Tongtian Sword Sect, in a quiet corner of the sword pavilion.

Ye Hao sat on the desk and turned over the history of Tongtian Sword Sect page by page.

He read books very fast. In less than a while, Ye Hao finished reading more than ten history books recording the history of Tongtian Sword Sect.

Now Ye Hao also figured out the origin of Tongtian Sword Sect.

Tongtian Sword Sect was established in ancient times and has been established for hundreds of thousands of years, and the first generation leader of the sect is named Master Tongtian.

When Ye Hao saw Lord Tongtian, he was stunned on the spot.

"Could it be that he is really the leader of Tongtian?"

Ye Hao continued to read and found another clue.

In the first generation of Tongtian Sword Master, he founded Tongtian Sword Sect, leaving behind the Jietian Sword Technique, Tongtian Sword Scripture, and the ten major sword formations.

These ten sword formations are respectively They are: Tianjue Sword Formation, Golden Light Sword Formation, Earth Fierce Sword Formation, Ice Sword Formation, Soul-falling Sword Formation, Red Sand Sword Formation, Blazing Sword Formation, Red Water Sword Formation, Wind Roar Sword Formation

"This is too similar."Ye Hao couldn't help but say.

The history of Tongtian Sword Sect is already very obvious.

This holy land was probably created by that legendary figure.

In history books, there is very little information about the first-generation sect leader.

As for the first-generation sect leader The origins were even more vague, as if they appeared out of thin air without a trace.

Ye Hao opened other ancient books. In these ancient books, Ye Hao found some information about the Tongtian Sword Sect. , named: Zhuxian Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword, and Falling Immortal Sword.

Ye Hao looked at it and said,"Aren't these the Four Swords of Zhuxian?"

The book also records that the Four Swords of Zhuxian were suppressed on the four peaks in front of the entrance of Tongtian Sword Sect. For hundreds of thousands of years, no one has been able to pull them out.

Moreover, the Four Swords of Zhuxian were transformed into a sword array to protect the entire Tongtian Sword Sect. Sect, even if the Sword Emperor came here, he could not break the sword formation.

Then among Ye Hao's many ancient books, he found the Qingping Sword, which was an imperial weapon and the symbol of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

"This is incredible."

Ye Hao read the history and information of Tongtian Sword Sect, and his mind was in chaos.

After a long time, Ye Hao said,"It's really a strange world."

Now Ye Hao is becoming more and more interested in this world. It seems that this world is not that simple.

Ye Hao put all the ancient books and history books back, and then flew towards the highest point of the sword pavilion.

He wanted to see Look, the Tongtian Sword Scripture and the formation diagrams of the ten sword formations.

Ye Hao is now a core disciple, and he holds the Holy Son Order. He can go anywhere in the Tongtian Sword Sect, even to the highest level of the Sword Pavilion.

On the way to the top, Ye Hao looked at a lot of sword skills.

The 100th to 300th levels were all Huang-level sword skills, as well as various Huang-level martial arts.

The 3400th level, collected Xuan-level sword skills. There are books on martial arts corresponding to various levels, as well as alchemy, sword-making, and various sub-professionals.

From the 400th to 450th floors, the ones for sale are earth-level sword skills, as well as some ancient times. The sword skills and ancient secrets were stored in the next dozens of floors.

However, Ye Hao came to the place where the heaven-level sword skills were stored. Here, he saw the heaven-level sword skills on the bookshelf. Not much.

Ye Hao opened a book of heaven-level sword skills called"Wudang Sword". It was a book of ancient sword skills.

There were also the Golden Spirit Sword, the Great Sun Tathagata Sword, the Shocking Sword, the Five Qi Dynasty Sword, and the Infinite Sword......

The heaven-level sword skills that Ye Hao saw here were no less than Qianben. Ye Hao sighed;"It is indeed the holy land of swordsmanship that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. The foundation is so profound. No wonder so many people want to join the Tongtian Sword Sect.""

Because any heaven-level sword skill leaked here can cause a shock to the sword cultivators in the entire Southern Wilderness Sword Region.

Ye Hao also found the sword manual of Jie Tian Sword Technique here. This is the most original sword manual. Ye Hao took another look and found that there was still no final move for Jie Tian Sword Technique.

Leaving the place where heaven-level sword skills and heaven-level skills were stored, Ye Hao came to the place where holy sword skills and holy skills were stored.

Here, there are even fewer ancient books stored, and these sword manuals and techniques are not stored on the bookshelf. Instead, they are shrouded in a ball of light and suspended in the air. As long as you place your hand in the ball of light, this sword technique, The name of the exercise will appear in your mind.

Ye Hao looked at the hundreds of holy light groups in front of him and said:"Senior Sister Qin Yao brought it to me twice. She just said she wanted the Ice Jade Mystic Technique. If I help him find it, it will be considered as repaying her favor."

No. After a while, Ye Hao found the Bingyu Xuan Gong.

This skill requires tens of millions of sect contribution points to redeem.

But if he is the Holy Son of Tongtian Sword Sect, he can be dispatched at any time.

When he was about to take away the Ice Jade Mysterious Skill, a hazy figure appeared behind Ye Hao and said,"You are going to take away the Ice Jade Mysterious Skill."

Ye Hao looked back and saw an old man with a Her clothes were very untidy, her whole body was baggy, and she didn't look very serious.

