“His, a terrible war, is this the battle of the abyss? The kinds of densely packed abyss are endless!”

“The strength of our Imperial Court is really strong. Is the battle between Divine Emperor over the sky? No specific combat situation can be seen at all.”

“Even through the video, you can feel this suffocating breath, too strong.”

“Dragon Palace. They are attacking the people of the Imperial Court. They want the abyss to devour our realm. They are our enemies.”

“I also want to go to the abyss battlefield, and I also want to cheer for the soldiers in our court!”

The outbreak of the Battle of the Abyss, the entire Emperor Star Domain is watching.

But the details of the war are unknown to everyone.

When someone shared the video of the war on the front side, or even a group of people started the live broadcast of the war, it instantly caught the attention of the entire Emperor Star Domain.

Through some slightly blurred pictures, they can feel the corner of the war.

Some people saw someone coming to the back of the battlefield.

Such a vast war is a visual feast for many people.

Of course, they want to see the Imperial Court defeat the Abyssal Clan, destroy Dragon Palace, and win.

People from Emperor Star Domain couldn’t help but moved towards here.

The Imperial Court did not prevent some people from coming to watch the war, but everyone was also tested by the Imperial Court to prevent accidents.

“A lot of abyss species, this densely packed has no margin at all, can we emperor court win?”

“My grandfather, they are also on the battlefield, I hope grandfather, they can destroy this group of beasts!”

“Look over there, that’s the people at Dragon Palace, they’re attacking us, killing them, killing them.”

More and more people gathered behind the battlefield, staring at the front boundless war, roaring with excitement and anger.

Standing here, feeling the assassination of the imperial court powerhouses, they had a feeling of being enemies.

Especially those who have their loved ones fighting in the war ahead hate Dragon Palace even more.

“Why doesn’t our court fight back, only passive defense? Why not fight back?”

“Yeah, our emperor court has been defending and has not actively attacked, but we completely resisted the attack of the other party.”

“We seem to be waiting for a chance to find a chance to completely destroy the abyss species and Dragon Palace. This battle is said to be the main defense!”

On the imprisonment stage, a group of people were discussed spiritedly. In just one hour, the number of people gathered here reached more than ten thousand.

All heard the imperial court disciples paying attention to the war.

There are also special media coming here for live broadcasts and live explanations.

The entire Emperor Star Domain is watching.

Such great attention naturally makes Dragon Palace even more infamous.

The 9 ties of Zhulian, all annihilated, one not left, imprisoned, tortured 100000000 million 10000 years and so on.

“Hmph, Little Dragon Palace, even if you are using the power of countless abyss, don’t even think about breaking through our defense, in the future, wait for the sanction of our court, hahaha!”

After 3 hours, the battle lasted for 3 hours.

The entire battlefield was completely deadlocked, and even the fighting spirit with countless abyss species around it was worn away a lot.

On Flame God Star, a moved towards Wang Xian with a big smile on his face protected by the emperor court, they roared, and their faces were full of puppets.

“For the beasts, doom your Dragon Palace to death, to kill our emperor courts, to kill the human Divine Emperor, your Dragon Palace sin is unforgivable!”

On the command hall, a defender also roared briskly.

This situation is the most ideal situation for their court.

After dragging on this war and waiting for them to arrive, it will be the time when Dragon Palace and even the abyss species will perish.

“Destroy Dragon Palace, destroy Dragon King!”

“Destroy Dragon Palace, destroy Dragon King!”

Three hours later, on the imprisonment platform behind the abyss battlefield, several million people have gathered here.

They looked at the situation on the battlefield and shouted with flushed faces.

The laugh of Law Enforcement Elders meant that the battle was good for their court.

This is also an exciting thing for them.

“8 Qi Mo Sha, ignore them.”

On the side, 8 Qi and Mosha wanted to break and swear, Wang Xian stopped.

The next attack was unexpected.

Since the raid, the people in the Imperial Court felt that their Dragon Palace had no card in hand.

“Jié jié, since the Dragon King said, then we put away the language of quality!”

8 Qi Mo was slightly laughed and said.

“Wait, keep waiting!”

Wang Xian lightly saying.

The war did not end so quickly and easily. Even if the defense of the imperial court could not be broken, the war would last for two or three days.

It’s only 3 hours now that’s all.

He glanced at the position behind the forces of the imperial court in front of him, listening to the faint sound coming from his face, his face sneered.

Soon, you all person will shut up!

“Hehe, a few guys over Dragon Palace have shut up.”

Inside the Command Hall, a guardian full of murderous aura stared at Dragon Palace, coldly said.

“The grasshopper that’s all after the fall, can’t jump for a few days.”

Great Protector glanced, his eyes turned aside.

Compared to the entire Abyss family, Dragon Palace is not important, and the Abyss is the key enemy.

“Dragon Palace attacked our court together with the abyss group. It has been more than ten hours now, and our court casualties are almost negligible!”

“The offensive between the Abyss Clan and Dragon Palace is doomed. They are doomed to break our Divine Emperor powerhouses defense.”

“Our Emperor Court is invincible throughout the entire Emperor Star Domain. In this battle, our Emperor’s court defends. In a few days, it will be when we fight back, when the Dragon Palace will fall.

“Until now, the disciples of our emperor’s court are not more than 10000, and the loss of the abyss species there is 1000 times 10000 times!”

“This is our court, our heritage.”

The war situation here is spreading rapidly on the brain.

each and everyone news, slightly inspiring many people.

At least for now, the Imperial Court has the upper hand.

Everyone was talking wildly, time passed little by little.

From the outbreak of the war, a day passed quickly.

The entire battlefield is still deadlocked, and the abyss species in the abyss are still roaring.

Dragon Palace’s attacks are still being released endlessly.

But the situation has not changed.

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