A few words before the explosion!

Ready to explode, the most exploding time since the author wrote the book.

Chapter 40!

First of all, thanks to all the book friends who read my book, especially for following up to now.

Thank you for your support!

In order to update the forty chapters today, I haven’t been out for nearly a month.

Feel sorry for yourself!

Said this, I mainly want the genuine support from book friends, and make you feel sorry for me, haha!

I write books full-time and rely on my book friends to support me.

Writing a book is not easy, so I ask qualified book friends for genuine support.

The book is first published in Q and Q reading, I hope you can watch the genuine Q and Q reading!

Of course, other genuine channels are also available!

Thank you all here!

It would be better if there are local tyrants to give rewards, haha!

The above comes from the most handsome nine-nine-three!

To book friends who are more handsome than me!

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