Chapter 1246 Tianjiao fights 3

“No one should leave any hands, give me her corpse to pieces, to honor the spirit of Ming and Qing in the sky!”

In front of Tianjiaotai, the prince of the Hanhai Dynasty, Han Mingshan, the third dark horse of Tianjiaotai, slowly laid Han Mingqing’s body on the ground, shouting with murderous expression on his face.


Around, more than 30 people from the Hanhai Dynasty surrounded Ling Jian’er, and their faces were full of anger and murderous aura.

At the central location, Ling Jian’er’s face was still coldly scanning the surroundings, without the slightest movement on his face.

Even if she had fallen into a desperate situation, she still did not make a move.


Xiao Ha floated into the air from Ling Jian’er’s shoulders, with a fierce look on his cute little faces.

Protect the Lord eagerly.

“Give me a hand, kill!”

Everyone around was silent, staring at Ling Jian’er and the people of the Hanhai Dynasty in the field one by one.

The Water Spirit Orb in Han Mingshan’s hand was spinning in front of him, and the murderous voice resounded throughout the sky throughout his life.

“With so many big men, it’s not appropriate to bully a girl!”

As soon as his voice fell, a voice sounded directly.

This made the Hanhai dynasty people who were just ready to do it for a moment, and followed their voices with gloomy faces and looked over.

Han Mingshan’s face changed slightly, and his murderous gaze turned directly.

“It’s really embarrassing, to fight a girl, hey, hey!”

The frivolous and disdainful voice sounded again.

The sound naturally came from Wang Xian, who was suspended in the air, slowly pacing towards Ling Jian’er’s position.

The crowd around was also slightly taken aback.

Who dares to intervene in this matter?

Are you looking for death?

This is a matter of the Hanhai Dynasty, whoever participates is an enemy of the entire Hanhai Dynasty!

“Hi…how…how could it be him!”

“Wuming Tianjiao, it turned out to be Wuming Tianjiao, what is he going to do? Does the hero save the United States? Or does he know Ling Jian’er before?”

“This… Wuming Tianjiao, would this help Ling Jian’er?”

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They watched Wang Xian fly to Ling Jian’er, their eyes widened.

Ling Jian’er’s eyes were also full of astonishment. He looked at Wang Xian with an inexplicable luster in his eyes.


Little Ha, who was floating in the sky, blinked suspiciously, and then yelled twice in excitement.

“Anonymous Tianjiao?”

When Han Mingshan saw Wang Xian’s figure, his eyes flashed with cold light: “Did you come from looking for death?”

Wang Xian looked at Han Mingshan with a smile in his eyes: “It’s a pity that you don’t have this strength!”

A wave of confidence and contempt radiated from Wang Xian’s body.

This kind of wind and light, the aura that did not put the people of the Hanhai Dynasty in their eyes, made everyone around them slightly surprised.

“It’s worthy of being an unnamed Tianjiao, this kind of aura is definitely not something ordinary people can have!”

A young man looked at Wang Xian’s indifferent appearance, his face was full of surprise.


Ling Jian’er looked at Wang Xian with his eyes gleaming, and said softly.

Wang Xian waved his hand, looking completely indifferent.

“Don’t have this strength? Boy, you are too arrogant, since you want to help this demon girl, then you die with him!”

Around, a young man from the Hanhai Dynasty roared murderously in his eyes.

“Come on then, I really want to see how you guys made me die, haha!”

Wang Xian chuckled lightly and glanced at more than 30 people around him.

“Hey, this nameless Tianjiao really wants to help Ling Jian’er!”

“It’s really hard to say now, the people of Hanhai Dynasty want to kill them, it’s very difficult!”

“Ling Jian’er’s strength ranks fourth on the Tianjiao list, and it can be said that it is the top under the hole. It is hard to say that Han Mingshan is strong. I don’t know who is stronger and weaker than Wuming Tianjiao, but if there is no positive Han Mingshan. Against Ling Jian’er, although there are many other Hanhai Dynasty people, it is difficult to kill Ling Jian’er!”

“I don’t know what is the relationship between this Wuming Tianjiao and Ling Jian’er. After this incident, Wuming Tianjiao will definitely be hunted down by the Hanhai Dynasty.”

The people around looked at Wang Xian, talking in a low voice.

Han Mingshan stared at Wang Xian, his face changed slightly, Han Mingqing’s death, the nameless Tianjiao suddenly appeared.

So that he and the people of the Hanhai Dynasty really might not be able to keep each other behind.

“If you dare to help Ling Jian’er, my Hanhai dynasty will never let you go in the future, you will be chased by our Hanhai dynasty Dongxu strong!”

Han Mingshan stared at Wang Xianwei threateningly, and slowly walked two steps forward.

“Haha, I take off my mask, who do you know me?”

When Wang Xian heard his threat, there was a trace of abuse in his eyes.


Wang Xian’s words almost made Han Mingshan vomit blood, and some people around couldn’t help laughing.

“I’m going, this Wuming Tianjiao is very reasonable. With the mask off, no one knows that he is Wuming Tianjiao!”

“Haha, yes, this nameless Tianjiao really hides merit and fame, f*ck, clever!”

Some young people couldn’t help laughing.

The faces of everyone in the Hanhai Dynasty became more gloomy.

“Someone really came out to help Ling Jian’er!”

From a side position, Tang Linger frowned slightly when she saw the nameless Tianjiao who suddenly appeared: “Moreover, this guy who hides his head and shows his tail, he has already issued a challenge to me!”

“Linger, you shouldn’t be his opponent!”

Hearing her words, Tang Yuan stared at Wang Xian with twinkling eyes.

“A nasty guy who doesn’t dare to see people in his true colors!”

When she thought that Wuming Tianjiao had already challenged her, and she was probably not an opponent, she hated this Wuming Tianjiao even more.


Tang Yuan on the side showed contemplation, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke to the young man holding the wooden sword beside him.

The young man holding the wooden sword looked over and nodded slowly.

“People who hide their heads and show their tails are either lacking in strength or looking ugly. I don’t know which kind of person you belong to!”

Holding the wooden sword in his hand, he stared at Wang Xian and walked slowly towards the center.

“It’s Muyuan, this… Muyuan is going to…”

“Another Tianjiao joined in, and it’s Muyuan!”

“Han Mingshan, Mu Yuan, and Wuming Tianjiao, these three are the three most arrogant black horses today. Should the three of them compete!”

“This is interesting, the collision of the three dark horses, I really want to see who is strong and who is weak!”

The crowd around saw that Muyuan, who was holding a wooden sword, walked out again, and directly aimed at Wuming Tianjiao, with an expression of excitement on their faces.

“Then I may belong to the former, my strength is very weak!”

Wang Xian replied plainly when he saw the youth who came out suddenly, still with a faint smile on his face.

“Cool, this nameless Tianjiao is so humorous!”

“Some handsome, I like humorous boys!”

Wang Xian’s answer caused some nympholy girls around to make obsessive voices.

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