“Meet the Dragon King!”

“Meet the Dragon King!”

Lord Dragon Palace in the abyss, the leaders of Dragon Palace respectfully stood in front.

Among them, the most powerful ones are Tianzhen, Ao Qitian, Ao Qi, Ao Yao, Ao Xingmu, 8 Qi, Mosha, and 3 Devouring Dragons!

They are already the existence of Divinity Emperor Level.

There are 3 people in Tianzhen, plus 9 of Ao Yao and Wang Xian. There are 3 in total.

Together with Xiaozhai Xiaolan, there are a total of ten.

Ten 5 void Divine Emperor.

This is all the power of Dragon Palace today.

This power has far exceeded the previous imperial court.

Dragon Palace is not afraid even if it is alone against the Witch Club.

“The last battle is about to begin. We cannot lose this one.”

Wang Xian glanced at the members of Dragon Palace, and said so solemnly.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A group of Dragon Palace members roared immediately.

“Next, discuss the war.”

Wang Xian said.

“Dragon King, for the time being, we have a 60% chance of victory. The Sky Formation has been set up and can be tested against 8 Void Divine Emperor first-level powerhouses.”

“Formation is on, and the formation, imaginary formation, and defensive grand formation can completely entangle 8 Divine Emperor.”

“While there is a Divine Emperor in the Imperial Court, two Divine Emperors can be contained, except for the wizard of the Imperial Chamber, 2 Divine Emperor Abyss species can contain 2 Divine Emperor, We only need to deal with 2 Emperor and Wizards of Divine Emperor Tier 2 in the Void. The wizard Little Blue can completely compete, and the Emperor needs us to compete. The ten Divine Emperor in our Dragon Palace can completely fight the Emperor.

“Even we can vacate a Divine Emperor against some special and powerful Divine Items of the Imperial Court and the Witchcraft Society.”

“Our flame god eruption here is comparable to a Divine Emperor first-order powerhouse. It is only a matter of defense.”

The turtle queen said confidently.

After all, defense and offense are different concepts.

Apart from this, there are countless abyss species, this is a force to be reckoned with.

“Before the war began, Mosha 8 Qi had a great effect and could even have a great effect.”

Sky array looked towards 8 Qi Mo Sha, said.

“Jié jié jié, let’s take a look at the formidable power of our Venom Pterodactyl.”

8 Qi smiled and raised her head slightly.

“Report! Dragon King!”

Just then, outside the Dragon King Hall, Ao shrimp was yelled and came in immediately.

“Reporting to the Dragon King, the dragon came to say that the people of the Imperial Court and the Witchcraft Society had merged and should soon be moved towards us.”

Ao Xihui reports.

“Have you left?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered and he stood slowly.

“Dragon King, since they are coming towards here, we are ready to act.”

8 Qi Mo Sha said immediately.

“Okay, you guys get ready.”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded.


“Is this the Witch Man?”

“His, they are so horrible. Is the most beast in front of the star giant beast? Very powerful power!”

“The first row is full of powerful Divine King war beasts. This … there are enough thousand thousand?”

“Really strong, Chengwu will control a powerful Trading Company such as the Beast Pavilion, even if it has experienced the battle of the emperor, it is still terrifying today!”

At this moment, in the sky, all the emperor’s courts moved towards the northern void looking out.

In the front row, 9 flags hover high above the stars.

9 flags, 9 colors, corresponding to 9 attribute colors.

There is only one word on the banner, Witch!

In the front row, a powerful powerhouse rides a battle companion of the King Level.

In the center, there are two giant elephants and two golden elephants.

Their blooming rays of light contain terrifying power.

Each giant elephant has a size of dozens of kilometers, so its shape is a giant beast of the starry sky.

Behind the giant elephant, there are 6 shrines, each seated by a famous old man.

They are not at all brilliance, ordinary black clothes, with a witch character written on them.

It can be seen that they are loyal believers of witches.

Behind the 6 thrones, there is an army.

This army looks very strange and has bird wings.

Reaper God!

Mechanical arm!

Long sharp tail!

The third eye and even the entire arm are eyes!

and many more.

All kinds of strange and weird people, they are witches who are searching for powerful powers, witches who haven’t got started.

This is the famous Witch Legion.

On the side of the Witch Legion is a silhouette of each and everyone wearing a black robe.

They are not many, only a few 10000 people.

But they are the dark Legion that makes the Witch Realm fear the fear, and they are also called the cursers and the poisoners!

The number of this crowd is not very large, about 400,000, plus war beasts, 500,000.

All are the existence of God King level.

This is the absolute core of the Witchcraft Society.


The emperor swept through the people of the Cheng Wu Club, his heart shook slightly, and the Cheng Wu Club that had experienced the battle of the Emperor meteorite was still so scary.


The sorcerer in the middle of the throne slowly stood up and glanced at everyone in the Imperial Court.

“Go straight.”

Lightly saying in his mouth.

“Do you need to discuss it?”

The emperor hesitated, and said.

“Troublesome emperor, come here, and ask the emperor court to lead the way immediately.”

The wizard groaned, and expressionless said.

“it is good!”

The monarchs were nodded, and they were directly moved towards the wizard, and they flew away.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend.

They are now.

“The strength of the Witchcraft Association is really strong, and I haven’t seen that the strength is lower than the immortal Divine King Level 2.”

“Legion and Dark Legion, the strongest witches of the Witchcraft Society, are here. Six Divine Emperor, six!”

“Hahaha, each of the Divine Emperor of the Witch Club is a powerful Array Master. They can at least have one against two powerhouses. Six of the Witch Club Divine Emperor are equivalent to ten Divine Emperor.”

“Our Imperial Court and the Witchcraft Society can destroy the Dragon Palace with no difficulty, and even the abyss species can be killed.”

Emperor court many powerhouses disciple glanced at the members of the Chengwu Society, feeling its mighty power, and their faces showed an excited look.

This time, the Dragon Palace has to pay a heavy price and make them die.

“Kill back!”

Emperor Court Great Protector was also full of excitement, raised his arms, and moved towards all disciples roared loudly.

“Kill back!”

All the disciples of the imperial court who had been aggrieved for a few days, roared Murderous Aura.

Countless people flew to the location of the vast moved towards the emperor’s island.

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