Chapter 1230

Dharma phase: Purple thunder stepping into the air!

Ling Zilin’s supernatural powers!

Wang Xian once had a deep understanding of Ling Zilin’s supernatural powers, even in the face of the realm of fire, it could crush it to pieces.

“Boom boom boom!”

The dull voice sounded like a spring thunder, and the purple thunder gathered under Ling Zilin’s front hooves.

Terrifying energy flooded the surroundings. If it weren’t in the sky, if it wasn’t for the earth to block the law, they would fight, and the Jedi could destroy everything within a radius of five or six kilometers.

“Ah, die for me!”

The hole virtual powerhouse of the Jiuxing Dynasty showed a desperate look on his face. Around him, dozens of ten-meter-sized scarlet gold blades surrounded him, directly attacking the Ling Zilin and the Blood Fiend Turtle.

When the two fierce beasts saw his attack, their eyes were still full of fierce addiction and rage.



Ling Zilin greeted him, stepping on his front hoofs in the air, tearing at the thunder and lightning, looking from a distance as if the space was cracked.

The Blood Fiend Turtle also roared, and the surrounding earth blockade squeezed quickly.

Earth blockade not only possesses the ability to block space, but also enables terrorist attacks to erupt.

Otherwise, it can’t be called a supernatural power.


Three ways, three terrifying attacks, rushed up with a terrifying speed.

Around, everyone looked at this scene with shocked faces.

Even on the large buildings, a powerful man with a reputation and a virtual level was standing on it, watching the battle here coldly.

The battle of the hole virtual level, and this kind of desperate battle, is not often seen in the cemetery of the monsters.

Every Dongxu strong cherishes his life very much, and there is no full assurance that two Dongxu seldom meet each other in life and death.

Moreover, it is also difficult to kill a strong person with a hole in the void.

If another person flees desperately, it is difficult to behead a strong man with a hole in the void.

But here, there are obviously some surprises.

Two fierce beasts of the first order of the hole fought against an ordinary strong man of the hole, and most importantly, the bloody tortoise’s earth blockade the magical powers.

The strongest of this magical power is defense and blockade.

“Crack to death!”

“Boom boom boom!”

Purple thunder stepped into the air, the earth was blocked, and the world was golden swords!

Zi Lei Takong and Jin Dao Huan collided with each other, sending out a terrifying aura of annihilation.

The imaginary strong man of the Nine Star Dynasty showed a madness on his face.

This blow could not be resisted, and death was waiting for him.

Jin Dao Huan Yu and Zi Lei Takong collided together, and the two terrifying energies quickly disappeared.

More than a dozen golden knives quickly dissipated one by one.

“It’s over!”

At this time, what made the Nine Star Dynasty Dongxu strong person desperate was that the attack of the earth blockade had arrived.

The earth is blocked, with a thick earth wall measuring four kilometers in size, squeezing towards the enemy.

With the squeezing, the lock of the earth became smaller and smaller, and finally a thick earth and rock exuding yellow was formed.

Under the control of the blood evil tortoise, the earth and rocks passed through Ling Zilin’s side, and squeezed directly towards the strong and weak hole.

The strong man at the cave virtual level of the nine-star dynasty, who was already at a disadvantage, was hit by the earth blockade again.

The golden knife quickly collapsed.


An unwilling scream came, and the sound came to an abrupt end.

The hole virtual powerhouse of the Nine Star Dynasty collapsed directly.


The death of the strong man in the hole made the obese young man Jiu Quanliang standing on the side a gray face.

Behind him, the five young men and women who were only alive were also desperate.

The hole virtual strong are dead, what resistance will they have next?

Absolutely not!

They looked at Jiu Quanliang, who was standing in front, with a sullen expression.

If it weren’t for this damn guy, if this damn fat pig was killed just now, how could they face such a situation.

They hate it!


Just when the six people of Jiuquanliang were desperate, the thunder and lightning of death had already arrived.

Ling Zilin shook his tail disdainfully, and a purple thunder fell directly on the six people, but there were even sixth-order youths who were beyond the seventh and eighth, and died directly under the thunder and lightning of Ling Zilin.

It seems that I have never been in this world before.


The people around were slightly shocked when they saw this scene.

They saw two ferocious beasts approaching the young man, their eyes flickering.

Some people looked at the inconspicuous grocery store behind, and the name of Longfeng grocery store also entered the sight of many people.

“Haha, well, Brother Wang Xian, you two fierce beasts are really powerful!”

Seeing that a strong caveman was killed on the spot, Long Xiaotian’s eyes were also slightly shocked, and he said loudly with joy.

“It’s them who are looking for death by themselves, come to my store to collect fees, and they want to take my things!”

Wang Xian shook his head lightly and said.

“They are damned, but besides them, some people are damned too!”

Long Xiaotian said, turning his head, looking at Yin Xianfeng and the crowd behind the Eight Prince, with mockery in his eyes.

Wang Xian also turned his head and looked at it with a smile on his face.


Yin Xianfeng’s expression was extremely embarrassing, he turned his head and looked aside.

“Hehe, awesome, this Wangxian brother is really amazing, how angry I was just now!”

Hachioji saw Long Xiaotian with his head held high and a sneer on his face, his face was also very embarrassed, he took a deep breath and arched his hands towards Wang Xian.


He said, snorted with a calm face, and turned to leave.

When Long Xiaotian saw the eight prince leaving with embarrassment, he was in a great mood, and his heart was very happy.

“Hachioji, did I let you go?”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Long Xiaotian on the side was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Wang Xian next to him with a stupefied expression on his face.

Even Hachioji, who had just walked two steps, stiffened.

“Why, such a brother? You still want to keep me here?”

Hachioji turned his head slowly with a sullen face, staring at Wang Xian’s non-stop flashing eyes, and said coldly.

“Don’t you come here to kill me and still want to go back safely?”

Wang Xian looked at the cold eyes of the eight prince, with a smile on his face.

He walked slowly to the front, until he came to a position about 100 meters in front of Hachioji.

Beside him, Ling Zilin and the bloody tortoise followed, their blood-red eyes staring at the Eight Princes and the crowd.

“Haha, hahaha!”

Hachioji suddenly laughed wildly when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

He stared at Wang Xian, his smile slowly reduced, and his eyes became cold.

“Don’t let me go back safely? Do you have the strength? Are you capable of moving me? Are you capable of moving me?”

Hachioji pointed at Wang Xian, his eyes filled with disdain.

Even if he has two vicious beasts at the hole virtual level, what about?

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