Chapter 1242 Fighting Tianjiao (6)

“Boom boom boom!”

In the sky, golden swords continued to attack Zhou Yanjun, and the terrifying penetrating power made his expression change drastically.

“I surrender!”

With just this move, Zhou Yanjun felt the horror of Wang Xian.

Facing Wang Xian, he felt as if he was facing a strong and weak hole.

After receiving this trick, Zhou Yanjun said quickly, turned and retreated outside.

Wang Xian nodded faintly, and did not continue to attack. He and Zhou Yanjun had no grudges, and would not beheaded for no reason.

“Hi, so fast, Zhou Yanjun gave in after only one move!”

“Zhou Yanjun may have sensed the gap with the other party. Didn’t you see that Zhou Yanjun’s face turned red when he just took the next move?”

The people around saw Zhou Yanjun’s quick surrender, and all of them showed surprise on their faces.

However, many people didn’t show much surprise on their faces. The Wuming Tianjiao’s strength basically had no opponents in the last twenty.

“His strength, I feel at least able to rank in the top five!”

Zhou Yanjun took a deep look at Wang Xian, secretly said in his heart, and went directly to the twentieth ring.

Winners go up, losers go down, this is Tianjiaotai’s rules.

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he moved directly to a room next to him.

There is an extra porcelain bottle in the room with six hundred spirit liquid inside.

The entire Tianjiao Platform is a huge large array operating, as long as it has energy, it can continue to operate.

And the energy comes from the spirit fluid, every time the Tianjiao arena fights, if you want to watch it, you will collect a spirit fluid to enter it.

Every Tianjiao battle will not be watched by tens of thousands of people, and this big formation can receive 10,000 spiritual liquids every time.

The Great Array has its own rules. The only one reward for defeating the nineteenth place is 600, which is not too much, but when it reaches the top five, it is time to earn the essence.

Five places defeated the fourth place and rewarded five thousand.

The fourth place beats the third place and the reward is 10,000.

The third place defeats the second place and rewards 20,000.

The second place defeated the first place and rewarded forty thousand.

If Wang Xian can get from twenty to first place, he will be able to get around 90,000 spiritual liquids in total.

The 90,000 or so spiritual liquid is about 63 million dragon crystals. Although there is still a big gap between the 1 billion dragon crystals, the speed is fast!

It takes up to ten days to climb to the top, and if it goes well, you can get ninety thousand souls in one day.


Without any hesitation, Wang Xian directly challenged the eighteenth place.

To Wang Xian’s surprise, the eighteenth young man on the Tianjiao list was practicing in the training room, and challenged on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the crushing began.

“Look at the list of Tianjiao, the strength of the Wuming Tianjiao is rapidly improving, my god, it seemed that it was only twenty, and now it is thirteen!”

“The speed of this improvement is too fast, it’s a fight with that Mu Yuan’s!”

“Mu Yuan has now been promoted to the eighth place. I don’t know if Wuming Tianjiao and Mu Yuan will collide. I don’t know which of these two dark horses is stronger!”

At this time, the crowd around Tianjiao Terrace who had not entered the ring saw the ranking on the Tianjiao list with shocked expressions on their faces.

The speed of this ranking is so fast that it has been promoted from 20 to 13 in less than half a day, and its strength can be imagined.

“Unfortunately, the twelfth Tianjiao youth is not here!”

When Wang Xian came to the twelfth arena in the 200-meter high ranking, he shook his head slightly.

Ranked twelfth, she is a woman, Tang Linger, the princess of a bloody dynasty.

Wang Xian didn’t care about her identity, and after giving the challenge, he returned to her challenge platform.

The thirteenth Tianjiao’s cultivation in the challenge platform, the increase in aura has reached four times, for many people, it is a good hole in the sky.

Just when Wang Xian was about to continue to comprehend the four-attribute combination, the communication stone pan received Long Xiaotian’s message.

“come yet?”

When Wang Xian saw the above information, he stood up with a smile on his face, and flew towards the place where he lived.

There are still some Void-level weapons and armors in his hand, a total of six pieces, none of these have been sold.

The six pieces are all above the first order of the cave, and each piece is worth not less than fifty or sixty billion middle-grade spirit stones.

Six pieces of at least 300 billion middle-grade spirit stones.

Long Xiaotian said that he sold all these weapons and armors for him.

He knew that Long Xiaotian wanted to win him over, but he did not refuse.

He has already regarded Long Xiaotian as a friend, and if he helps himself, he will naturally help him.

After Wang Xian left the Tianjiao Terrace, he took off his mask, took off the black robe on his body, and flew towards the place of residence quickly.

When he came to the pine and poplar forest, in front of his residence, five or six middle-aged people stood there.

Apart from the familiar Bai Qingsong, there were five other people, and Wang Xian had never seen it.

However, Wang Xian felt a powerful energy in them.

Especially the white-haired old man in the center.

When Wang Xian looked at the old man, the old man also looked at him, his eyes flickering.

“Brother Wang Xian!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s arrival, Long Xiaotian immediately shouted with a smile on his face.

Wang Xian smiled and nodded: “Brother Xiaotian, who are these?”

“These are the people of our Guanglong Kingdom, they are all my elders!”

Long Xiaotian didn’t give a deep introduction, and Wang Xian nodded towards the middle-aged people.

“Come in, everyone, since it was introduced by Brother Xiaotian, I will sell you the last six weapons and armors at 10% off the market price!”

Wang Xian opened the door and said with a smile.

“Haha, the little brother is really loyal, no wonder Xiaotian can become friends with the little brother!”

An old man laughed and said, looking at Wang Xian with kindness.

“I also only make friends with the right people. Brother Xiaotian is a very good person!”

Wang Xian responded with a smile and took them into the courtyard.

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, Long Xiaotian showed a happy expression on his face, motioned to the elders, and then walked in.


Seeing Wang Xian’s arrival, Ling Zilin and Blood Fiend Turtle let out a low growl and walked over in a pleased voice.

Wang Xian touched their heads, then took out the weapon armor and handed it to Long Xiaotian.

“These weapons, show the seniors!”


Long Xiaotian took it and handed it to several middle-aged and elderly people.

Several people took them in their hands and looked at them, with satisfied expressions on their faces.

“Yes, Xiaotian, give the spirit liquid directly to your brother!”

The white-haired old man in the center looked at it with a satisfied look on his face and nodded directly.


With a smile on Long Xiaotian’s face, he nodded and handed the spirit liquid bottles to Wang Xian.

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