"Boy, I remember you!"

Yan Mo was besieged by three elders. The situation was very bad. At this time, he had already thought of retreating. He wanted to keep Qingshan alive and not worry about running out of firewood.

"We'll see you later"

"Monster, we will definitely meet in the future, and you won't be able to run away by then."

I'm afraid this is the first time in Yan Mo's life that he has been threatened like this, and Ye Hao speaks out, just like his high-spirited self back then.

"Don’t worry, even if the battle is over this time, I will still look for you. No matter where you are, the demons will hunt you to the ends of the earth."

"Old guy, do you really think I'm afraid of you and have the ability to stay here? I can't kill you today."

This is not the first time that Ye Hao has been threatened. Ye Hao got angry. If he really wants these demons to find him, they will definitely not be able to threaten him.

But he is afraid that they will attack his family members.

"Remember, in less than a year, I will crush you under my feet."

Ye Hao pointed at Yan Mo in front of him. Yan Mo's eyes were full of murderous intent at this time, but he knew that he could no longer kill Ye Hao in front of the three elders, so he could only choose to avoid its sharp edge.

"We meet in mountains and rivers."

Yama turned around and flew towards the north without making any stop.

"I think your grandson can run fast."

If you look carefully at the Great Luo Emperor Sword in Ye Hao's hand, Ye Hao has already prepared it. If Yan Mo really wants to stay here for one more second, the sneak attack sword moves in Ye Hao's hand have been prepared for him.

"This kind of monster must be the kind of person who is determined to retaliate. If he escapes today, there is no telling how much trouble there will be in the future."Ye Hao sighed in his heart.

It's just that it's not easy for a half-step swordsman like him to really keep him.

"Okay, boy, you have made a big splash this time. You basically killed the three demon generals. If I go back now, I’m not sure how the sect leader will bury me."

"Third Elder, if you say this, I can't bear it. If you hadn't restrained Yama, I might not have been able to kill Shadow Demon."

Anyway, no matter what Ye Hao says, in the eyes of the three elders, Ye Hao has become the hope of their Wild Sword Territory.

"Tongtian Jiange really found a treasure this time."

Although the two elders were jealous, they knew that Ye Hao had entered the Tongtian Sword Sect and was in the position of Holy Son.

Thinking that Tongtian Sword Sect has not established a Holy Son for so many years, since Ye Hao has become the new Holy Son of Tongtian Sword Sect. , must be extraordinary, but they did not expect Ye Hao to be so extraordinary

"The final victory in this battle belongs to us. Let's go and tell all our disciples about the victory in this battle."

Just when the third elder happily announced the final result, Ye Hao looked further away.

"Third Elder, I have an unkind favor."

"You said, you are the savior of our three old guys, tell me what you want to do."

The third elder is happy now, looking at Ye Hao's heart full of joy

"I want to go and take a look at the cracks that caused the Lingxu Sword Tomb massacre."

"The sword energy there is extraordinary. Even if a few of us went there, we wouldn't be able to stay for too long."The third elder was a little hesitant, should he take Ye Hao with him?"

"Elder, I finally came out to practice once, just let me see what I have learned"

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll take you there, but you have to remember, if you can't bear it, let me take you out immediately. If you're a second too late, I'm afraid you will leave permanent roots of the disease."

When meeting such a great treasure like Ye Hao, the third elder didn't want Ye Hao to be harmed in the slightest. Now he wanted to surrender Ye Hao.

The other two elders of Jianmen did not follow Ye Hao at this time. Go, after all, the war is over, and they have to give an explanation to their disciples.

If they don't go back for a long time, it will easily cause panic.

"Lao Qin, let's go back and rectify the disciples first. You two go back quickly."

"no problem."

At this time, Ye Hao knew that the third elder in front of him was named Qin, and the third elder took Ye Hao deeper.

Feeling the surge of laws on the third elder's body, Ye Hao also felt it carefully, but the time was too short, and Ye Hao had not yet fully grasped it.

At that moment, Ye Hao felt like all the cells in his body were about to be punctured.

"This sword energy?! What kind of blow could still leave behind such a vast and sharp sword energy after thousands of years?"

Ye Hao couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to explore this secret in this life, but you are still young and you still have a long way to go. Maybe you will have to come back and tell me how this crack was formed in the future."

The third elder said jokingly, and Ye Hao also smiled.

"Third Elder, I want to continue moving forward."

The third elder stayed only ten feet away from the huge crack, but if he really wanted to walk to the crack, even the third elder couldn't do it in his current state.

"I can only take you here. If you continue to go down, with my current state, I will not be able to safely take you out of this sword energy-shrouded area."

"Elder, I still want to move forward. You are here waiting for me."

What Ye Hao felt when he came here was not only the huge and sharp sword energy, but also the trembling of the Great Luo Emperor Sword.

Obviously, there was something in the cracks attracting the Great Luo Emperor Sword. This kind of benefit that was not seen in a century, Ye Hao Don't want to let it go

"You still want to go down, are you desperate for your life? I'm not kidding you, the sword energy in front will become sharper and sharper, and even when you walk, your clothes and even your body will be torn by it."

"Elder, to tell you the truth, when I came here, I felt that I had encountered my own opportunity, and something was calling me in the cracks."

What Ye Hao said���Although this is nonsense, the Great Luo Emperor Sword really wants to get closer to the crack.

"How many weird things are there in you kid? The sword energy here can't even enter me, and now it's actually calling you to come over?"

The third elder hesitated for a while and said again,"Remember, nothing is as important as your life. If you find that you can't resist the sword energy, come back immediately, otherwise, I won't be able to protect you."

"Got it, elder."

Ye Hao held the Great Luo Emperor Sword. When he stepped out, Ye Hao felt as if he was being stared at by wild beasts. The sword energy poured into his body.

Ye Hao clenched the Great Luo Emperor Sword. At this time, The Great Luo Emperor Sword has been upgraded to a holy-level treasure, and the speed of absorbing sword energy has become faster. The entire sword is like a bottomless pit, and Ye Hao clearly feels that it has absorbed all the sword energy.

The pressure around me was reduced, and I continued to move forward.

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