The Ye family's sword trial ceremony was held as scheduled on the second day.

This sword trial ceremony will not only be attended by the disciples of the Ye family, but also sword practitioners from inside and outside Fengyun Sword City.

Many people, for the sake of the Sword Trial Ceremony, endure for several years just to become famous in the Sword Trial Ceremony.

Get the recognition of the Ye family of Fengyun Sword City, and then join the Ye family, and then use Fengyun Sword City to move towards a broader world.

The sword trial ceremony affects millions of young swordsmen.

Those who participate in the Sword Trial Ceremony must not be older than twenty, and there is no limit on sword practice time. As long as you have sufficient talent and understanding, you can participate in the Sword Trial Ceremony.

The top ten can worship at the gate of Fengyunjian City.

The first fifty people can join the Ye family to practice swordsmanship.

Fengyun Sword City is affiliated to Tongtian Sword Sect. As long as you join Fengyun Sword City, you are equivalent to the outer disciple of Tongtian Sword Sect.

If you win the Thirty-Six Sword City Swordsmanship Festival held half a year later, you can join the Tongtian Sword Sect, and from then on you can reach the sky in one step and become a disciple of the Holy Land of Swordsmanship.

As soon as the day breaks, there are tens of thousands of young men practicing swordsmanship, accompanied by their families, waiting outside the gate of Fengyun Sword City.


The city gate opened, and tens of thousands of sword practitioners, together with their servants, walked in and headed for the city lord's mansion in Fengyun Sword City.

The City Lord's Mansion is also the residence of the Ye family.

Today, Fengyun Sword City is bustling with traffic and people coming and going. There are crowds of people everywhere and a buzz of people.

The one-day sword trial ceremony every year is held at the sword training ground in Fengyun Sword City.

In the city lord's palace, everyone held long swords in their hands. Under the leadership of the eldest elder of the Ye family, they came to the sword practice field that could accommodate 100,000 people.

After arriving here, the sword tester registers his name and then gets a nameplate.

This nameplate represents their identity.

At this time, Ye Hao also came to the square where the sword trial ceremony was held.

When some people saw Ye Hao, they laughed and said,"Young Master Ye Hao, what kind of wind brought you here today? Chunxiao Tower's number one is waiting for you.""

"Mr. Ye Hao, this sword test ceremony has nothing to do with you as a non-swordsman. You should leave as soon as possible."

"Is it possible that our Mr. Ye also wants to participate in the sword trial ceremony?"

"A person who has never even held a sword is worthy of participating in the sword trial ceremony, but he is just bringing humiliation to himself."

Ye Hao knows all these people.

Some are from Fengyun Sword City's kendo family, and some are outer disciples of the Ye family.

He has long been accustomed to this.

Ye Hao looked at them and smiled;"Try The Sword Ceremony, Fengyun Sword City is open to everyone aged under 20, and you said that I, Mr. Ye, have never held a sword, that’s because you are not qualified to see me holding a sword."

After Ye Hao finished speaking, he walked straight towards the registration position for the sword test.

This group of people!

Ye Hao just used the sword heart to sense it.

Among them, the highest swordsmanship talent is only the fourth level. Those who join Fengyun Sword City and the Ye Family Gate Wall cannot exceed the number of one palm

"Haha, Ye Hao, then we are waiting to see your good show"

"Let’s see how you embarrass yourself in front of thousands of people in Fengyun Sword City later."

"I respect Ye Lingzhan, the city lord, as a sword king, but I didn’t expect to give birth to a useless son."

These people laughed.

They felt extremely contemptuous of Ye Hao's behavior.

They are swordsman geniuses. They will join Fengyun Sword City next, and they may even join the Tongtian Sword Sect in the future. They are completely different from him.

These people After mocking Ye Hao, he went to line up obediently, waiting for the sword test ceremony to begin.

Ye Hao chuckled after listening to these people's words.

But it was true that he was a dandy disciple of the Ye family and only drank flower wine. Fighting cocks, etc., because his father is the city lord, he is acting lawlessly. After all, he has never practiced swordsmanship in the past sixteen years.

But they don't know that Ye Hao has endured it for sixteen years. Just to make a name for myself today. After practicing the sword for sixteen years, they would not understand this kind of perseverance and determination.

After Ye Hao received the nameplate, he walked to the resting place of the Ye family.

Swordsmen don't have this kind of treatment. Only direct descendants of the Ye family can rest in the Ye family's sword training ground.

This is the privilege the Ye family gives to the Ye family's disciples when they come to rest. On the seat, he found a random place and sat down, waiting for the sword test ceremony to begin.

Ye Hao closed his eyes slightly and started to run the Hunyuan Sword Scripture, and wisps of vitality from heaven and earth poured into the sea of qi.

"Isn't this the eldest young master?"

"Ye Hao, why is he here?"

"I occupied a resting seat in vain."

There are many direct disciples of the Ye family here who have some complaints about Ye Hao.

However, Ye Hao completely ignores these. He concentrates on practicing his sword art.

The world is cold-eyed and has nothing to do with him.

As long as he has a clear conscience, he can Just ask for the sword.

Soon, the area around the sword training ground was filled with people.

Not only were there people who wanted to test the sword, but they were also watching the annual sword test ceremony to see what Fengyun Sword City could do. Is a swordsman genius worthy of investment? If the bet succeeds, then that genius will owe him a favor in the future.

This is a kind of game and an investment, and many plutocrats enjoy it.

After a while, a figure floated in the air, Ye Ling. Zhan appeared, he glanced at it and said:"Quiet!"

For a while, the noisy sword training ground became quiet.

The entire sword training ground was completely silent.

Then Ye Lingzhan opened his mouth and talked about the rules of the sword trial ceremony, etc., and finally said:"The sword trial ceremony begins....."

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