Chapter 1203 Treasures, Treasures, Treasures

In the tomb of the shemales, beside the ancient proverb mansion of the strong cavernous, everyone in the Spirit Formation Sect stood at the entrance of the cave mansion with gloomy eyes.

Around, the rest of the crowd also tacitly surrounded the ancient proverb mansion, waiting for the immortal king to come.

The weak are not guilty of guilt.

The weak are not qualified to own treasures.

“Even one by one guarded around!”

Wang Xian turned his head and looked at it, with a cold expression in his eyes. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he looked towards the front of the cave.

Entering the inside of the mansion, there is a cave inside, the whole mountain is completely empty, and inside is a place for cultivation.

The position above has collapsed, but because of the guardianship of the formation, the inside is extremely clean.

Once inside, Wang Xian could clearly sense that his aura was several times that outside.

Once the blood flow sect was built on a mineral vein, although the mineral vein has been hollowed out, the foundation is still there.

Wang Xian walked about a hundred meters, and a hall of the cave mansion appeared in sight.

In the central position, there is a futon.

Near the wall, there are tables, chairs and benches, which are obviously used to entertain guests.

Even for thousands of years, there is still no damage.

“I don’t know what treasures are inside!”

The gaze in Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and the dark and dark fire dragon eyes immediately displayed, scanning the surroundings.

“Huh? This futon is still a treasure!”

Wang Xian looked at the futon sitting in the middle of the practitioner. He moved his body and flew directly over, holding it in his hand with a wave of his arm.

“Tsk tut, the futon used for auxiliary cultivation can be comparable to a half-step hole virtual weapon!”

There was a smile on Wang Xian’s face, it was worthy of being the mansion of the strong and weak.

In the income space ring, Wang Xian swept toward it again, but the entire hall had no high-value items.

He looked up.

In the upper position, there are stone caves, with the largest one in the center.

Wang Xian flew up and pushed open the central stone gate.


The stone door opened, and Wang Xian looked inside. Inside, there should be an ancient saying where the strong would rest. There was a one-meter-sized spiritual tree in front of the bed.

But now it has withered.

He glanced around, frowned slightly, there was nothing.

Walked out of the central stone gate and came to the left position. Once opened, there was a corrosive smell inside.

Wang Xian frowned slightly and looked inside, where three three-meter-sized corpses of fierce beasts lay.

A fierce beast of at least a half-step hole virtual level starved to death in it.

“There are no treasures, right?”

With a helpless look on Wang Xian’s face, he walked towards the third cave.


When Wang Xian pushed open the door, he frowned again, bones, human bones.

And it’s still a woman’s bones, with more than a dozen people.

“It seems that this strong man is not a good thing, and has imprisoned so many women!”

Wang Xian glanced and walked towards the last two caves.


When Wang Xian pushed open the fourth stone cave, a strong spiritual energy rushed in.

He smiled and hurriedly entered inside.

A small piece of medicine garden.

The entire medicinal garden was covered by the formation, and there was a strong spiritual energy inside. There was a pool in the center, and there was half of the water in the pool.

A powerful aura came from the water.

“All of them are medicinal pills above the extraordinary rank eight, haha, more than two hundred plants, not bad!”

Wang Xian laughed, more than two hundred spirit grasses, enough to extract more than a hundred thousand dragon crystals.

Putting all the spirit grass into the naling bag, Wang Xian walked towards the last stone cave.

“I hope there are some good things in it, otherwise the cave house of a strong hole is too shabby!”

As Wang Xian said, he opened the last stone cave.


The moment the door opened, there was the sound of metal crashing inside.

Wang Xian looked at him with surprise on his face.

Weapons, in the last cave are all kinds of weapons.

In the central location, there is also a red water flow platform.

Next to the water flow platform, there is a pile of neatly arranged metals, all kinds of metals.

The lowest level of metal is beyond the ninth rank, and there are many metals of the first rank.

On the wall, there are ten weapons hanging on the wall. There are ten holes of the first order, and the rest are above the extraordinary eighth order, and there are hundreds of them.

Wang Xian grinned, he didn’t expect that this ancient proverb turned out to be a master of water refining.

“Not bad, these weapons can be sold for a lot of money, and these metals can also be made into weapons by themselves, and they are still the kind of suits!”

Wang Xian directly included it in the space ring.

“By the way, there is also the spatial ring of Master Hua Zhenzi!”

Wang Xian thought of the space ring he picked up easily when he came in, and immediately looked at it.

“A thousand drops of spiritual liquid, really poor, two extraordinary eighth-order formations, and one extraordinary ninth-order, they are pretty average!”

Wang Xian squinted, and the income from this trip can be converted into at least five million spiritual liquids.

“Tsk tusk, it seems that it won’t be long before I will be able to rise to Transcendent Rank 9!”

Wang Xian couldn’t help but laughed, the light and dark fire dragon’s eyes scanned a circle, and after finding that no treasure had fallen, he looked towards the entrance.

“Huh? Encircled everything!”

Wang Xian looked outside, and at the entrance, everyone in the Spirit Formation Sect stared coldly.

He frowned slightly, and there was a strong hole outside, and there were no more people who were strong in half a step.

Although it won’t keep him here, it’s also very troublesome.

“Get out of other places!”

Wang Xian thought for a while, and came to the opposite of the entrance. After a while, a golden light attacked the mountain peak with his palm.


The golden light fell on it, and the mountain peak dissipated directly, revealing the formation of protection.

With a move, Wang Xian flew directly outside.


Hundreds of people had surrounded the ancient proverb mansion. The moment Wang Xian rushed out, he attracted the attention of hundreds of people around him.

“He’s out, kill him!”

“This guy must have got a lot of treasures inside, keep him!”

Two roars sounded, and in an instant, the eyes of the nearest two half-step hole virtual powerhouses shot excited expressions and directly attacked Wang Xian.

“Do you really bully me?”

There was a cold light in Wang Xian’s eyes, his hands shook, a golden light, a red and blue ball of light, directly attacked the two strong holes near him.



Two special voices immediately attacked the two of them.



The two hurriedly waved their weapons and slashed towards Wang Xian’s attack.

However, the sound of screaming came instantly.

Jin Liu swept over, half of the body of the strong hole disappeared directly, and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

As for the other one, under the extremely explosive attack, it fell apart directly!

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