Chapter 125 The Medical Center Opens (Third)

Wang Xian ignored this guy, he was rather disgusted with the middle-aged teenager.

If the two of them had a better attitude, he wouldn’t say anything.

But the other party kept staring at him, and looked up and down without hesitation when he came to the front.

I don’t know that this middle-aged man is a pervert.

For this kind of person, Wang Xian will not be used to it, who cares about you?

Love so and so!

Behind him, the faint smile on the middle-aged face suddenly froze, and his expression slowly became gloomy, staring coldly at Wang Xian’s figure.

“Master, this kid is very arrogant. At the beginning, he said that our saint disciples were rubbish. It was too arrogant. We should teach him a lesson!”

The teenager on the side stared at Wang Xian’s figure and said viciously.

He has been holding grudges about the last time, but this time the master came over and mentioned it.

What he didn’t expect was that his master aroused curiosity and conducted some investigations on the young man, which surprised them very much.

According to the information of the disciples of their saints, the other party did not come from the disciples of the saints.

It is very likely that the other party has inadvertently obtained the inheritance of superior medical skills.

So, his master gave birth to some thoughts.

“It’s crazy enough, this kid thinks he has arrogant capital!”

The middle-aged stared at Wang Xian’s back with twinkling eyes: “I think I’m so arrogant after climbing the Qin family and Xue family, haha.”

“Master, he probably doesn’t know how powerful our saint’s disciples are, should we teach him a good lesson!”

A dark cloud flashed in the young boy’s eyes and said.

“Holy disciples, don’t insult, insult, ghosts and gods are hard to save!”

A cold look appeared on the middle-aged’s face: “I originally wanted to recruit him into the saint’s disciple and let him hand over his medical skills inheritance. Since I don’t know what is good or bad, then I don’t have to give him face, huh!”

“Master, what should we do?” When the boy heard the master’s words, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

“Of course it is to teach him a lesson, isn’t this kid going to open a medical clinic? In that case…”

The middle-aged eyes flickered: “Some guys don’t know good or bad, then teach him a lesson, ha ha.”

“Yes, Master, we must teach him a lesson!”

A look of excitement appeared on the boy’s face.

To provoke our saint’s disciples is to seek death.

Ghosts are hard to save!

“Let’s go, let’s meet the Yan family, I heard that the old man from the Yan family has already taken half a step.” The middle-aged said.

“It’s the master!”

The boy nodded and followed behind the master.

Yan family, Jiangcheng Guwu family ranked first, an absolute giant exists.

The Yan family has been in seclusion for twenty years, but even after twenty years of changes, the Yan family is still recognized as the first family in Jiangcheng.

The Yan family’s strength is definitely not comparable to other Guwu families.

Wang Xian came to the Shenlong Medical Hall and gave some opinions to the decoration workers.

Because the best materials are used, it can be put into use immediately as long as the decoration is done.

In addition, Wang Xian contacted Qin Lao Xue Lao and asked them to help propagate.

Propaganda is very difficult for Wang Xian, but very easy for them, especially Qin Lao.

Elder Qin asked him directly for his relationship. In the future, as long as the patients of Jiangcheng Hospital who have the conditions can not be treated in the hospital, they will be advised to come here for treatment.

And Wang Xian also set a price.

The cost of treatment started at two million, no money, sorry, leave.

Shenlong Medical Center is not a charity organization, and it will not give treatment if there is no money.

He would not treat a poor man when the Virgin Mary came to him.

There are so many poor people in the world. If they all need his treatment, wouldn’t he be exhausted?

So Wang Xian has prepared a few rules.

1: The treatment cost is not less than two million, depending on the situation.

2: Those who have no money will not be given treatment.

3: The therapist makes an appointment in advance.

4: Daily business hours from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon.

The four rules, in his opinion, are not very harsh, and they can all be accomplished.

As time passed day by day, Wang Xian stayed in the hotel and Shenlong Medical Hall every day.

The weather has been relatively hot these days, and Xiaoyu complained to him that the military training was too hot all day long.

Seeing her getting darker day by day, Wang Xian found an opportunity to strengthen her body with dragon energy.

He was a little entangled in the future of the little girl.

He wanted Xiaoyu to practice with him and cultivate Shenlong Transformation.

But Xiaoyu doesn’t have the blood of Shenlong.

It is impossible for Wang Xian to drip his own blood into his sister’s body.

Because if the younger sister absorbs his essence and blood, he will be controlled by him in disguise, and there will be a thought of surrender.

It is naturally impossible for him to let his own sister be like this.

It’s okay to cultivate Guwu, but he doesn’t have a cultivation method right now.

Mo Wudao’s cultivation technique belongs to magic power, not suitable for Xiao Yu’s cultivation.

And the Xue family’s exercises are even more so that only men can practice.

Therefore, Wang Xian did not tell Xiaoyu too much for the time being. After the Dragon Palace is built, there will naturally be a way.

There will be a treasure in the Dragon Palace called Dragon Fruit, which can transform the dragon after taking it.

When the time comes, let her sister take Hualongguo.

“Boss, everything is ready, it can be opened tomorrow!”

On the fourth day, Manager Huang looked at everything in the medical hall and said to Wang Xian.

“Well, it’s okay.”

Wang Xian nodded.

The medical hall has been renovated, and the whole room is blue, all of which are made of wood.

Cyan represents the properties of wood, and Wang Xian thinks this color is more appropriate.

The whole room is very simple, with three beds and four chairs in the center.

The style upstairs is the same as here, with three beds also placed.

“Everyone who should be invited has already been invited. Tomorrow, the medical hall will officially open!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face. If the hospital could rise, the future income would definitely not be comparable to that of Yipin Pavilion.

In the early morning of the next day, the medical hall opened without any stage or publicity.

Wang Xian took two wooden signs and placed them on the left and right sides of the hospital.

One is the opening of the business.

One is the rules of Shenlong Medical Center.

As for the rules, they are the four rules set by Wang Xian.

As a Shenlong Medical Center, compulsory grids are still necessary.

Two signs are placed in the front, very eye-catching.

There is a lot of people in the ancient street, and some people look at this medical hall curiously.

This thing is almost extinct in modern medical centers, only pharmacies, health attendants and hospitals.

It is rare to see the old medical hall.

Some people around looked curiously at this quaintly decorated medical hall.

A curious old man leaned over, looked up at the plaque, and then glanced at the sign at the door, with a look of astonishment on his face.

“What is written on this?

The treatment cost is not less than two million, depending on the situation.

Those who have no money are not given treatment.

The therapist makes an appointment in advance.

It is open every day from 9 am to 5 pm.

What kind of medical clinic is this for, and the cost is not less than two million? People nowadays are crazy about money.

It’s so expensive for the gods to see a doctor! ”

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