Chapter 1263 The Unrivaled Tianjiao King Beast (2)

The domineering aura radiated from Tang Lingwen’s body, and the voice resounded above the trial ground.


When he finished speaking, the position behind him, the second-order formation of the hole virtual, instantly covered a radius of ten kilometers.

The blood-colored killing array space exudes heart-palpitating fluctuations.

Beheaded, all human beings are also encased.

“What a strong killing formation, it is worthy of the second-order formation of Dongxu, too strong, the strong first-order Dongxu must die!”

“Haha, this demon king beast is about to die, arrogant, making you arrogant!”

“Pick off its skin and let him know the fate of killing our humans!”

More than 10,000 people in the rear saw the powerful formation, with an expression of excitement on their faces.

“This beast is doomed to escape!”

Tang Feng Tang Yuan’s group of people holding the formation method saw a dozen monsters being enveloped, their faces showing excitement.

However, at this moment, the Demon Lin King Beast standing opposite also smiled, and his smile was full of cunning expressions.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie, all the cards are exposed, haha, I can have a full meal!”

The savage and infiltrating voice of the Demon King Beast suddenly sounded, causing everyone to be taken aback.

“Huh? Beast, die!”

Tang Lingwen was slightly surprised when he saw the hideous Demon Lin King Beast, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

But soon he threw away this premonition, and the bloody knife in his hand swung forward.

A thousand-meter-long black sword light headed towards the demon-lin king beast.

“Do it!”

Tang Feng Tang Yuan and the others also gave a soft sigh, controlling the formation, and at the same time launched an attack.

Within a radius of ten kilometers, an extremely sharp black long sword appeared out of thin air.

The long swords are densely packed, with at least millions of handles in the entire space!



There was a sound of killing, and the thousand-meter blades and dense black long swords covered the front.

More than a dozen monsters were completely covered by the terrifying attack, and they couldn’t even see them.


“Faced with such an attack, no matter how strong you are, you will die!”

“Haha, beast, die!”

Excited expressions appeared on all human faces!


Suddenly, a terrifying howl shocked everyone’s eardrums, and everyone’s faces were shocked.


A terrifying flame suddenly rose from the position covered by the attack. In the sky, the black long swords and the swords were light.

Under the terrifying flame, it melted quickly.

The smiles on everyone’s faces froze, and their pupils slowly enlarged, full of incredible expressions.

“Haha, stupid human beings, wanting to kill my demon soul is just wishful thinking!”

“Today, I want to let you know that my demon soul is your nightmare, die, a bunch of stupid things!”

The voice of the demon soul king beast sounded, and the monstrous flame covered an area of ​​2,000 meters.

The small black sword in that formation quickly disappeared.

Within the dark scarlet formation, this demon king beast is like the flame king from hell.

“What? How is this possible?”

Tang Lingwen felt the terrifying power of the demon soul, and the flames that made the formation tremble, his face was shocked.

“Haha, a bunch of stupid things, do you think I am the first order of the hole? Jie Jie!”

The penetrating voice sounded again, and the demon soul resumed the horse form again, stepping on the void with its four hooves, carrying a terrifying flame and directly attacked Tang Lingwen.

“What? It’s not the first order of the hole, isn’t it?”

Tang Lingwen’s face suddenly became horrified, and an incredible expression appeared in his mouth.

“No, no…Is it impossible?”

Tang Feng Tang Yuan’s group of people holding the formation method also changed drastically.

The humans behind him were even more shocked.

Isn’t it the first order of the hole?

Is it?

Second-order hole virtual?

“Beast, don’t want to lie to me, Faxiang: Dark Demon Sword!”

Tang Lingwen gritted his teeth tightly and yelled, his body gushing out in terrifying darkness like an abyss.

The darkness condenses into a thousand-meter-sized demon sword.

“Attack, attack!”

Tang Feng Tang Yuan also quickly roared loudly, controlling the power of the formation, and attacking towards the demon soul.

“Jie Jie, a bunch of ants, a bunch of ants!”

The rushing demon soul flicked its tail, and the flame on his body turned into a larger demon soul itself.


It roared, its front hoofs leaped, and it bit directly at the kilometer-sized dark demon knife.


The extremely powerful dark monster, Tang Lingwen’s strongest attack, collapsed at a terrifying speed under the attack of the monster soul.

“Do not!”

Tang Lingwen was shocked, his face was full of incredible expressions, and he roared loudly.


Tang Feng and Tang Yuan’s foreheads were instantly filled with cold sweat, and the black long swords were melted by the flames before they fell on him.

The formation of the second-order Dongxu, it is difficult to kill the strong of the second-order Dongxu, at most it can deal with the first-order Dongxu.

In the face of such a terrifying demon soul, it is completely impossible to cause harm to it.

Especially when it releases Dhamma.

“Go to hell, a human who knows nothing about life or death, Jie Jie Jie!”

The demon soul locked Tang Lingwen’s gaze and rushed directly towards him. It opened its largest mouth and bit towards him.

“not good!”

Feeling the devastating attack on the demon soul, Tang Lingwen showed a panic expression in his eyes.

At this moment, he did not have the self-confidence and dominance of the world just now.

Some are only panic!

The contemporary Tianjiao King Beast of the Monster Beast clan turned out to be the second-tier cave, which is simply shocking.


He hurriedly raised the long knife in his hand to resist the attacking demon soul.

However, the horrible flames burned the dark energy around him, and his arms trembled.

Dongxu’s first-order, facing Dongxu’s second-order, there is no strength to resist at all.


Tang Lingwen’s eyes widened, with despair in his eyes.

A big mouth with a blood basin, biting directly on his body.


The power of terror swallowed it directly.

“Hoho, delicious blood!”

The demon soul screamed in excitement, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

It slowly looked towards the human in front of it, and licked its tongue.

“What? How is this possible? How is this possible?”

“Senior Tang Lingwen…no no…”

“Run away, run away!”

The faces of all the human beings who watched this scene showed horror and shouted in horror.


But the two princes of Tang Feng and Tang Yuan saw that Tang Lingwen was easily beheaded and their hair exploded. Without hesitation, they fled directly towards the exit.

“Jie Jie, relying on your group of ants, still want to escape?”

The cold voice of the demon soul resounded in everyone’s ears, exuding a figure of terrifying power, and rushed directly.


Tang Feng Tang Yuan saw the demon soul rushing over, and directly discarded the formation compass in his hand, causing it to burst out with instant power and attack toward the demon soul!

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