Chapter 128 Kick Hall 3 (Second More)

“In this competition, everyone present will be the judges, there is no problem!”

Old Qin said loudly, watching the confrontation between Wang Xian and Fang Huazi.

“Of course, the medical skills competition, at a glance!”

Fang Huazi glanced over Qin Lao, and said lightly: “Medical skills pay attention to the four-diagnosis method of observation, smell, inquiry, and cutting. The treatment is performed with maneuver, herbal medicine, and acupuncture.

“Well, hear and ask?”

Wang Xian looked at him with a smile on his face. He didn’t understand at all, so he was naturally incomparable.

“Trouble, since the test is naturally to see the patient and heal, this is the foundation of medical skills. No matter how powerful it is, it will be useful if you can’t cure it!”

Wang Xian said lightly.

The directors of several nearby hospitals nodded silently. Wangwenwenqie is the ancient four-diagnosis method, but now, not many people who are proficient in Wangwenqiqi, can’t say that they are not important, but the advancement of science and technology.

The result of a doctor’s quality is whether he can cure the patient. No amount of fancy is useful.

“Well, no matter how you compare it, you are not my opponent in terms of medical skills!” Fang Huazi stared at Wang Xian coldly and said.

“There are a few people from the rivers and lakes who are suffering from diseases and have not been eradicated. They should be treated with their injuries. It should be no problem!”

Old Xue looked at Wang Xian and said to Fang Huazi.

Fang Huazi squinted slightly, glanced at the people beside Xue Lao, and raised his brows: “Of course there is no problem.”

“I have no problem!” Wang Xian nodded with a smile.

“Since you are going to compete, let me do it!”

Duan Lao walked out directly and came to the central position to look at Wang Xian and Fang Huazi: “I was attacked with a poison palm on my body ten years ago. The toxin has penetrated into my bone marrow, and one day every month I will feel unhappy.”

As Duan Lao said, he glanced over Yan Zhongyuan, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

“No problem.” Wang Xian nodded directly.

“The genius doctor Fang, I think we need to change someone. The poisonous palm on his body was beaten by me when we were discussing with me!”

Suddenly, Yan Zhongyuan on the side said to Fang Huazi with a smile on his face.

“Oh, then change one. Since this reckless one is Zhongyuan you played it, then forget it.” Fang Huazi nodded.

“You…” Duan Lao heard his words with an angry look on his face. He stared at Yan Zhongyuan, his eyes flashing with anger.

“Why? Still want to compete? But if you lose again this time, it won’t be that simple.”

Yan Zhongyuan looked at Duan Lao with disdain, threatening.


Duan Lao’s face flushed red, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

“The requirements are quite high.”

Wang Xian looked at Duan Lao: “Duan Lao, you have handed over your injury to me, there is no problem.”

Old Duan stiffened, opened his eyes and stared at Wang Xian in surprise: “Little brother, do you really heal my injury?”

“no problem.”

Wang Xian nodded and said confidently.

“Thank you, thank you little brother!” Duan Lao said with excitement and a trembling body.

“Healing my Yan family’s opponent is against my Yan family, you have to think about it.”

At this time, Yan Zhongyuan’s faint voice came.

“Oh, Yan family!”

Wang Xian turned his head to look at Yan Zhongyuan, his eyes full of disdain: “What about doing it right?”

“Haha, haha.”

Yan Zhongyuan chuckled when he saw Wang Xian’s appearance: “Interesting, interesting, there are still people in Jiangcheng who dare to oppose our Yan family. You will soon know the consequences!”

“Really?” Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he grinned. He ignored him and turned to look at several warriors: “Who else wants to come out.”

“Let me come, my wounds used to fight with people, and my internal organs were burned by magic power. I had invited an apprentice from the holy doctor, but it was not cured.”

A middle-aged man stood up and opened his clothes. There was a clearly visible palm print on his abdomen.

There are dense black shops printed on the palms, which looks terrifying.

“Black Rain Palm!”

Fang Huazi saw the middle-aged injury, with a look of surprise on his face.

“Yes, Black Rain Palm!” The middle-aged man nodded bitterly.

“What a weird injury!”

“It’s horrible, what kind of injury is this, if you go to our hospital, there is no way to start!”

Several hospital deans looked over, with shocked expressions on their faces, muttering.

Fang Huazi walked a few steps forward, staring carefully at the middle-aged injury.

“The injury should have been three years. The cultivation level of the person who used the Black Rain Palm was not high, so you could not be killed instantly, but in your situation, you will not live for five years!”

“You can’t do vigorous activities now, or even bend over, because the injury of the black rain palm will make you very painful!”

Fang Huazi exuded a wise light, he stood beside him and said, at this moment, he really looked like a medical master.

“Yes, the genius doctor Fang is right!”

The middle-aged man heard Fang Huazi directly confess all the problems, with an excited expression on his face: “Doctor Fang, can you treat it?”

“It’s so amazing, you can analyze all the conditions just by looking at it!”

“As expected to be a disciple of the saint, he is so skilled in medicine!”

“This Fang Huazi’s genius doctor is superb, that young man is going to finish.”

Fang Huazi’s few simple words up to the point made everyone around him feel very shocked.

Both the hospital dean and the warrior looked at Fang Huazi who was full of confidence in shock.

This is the powerful disciple of the saint!

“Hmph, even my master has a strong presence among the disciples of the saints.”

The young man on the side heard the exclamation of his surroundings, his face showed a smug look, and he stared at Wang Xian: “Wait later, your kid will obediently abolish his arms!”

With a faint smile on Fang Huazi’s face, he glanced at Wang Xian sternly, and said loudly, “I can cure this person, boy, how about you?”

All eyes were focused on Wang Xian’s body.

They were all called by Qin Lao Xue, for this young man, they did not have much confidence, the other party was too young.

Competing with the masters of the disciples of the saints now, everyone is not optimistic.

Especially the medical skills Fang Huazi demonstrated just now is too strong.

Even Lao Qin and Lao Xue looked at Wang Xian in amazement, with some uncertainty in their hearts.

After all, the opponent is a disciple of the saint.

“If you want to be treated, how will it be treated, and how long will it take.”

Wang Xian asked faintly without answering Fang Huazi’s words.

“With acupuncture and herbs, I can heal him within two days, boy, stretch your hands over.”

“Actually, you have another choice. I hate your mouth. You can use your tongue for your hands. Haha, a good deal!”

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