Chapter 1216 The name of the sword demon (6)

“Haha, you think that Ren Xingchen will be afraid of you. If you want to kill me, you will have to pay a tragic price!”

Ren Xingchen saw the rest of the Mon people staring at him, and his face was full of warfare.

Even if there are five or six strong men with a half-step hole among them, but he is not afraid.


More than thirty people of the Mon clan revealed chills, and directly attacked Ren Xingchen.

More than thirty people, menacing.

Not to mention that more than 200 people of the Mon ethnic group died, but 30 of the most elite and powerful people survived.

“The Mon people have taken action again. The mysterious man is restrained by the two strong men. It is estimated that the young man is still fierce!”

All the people around looked at from a distance, and saw more than 30 strong Mon people rushing over again, whispering.

“I said, I will save his life, since you are going to die in advance, then I will fulfill you!”

Just before the Mon people from below rushed past, a cold voice came from above.

The people of the Mon ethnic group who were rushing towards their bodies were slightly stiff, with a trace of horror on their faces, and they quickly looked towards the sky.

“I want to save that kid during the battle with us. I tell you, with your strength, he can’t be saved. My Mon nationality declared him dead. No one can keep it!”

An elder of the Mon clan shouted loudly when he heard Wang Xian’s arrogant words.

“Haha, it’s up to you!”

Wang Xian held the Wumo Sword in his hand and waved it directly, and the earth dragon shield directly blocked their attack.

“Light and darkness!”

At the moment when they blocked the attack of the two, Wang Xian’s figure was shocked.

The darkness suddenly spread from his body towards the surrounding space.

He was like a demon, and the sun could not shine into his darkness.

Supernatural powers of light and darkness.

At this time, the magical powers of light and dark understood through the heart of light and dark are also a combination of magical powers.

This magical power, Wang Xian almost never used it.

Now there are deceiving dzi beads, which can be displayed unscrupulously.


The darkness quickly spread to the surroundings, directly covering a two-kilometer radius.

In this space, except for him, the speed, perception, and attack of everyone else have all decreased.

But here, Wang Xian’s attack and speed could more than double directly.


When the darkness enveloped, Wang Xian stared at the bottom, and his figure moved.


The faces of all the Mon people who were shrouded in the dark moment changed drastically, and they quickly shouted loudly.


In this space, this group of warriors who have not reached the hole virtual level, in his opinion, are completely unresisting ants.

Wang Xian’s speed was so fast that even the two old men of the Mon nationality did not react.

“Puff puff!”

Located in the light and darkness, Wang Xian is like a wicked demon transformed into a ghost.

The non-magic sword in his hand is like a death sickle that reaps life.

In this area, a group of Mon people has no resistance at all.

With a sound of penetration, they did not even scream, and they died directly under Wang Xian’s sword.

“Damn, damn, you mysterious ghost, die for me!”

In the sky, the two elders of the Mon ethnic group felt that the vitality below quickly disappeared, their faces were violent, and they roared loudly.

Wang Xian raised his head with a cold expression on his face.

The real battle has just begun, and now, he is about to burst out his full strength!

“Kill one first!”

Wang Xian’s eyes were extremely cold, his figure moved, and he directly greeted the two strong men in the sky.

“Pharma: Heavenly Wind Sword!”

A strong hole in the hole couldn’t help it anymore and directly released his strongest attack.

Faxiang, Tianfeng Sword.

The most powerful attack at the hole virtual level directly stabs towards Wang Xian.

A dark cyan long sword surrounded by a cyan hurricane, the long sword gradually only two meters in size.

But the hurricane around the long sword swept all creatures in a radius of one kilometer.

Even the dark and light with supernatural powers trembled violently under the power of the weak and strong.

Supernatural powers are different from Dhamma. After the supernatural powers are released, they will quickly dissipate.

And the law phase can last for dozens of seconds, or even a few minutes, during these few minutes, the attack of the strong in the hole has been exploded several times.

This is the strongest point of Dhamma.

“Windshield, sleep me, damn guy, go to hell!”

The eyes of another Mon clan’s strong weak hole were extremely bloody red, and his whole body was shaken, and the invisible wind energy in the entire area surged directly towards Wang Xian.

A huge bondage appeared around Wang Xian.

“If you want to trap me, the water will overflow the golden mountains!”

Wang Xian figured for a while, forming a protective cover around him.

“The Realm of Fire!”

There was a cold expression in his eyes, and a huge flame mountain peak appeared directly in front of him, and he resisted the two Mon clan veterans’ attack.

“His, a strong attack, but Tianfeng Sword, cut it for me!”

The Heavenly Wind Sword surrounded by the hurricane slashed directly towards the Fire Territory, and the terrifying energy directly exploded the Fire Territory.


The Fire Territory was defeated, but the Tianfeng Sword was not completely defeated.

The hurricane around the Faxiang Tianfeng Sword dissipated under the collision of the Fire Territory, leaving a bright cyan long sword, and attacked towards Wang Xian.

“Haha, die!”

The old Mon clan who controls the Tianfeng Sword showed a hideous look on his face.

With a wave of the old Mon ethnic group’s arm on the side, a windshield quickly moved towards him.

“It’s this time!”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes, his body speed did not slow down the slightest, but increased again, directly facing the bright blue wind sword.


At the moment when Wang Xian was about to collide with the Tianfeng Sword, the two elders of the Mon clan shouted.

“Darkness and nothingness!”

Wang Xian’s figure was shocked, and he displayed the most heaven-defying talent of the wicked demon clan, nothingness.


The windshield surrounded him, and the bright sky wind sword pierced his chest.

When smiles appeared on their faces, Wang Xian’s figure became illusory.


A cold voice came, making the faces of the two old men of the Mon ethnic group stiff.

The moment when he had already seen this mysterious guy beheaded by him, the other party suddenly broke out a more terrifying attack, which made the two smile stiff and their pupils slowly enlarged.


Three-attribute fusion combat skills.

The target of Wang Xian’s attack was not the strong man who released the Dharma form, but another Mon clan elder.


Under the panic and hurried defense of the two Mon clan elders, the starburst erupted directly.

“Boom boom boom!”

The sound of horror resounded across dozens of kilometers.

Even if it was far away, some people looked over here, their faces full of surprise.

“What a terrifying aftermath of the attack, at least the second-tier strong man in the hole is fighting?”

Some people stagnated, looking in the direction of the sword house, their eyes flickering.

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