes looked at the two fierce beasts of the first order of the cave next to Wang Xian.

Then he looked at the more than two hundred mounts around.

“I will tame it!”

He Shao said, walking straight towards the apron.


When the apron bird saw He Shao approaching, there was a fierce look in his eyes, and his sharp lips gleamed.


He Shao let out a cold snort, his arms moved slightly, and the two jade rings fled directly towards the head of the ferry.


When the shuttle bird saw these two jade rings, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, his lips raised, a peck of terrifying light, and he attacked towards He Shao.

There was a trace of contempt on He Shao’s face, and the jade ring flickered with a movement of his figure, instantly appearing on the ferry bird’s body.

The apron bird was trapped by the jade ring, struggling violently.

“Hehe, I still want to escape!”

A smile appeared on He Shao’s face, and he paced over proudly.

“Stop it!”

Long Xiaotian saw his ferry bird being taken away, with an angry look on his face, and shouted with cold eyes.

Wang Xian waved his hand to Long Xiaotian, telling him not to speak.

In front of him, this young man is not simple.

Being able to be accompanied by two powerful third-tier Dongxu, even the prince of the bloody dynasty may not be able to do it.

“I said it’s my pet, it’s mine, haha, the light-attributed ferry bird, it’s pretty!”

He Shao walked to the side of the ferry bird with a faint smile on his face.

He looked at Wang Xian and grinned: “I will show you it, it is not obedient!”

He Shao said, immediately squeezing out a trace of blood, moving his arm towards the town above the ferry bird’s head.

Panic and struggle appeared in the eyes of the ferry.

“The art of taming the beast, He Shao’s taming the beast is simply too strong!”

“That’s not the case, He Shao has the exquisite heart, can sense the heart of the beast, and control it, don’t tame the beast too fast!”

At the rear, the men and women of the Yan clan were talking quietly.

“Brother He, can you send me a ferry bird later!”

A beautiful girl looked at He Shao with admiration and said softly.

“Yes, don’t bother me now!”

He Shao nodded and smiled.

“Second prince, don’t be impulsive. The identity of this young man is not simple. The two middle-aged men beside him are very terrifying!”

Seeing Long Xiaotian’s angry face, Bai Qingshan raised his voice in a low voice.

Long Xiaotian nodded with a sullen face, staring at He Shao with ugly eyes.

“The art of beast taming? He is also a beast tamer!”

“It seems to be, but his beast taming technique should not be as powerful as the prince!”

“That’s natural, how could there be a young animal trainer more powerful than the prince in this world!”

The men behind Long Xiaotian saw that He Shao actually tame the apron on the spot, with a look of surprise on their faces, they whispered.

“Huh, compare the beast-taming technique with Brother He?”

Ahead, the girl from the Yan clan heard Long Xiaotian’s subordinates talk, snorted, and glanced at Wangxian: “It’s not just someone who can be compared with him, he is not qualified yet!”

“I think he is not qualified!”

Long Xiaotian coldly snorted directly.

“Compared with He Shao, the rest of the young animal trainers are all frogs at the bottom of the well!”

A young man from the Yan clan shouted loudly.

Several people spoke tit-for-tat, but the two middle-aged people remained silent.

They looked at Wang Xian and the several fierce beasts beside him, and glanced at each other slightly, their eyes full of surprise.

For Wang Xian and his party, they did not have much hostility.

Of course, if the other party dared to offend the proud son of their family, it would naturally teach them a lesson.

Long Xiaotian looked at He Shao, and walked to Wang Xian’s side with a calm face: “Brother Wang Xian…this…”

“Let’s take a look here!”

Wang Xian didn’t leave immediately, but looked at He Shao who was standing there to tame the apron with a smile on his face.

He wanted to see how young this arrogant man could tame him.


About five minutes later, the apron made a faint cry.

There was a hint of joy in He Shao’s eyes, and he continued to tame with a smile on his face.

Wang Xian saw this scene with a faint smile on his face.

Time passed slowly, and He Shao stood beside the apron bird for half an hour.

He stood there petting the ferry bird.

This scene caused Long Xiaotian’s men to frown slightly.

Is this taming the beast? Why does it take so long?

“Huh, haha, I will call you Bai Ling from now on!”

After another ten minutes, He Shao laughed and patted the Dodo on the head.


The apron lowered its head slightly and called.


“Too strong, He Shao is simply too strong, and he tamed a fierce beast in less than an hour!”

“As expected, how young, this beast taming technique is unbeatable!”

Behind, several young people said flatly.

“Hehe, it’s not that simple. If you want to be completely tamed, it will take at least a few months. This is just a simple conquer!”

He Shao smiled faintly.

He looked at Wang Xian, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and said proudly: “Able to conquer two first-order fierce beasts, it seems that you are also a beast trainer. It is very good to be able to achieve such an achievement in this small area! ”

“Give you a chance, follow me in the future and help me manage my pets!”

“Huh? This kid’s luck is really good, so he can follow He Shao in the future!”

“Surely he can be taken by He Shao, this kid will become a big man in the future!”

All the disciples of the Yan clan looked at Wang Xian with envy when hearing He Shao’s words.

The two middle-aged people on the side saw He Shao’s treatment, and their eyes were full of admiration.

In this small area, a young man was able to tame the fierce beasts of the first order of the hole, which is very good.

Qualified to follow the best son of Tianjiao in the He clan.


Wang Xian saw He Shao who was proud, and listened to the admiration of the crowd behind him and the admiration of the two middle-aged people, slightly incomparable.

So narcissistic?

Do you want to be so narcissistic?

“Is it the confidence that your little white face gave you?”

Wang Xian looked at him speechlessly.

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