Chapter 118 Nine Dragons (third more)

Monkey King: Level 10

Extractable Dragon Qi: 201231

“At level ten, the amount of dragon energy that can be extracted has reached 200,000, which is almost twice as high as the original Prime Minister Tortoise. The strength of this magic monkey king is very strong, not even worse than me!”

Wang Xian looked at the Demon Monkey King ahead with a solemn expression on his face.

His current level is level 6, and he can leapfrog and fight level 11 creatures in the Shenlong state.

But this eleventh level creature is only a normal level.

Some eleventh-level creatures may be able to leapfrog and kill the twelfth-level existence.

Demon Monkey King, level ten, but the aura that it exudes is at least comparable to creatures of level eleven.

The Demon Monkey King stood on the top of the mountain that he had flattened, with an unknown metal stick of about seven meters on his shoulders, looking down at Wang Xian with a full face.

“This look!”

Wang Xian stared at the demon monkey ahead, reminding him of a character in the myth, Monkey King Monkey.

The vigorous look, also use sticks!

“Surrender or die!”

Wang Xian didn’t have the slightest timidity. The other party was not Monkey King, nor was he the Dragon King of the East China Sea!

“Kill my disciples and grandchildren, I will destroy you!”

The Monkey King slowly clenched the stick in his hand, his blood-red eyes full of black energy.

“Water monkey, if you don’t surrender to the Dragon King, we will kill you all!”

Prime Minister Turtle raised his huge head, and his body exuded an earthy-yellow aura.

Around him, there were rolling and rustic tumbling, and the huge body also exuded a heavy breath.

Prime Minister Turtle is not weaker than Demon Monkey King, and even stronger.


The Monkey King clenched the stick in his hand with both hands, and looked at Prime Minister Turtle with his teeth, and then at Wang Xian.

A trace of jealousy flashed in his bloody eyes.

“If you want me to surrender, you must defeat me, otherwise!”

The Monkey King said, waving the stick in his hand and making a whirring sound: “Otherwise, I will not accept it!”

“Okay, the Dragon King will make you surrender!”

Wang Xian stared at the Demon Monkey King, this demon monkey, with a high IQ, is a bit scary. If it can be accepted as a warrior, it will definitely be a great warrior in the future!

“If you want me to surrender, show your strength, otherwise, get out of my domain and forbid to step into it in the future!”

The devilish energy on the Devil Monkey King began to churn, and the seawater around it became a bit dark.


Wang Xian promised that such an unruly Demon Monkey King would only surrender if he completely defeated him, otherwise he would rather die than surrender.

Wang Xian opened the dragon claws, the metal nine claws exuded luster, his figure moved, and he directly attacked the Demon Monkey King.

“Good job!”

The magic monkey king moved like a magical shadow, even faster than Wang Xian, raising the stick in his hand and blasting it towards his head.

“Fast speed!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes. His tail was swaying, and the surrounding sea suddenly thickened. A radius of 100 meters seemed to have become a swamp land.

Control water!

“Haw, huh?”

The Monkey King felt the resistance around him greatly increase, and the magic flame on his body stretched out a blank area forcibly.

“Golden Dragon Splits!”

Wang Xian’s pair of dragon claws exudes a golden luster, and they tore directly towards the Demon Monkey King.

The devil energy around the devil king was directly torn apart, and eighteen golden cracks fell directly on the devil king’s body.

“Haw, roar!”

In an instant, deep scars appeared on the Demon Monkey King’s body, but the strange thing was that the Demon Monkey King did not bleed, but exuded a strong black energy.

It snarled up to the sky, and the stick in its hand exuded a strong black energy, and it swept across.

“Tulong Yutian!”

Feeling the power from the stick, Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and his body exuded an earthy yellow rusticity.


The black club slammed directly on Wang Xian’s body, his body shook uncontrollably, the rich rusticity was immediately dissipated, and a trace appeared on his body.


Feeling the pain coming from him, Wang Xian took a breath, and the powerful force made his body numb.

He was baptized with the attribute of blue wood on his body, and his injuries soon recovered again.

But this attack consumed a lot of his power.

“Let your demon flames rise to the sky, today I will defeat you too!”

Wang Xian was wagging his tail, the surrounding sea water was windless, and the sea water was extremely thick. He stared at the Demon Monkey King in front of him, slowly opening his mouth.

The dragon ball, spit out from the mouth again, this time, the dragon ball was wrapped in a layer of sea water, illuminating the entire seabed.

The Devil Monkey stared at Wang Xian solemnly.

The wound on his body is still exuding black air, which proves that he has been injured seriously.

The Monkey King held the stick tightly in his hand.


Wang Xian stretched out his palm, and the dragon ball was controlled by the water-control technique in the center of his palm, spinning vigorously.

Nine claws, tore away directly.

The face of Demon Monkey King slightly changed, and the viscous sea around him slowed his speed a lot, even slower than Wang Xian’s.

Can’t escape, can only resist hard.

He raised the stick in his hand and clasped his hands tightly: “Eat my stick!”

“I want to see how hard your stick is!”

Wang Xian’s face did not change, the dragon ball in his palm spun violently, and the golden dragon claws tore the air.


The dragon claw dragon ball collided with the stick of the magic monkey king, and the water around the dragon ball dispersed, exuding a terrifying temperature.


The flames of the dragon ball spread. At the same time, Wang Xian opened his mouth, and the dragon flame spurted out, covering a radius of 100 meters.

The flame burned, burning the devilish energy on the demon monkey king.


The screaming sound came from his mouth, like a monkey being put into a gossip furnace.

“Serve, I am willing to surrender!”

The Demon King shouted loudly.

Wang Xian opened his mouth, swallowing the dragon ball and flames in one bite, and the devil monkey king slumped on the ground.

The sea water that was burned by the flame poured in again.

With a wave of Wang Xian’s dragon claw, a drop of colorful blood flew towards the Demon Monkey King.

“Absorb, don’t resist!”

Wang Xian shouted.

“Yes! My Monkey King, I am willing to surrender!”

The Devil Monkey raised his head, propped up his body with a stick, panting heavily. Although the fighting time was not long, it was very dangerous.

The Magic Monkey King did not have the skill to practice, and he was defeated!

“Ding, subdue the Demon Monkey King!”

The voice of the system came, and a smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face. With a wave of his dragon claw, the dragon gas entered the body of the Demon Monkey King to heal his injuries.

“Thank the Dragon King!”

The Monkey King half knelt down and said respectfully to Wang Xian.

“In the future, the nine divisions of Tianlong will be established, and today I will give you the name Ao Qitian, in charge of the Demon Division, and order all your subordinates to come over!”

Wang Xian gave the Demon Monkey King the cultivation method of the Devil Dragon Transformation, and said to him.

“Thank the Dragon King!”

The devil king knelt on the ground with his legs, blood-red eyes flashing with excitement.

“Go summon your men!”

Wang Xian commanded him that there are nine ways to cultivate dragons in Shenlong Transformation.

Jinmu, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, dark, nine kinds of dragons change.

Wang Xian is preparing to establish the Ninth Division of the Dragon Palace and fight for him.

The devil belongs to the dark, let the devil king be in charge of the devil in the future!

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