Chapter 1248

“This…how could it be…impossible…”

The time Wang Xian fought with Muyuan was very short, only less than two seconds.

At the moment when the surrounding crowd watched the battle erupt instantly, Muyuan was already dead.

He widened his eyes and looked at his chest in disbelief.

How could this be? He is using two magical powers to fight against one of the other’s magical powers. Is this all right?

“Tsk tsk, with this kind of strength, dare to come up and die?”

Wang Xian shook his head disdainfully.




At this moment, it seemed that the entire space had calmed down, and everyone stared at Mu Yuan, who was slowly falling to the ground, with wide-eyed eyes!

“Just… just die like this?”

Tang Yuan and Tang Ling’er were shocked and murmured in their mouths.

It’s so dead!

This is too fast!



Around, there were sounds of neatly breathing air-conditioning, and they stared blankly at the Wang Xian wearing a mask and a black robe, and their hearts were shocked.

Just now, re-elected Xingchen failed to defeat Mu Chen within five or six moves, but suppressed him.

However, Wuming Tianjiao only uses one trick!


“The strength of Wuming Tianjiao is stronger than Ren Xingchen, otherwise Ren Xingchen would not say that Muyuan is not qualified to compare with him!”

A young man thought of what Ren Xingchen had just said, took a deep breath, and said in a daze.

The person next to him nodded in agreement.

“No… his strength!”

Han Mingshan, who was fighting Ling Jian’er, passed away Mu Yuan who was killed in an instant, his eyes widened.


At this moment when he lost consciousness, a bright sword light fell on his chest.

His face changed slightly, blue light bloomed on his body, and the position of his chest directly condensed into a horrible whirlpool.

The armor on the body is opened directly.

But when this dazzling sword light fell on him, a terrifying sound of impact came.

Han Mingshan’s face changed drastically, staring at Ling Jian’er, “How can your sword light be so terrifying!”

He asked himself whether he was weaker than Ling Jian’er, but now he realized that he was wrong.


He was flushed with screams from all around him.


A roar came from his throat, and a stream of water wings appeared directly behind him.

The whole person is like a swift stream of water, fleeing directly towards the distance.

Ling Jian’er watched him escape, frowned slightly, and did not pursue.

In addition, the elite disciples of the Hanhai Dynasty who were being slaughtered by Ren Xingchen also quickly fled towards the distance.

Seeing that Ling Jian’er hadn’t chased him, Wang Xian hadn’t taken any action either.


Xiao Ha looked at Wang Xian excitedly, and moved directly towards him.


Wang Xian looked at Xiao Ha and rushed towards him for a moment: “This dog has good meat quality, it should be delicious!”

“Huh, come here, Xiaoha!”

Ling Jian’er heard Wang Xian’s concealment and walked towards Wang Xian and shouted.

Ren Xingchen also walked toward Wang Xian with fiery eyes.


Wang Xian glanced at them, threw Xiao Ha to Ling Jian’er, turned and walked towards Tianjiao Terrace.

He looked at the densely packed tens of thousands of people around him, with a faint smile on his face.

“Tianjiao, who is ahead of me, please go back to Tianjiao. I want to break through the Tianjiao list. Don’t waste my time!”

The fluttering language came from his mouth, making all the young people stunned.

Wang Xian ignored their movements and flew towards the position of Tianjiao Terrace.

Ren Xingchen did not hesitate to catch up.

Ling Jian’er looked at his figure with blinking eyes, and directly chased after him.

“To break through the ranks of Tianjiao? How strong is the strength of this nameless Tianjiao!”

“One move to kill Mu Yuan in seconds, this nameless Tianjiao should have the strength to break through the Tianjiao list!”

“Originally, a group of people from the Hanhai Dynasty besieged Ling Jian’er, but now they flee in terror. That nameless Tianjiao is too terrifying!”

Tens of thousands of eyes stared at the three figures, and one of them uttered an exclamation with difficulty.

“Brother Six, you said… Brother Fourth is his opponent!”

Tang Ling’er’s face changed drastically, and she looked at Tang Yuan uncertainly and asked.

“A few days ago, the second brother said that he is not necessarily Ren Xingchen’s opponent…”

Tang Yuan’s eyes flickered and said slowly, after saying this, he didn’t say anything.

Because everyone can see that Wuming Tianjiao is better than Ren Xingchen.

“This ranking list, maybe no one can stop the Wuming Tianjiao!”

A young man sighed and said heavily.

“Who said that the Chiba senior of our Kamikaze Academy is Jedi better than him!”

At this moment, a voice of opposition came.

I saw a young man wearing Kamikaze Academy costumes with a dissatisfied face raised his head: “With the strength of our Chiba seniors, that nameless Tianjiao is definitely not an opponent!”

“Yes, our Chiba senior is the strongest, huh, at the beginning our senior also defeated a top ten Tianjiao!”

“I don’t think Chiba is an opponent of Wuming Tianjiao, Makihara, but he is ranked ninth, with one move, what concept is this? Chiba can’t do it either!”

“Yes, obviously when I saw it, it was definitely an unnamed Tianjiao, and Qianye was definitely not his opponent!”

“Nonsense, Brother Chiba, the younger generation is the world’s best, no one is his opponent!”

“Everyone from the Shenfeng Academy, is it so difficult to admit that others are strong? It’s definitely an unnamed Tianjiao strong!”

“Fart, I dare say, as long as Wuming Tianjiao dares to challenge our Chiba senior, he will be well educated!”

Suddenly, the whole Tianjiaotai stage became lively, and the voices of arguing sounded one by one.

Many people believe that Wuming Tianjiao is the strongest, able to beat the entire Tianjiao list.

Kamikaze Academy and some others believed that Chiba was the strongest, and Wuming Tianjiao was definitely not an opponent.

Slowly, more and more people joined in, almost quarreling one by one.

It’s almost time to finally take up arms and do it.

“Compared with Chiba? That nameless is worse!”

Tang Yuan glanced at the group of people who were arguing, and walked directly towards the Tianjiao Pavilion with a bad expression on his face.

A battle between Hanhai Dynasty and Ling Jian’er ended in the dispute between Wuming Tianjiao and Qianye.


At this moment, Ren Xingchen, who was following Wang Xian to the Tianjiao Platform, shouted at Wang Xian desperately.

“Okay, when it’s okay, hurry up and hide, don’t let the people of Hanhai Dynasty go to death!”

Wang Xian turned around and frowned and said to Ren Xingchen.

“Senior, I want to follow you!”

Ren Xingchen lowered his head and said weakly towards Wang Xian.

“You are so weak, don’t hold me back!”

Wang Xian shook his head directly and looked at Ling Jian’er on the side.

“I want to repay your life-saving grace!”

Ling Jian’er looked at him and said directly.

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