But from his body, Ye Hao could feel that this person's aura seemed to be higher than that of Supreme Elder Wu Wuji.

Ye Hao thought to himself:"It seems that this is another giant of the Tongtian Sword Sect."

After hearing the old man's question, Ye Hao cupped his hands and said,"Yes."

The old man smiled and said,"You can take away the Ice Jade Mysterious Skill."Take out your sect's jade plaque."

Ye Hao turned over his hand and took out the core disciple's nameplate.

A golden jade token also appeared on the old man's hand. He swiped it towards Ye Hao's nameplate. Then he frowned and said,"Boy, you are kidding me. There is no contribution at all on your nameplate.

" It has been less than two days since Hao joined the Tongtian Sword Sect. How can he have time to do the tasks in the Holy Land and obtain contribution points?

Seeing the appearance of the old man, Ye Hao also took out the purple Token of the Holy Son and said with a smile:"Senior, the sect master said that with the Token of the Holy Son, you can travel unimpeded in the Holy Land. If you need any skills, you can take them with you."

The old man looked at the Holy Son Order in Ye Hao's hand. It was not fake, because he was also the Holy Son of Tongtian Sword Sect.

Seeing this familiar token, he smiled and said;"Oh, it's actually the Holy Son Token. It's a bit interesting. Since you have the Holy Son Token, which is the Holy Son of Tongtian Sword Sect, you can take whatever you want in your capacity.""What? I thought that when I was the Holy Son, I had tasted a lot of good things in the Holy Land, hehe."

Ye Hao looked at the crooked Holy Land giant in front of him. He didn't expect that he was also a Holy Son, and he didn't think about it. ?

Of course, Ye Hao would not say this, but said with a smile,"Junior Ye Hao has met my senior, dare I ask him his name?"

When Ye Hao asked his name, the old man smiled and said,"Call me Jian." It’s good to be old, everyone in the Tongtian Sword Sect calls me that. As for my last name, it’s so old that I can’t remember it."

Ye Haocai has read the history of the Tongtian Sword Sect, as well as ancient books and biographies. , I still know some of the characters in the Tongtian Sword Sect.

When the old man said that he was Jian Lao, a character recorded in the books appeared in Ye Hao's mind.

There is only one honorific title for Master Jian in the Tongtian Sword Sect, and that is the person who guards the sword pavilion of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

Anyone who can become an elder guarding the sword pavilion must be at least as strong as a sword master.

It is absolutely impossible to become a Sword Master without a thousand years.

And the old man in front of me is probably an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

"Mr. Jian, I want to take this Ice Jade Mysterious Skill away, is that okay?"Ye Hao asked

"It's up to you, but you have to remember that the holy skills need to be returned within a month."Jian Lao said

"Disciples know."

Ye Hao naturally knows the rules of the Jiange. The skills taken here need to be returned to the Jiange within a time limit. If the time limit is exceeded, the consequences will be serious.

The sword master glanced at Ye Hao and said,"That's not right, you don't have anything on you. With the ice attribute and kendo attribute, what do you want with this ice jade mystical skill?"

Ye Hao would not talk about using the Ice Jade Mysterious Skill to repay the favor, but smiled and said,"I just want to learn and understand."

Jian Lao said:"Okay then."

Then the old swordman disappeared, and there was no trace of breath left here.

Ye Hao took off the Ice Jade Mysterious Art, and then flew towards the highest level of the sword pavilion.

On the last floor, there is the supreme magical art of the Tongtian Sword Sect, And the Ten Great Sword Arrays are the most important forbidden areas in the Holy Land.

After Ye Hao arrived here, he saw Jian Lao leaning on a rocking chair and guarding a gate.

He felt someone coming. Look, it's Ye Hao again, saying,"Boy, if you haven't left even after taking the Ice Jade Mysterious Skill, do you still want to study the Tongtian Sword Sutra?

Ye Hao smiled and said,"That's exactly what I meant.""

Jian Lao waved his hand, and ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and then the sword light flickered, and a space passage was directly constructed by him. Jian Lao said:"The Tongtian Sword Sutra is inside, go in and see for yourself, and wait until you want to come out. When the time comes, just shout, and I will send you out when the time comes.

Ye Hao cupped his hands and said,"Thank you Jian Lao."���

Immediately, Ye Hao stepped into this space passage. The moment he walked in, he saw the passage flashing with bright light, and various runes and mysteries emerged, just like the light of stars in the sky, making this passage mysterious and profound..

Ye Hao walked forward step by step, feeling the fragments of time passing by and the levels of space being chaotic. He took one step forward, as if he had passed through thousands of layers of space, and it was the same as his body was separated from his spirit.

This kind of experience was unprecedented for Ye Hao.

After walking more than ten steps, Ye Hao felt as if he had walked hundreds of millions of miles away.

When he stepped on a shining portal, a strange scene appeared in front of him. Infinite sword bodies were suspended in the sky. These sword lights burst out from the sky. Each sword light shot onto a huge jade wall, forming characters one by one. , mysterious and obscure.

And those words seemed to be beating, turning into sword runes one after another, flying in the air, emitting light and dazzling.

Ye Hao looked carefully at the dense kendo runes and said,"Tongtian Sword Sect's supreme magical skill, Tongtian Sword Sutra!!!"

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