The building complex within Tongtian Sword Sect covers an area of thousands of miles, and the buildings in the holy land are stacked with mountains and hills.

Although Ye Hao remembered what the core disciple said just now, Tongtian Sword Sect is really too big, and there are many similar buildings in the Holy Land.

Now Ye Hao was suspended in mid-air, looking at Tongtian Sword Sect in the distance, and fell into deep thought for a while.

He had to admit a fact now.

He is lost!

This is the first time he's lost in this world.

At this moment, a female disciple of the Tongtian Sword Sect passed by with a sword.

Ye Hao made a flash of lightning and chased behind the female disciple, saying,"Senior sister, please stay."


This disciple of Tongtian Sword Sect stopped in mid-air. When she looked back, she saw that it was a young man.

Ye Hao looked at the fellow disciple in front of him. He was a core disciple, and he was wearing a uniform that only core disciples could wear. The inscription in front of him had the word"Tongtian" written on it, and there were three sword shapes around the font.

Qin Yao looked at Ye Hao and said with a smile,"Junior brother, are you okay?"

The clothes Ye Hao is wearing now are also the clothes worn by the core disciples.

Looking at the handsome young junior brother in front of him, Qin Yao thought about it carefully. It seemed that there was no such person in Tongtian Hall, so he could be the new core disciple.

Ye Hao looked at Qin Yao and finally saw the most beautiful woman in this world.

The senior sister in front of me has black hair like lacquer, skin like jade, bright and white teeth, tall figure and light body. She is wearing a long white dress and looks like a fairy in the clouds.

Qin Yao pursed her lips, looked at Ye Hao with a smile, and said,"Junior brother, are you okay?"

Hearing the senior sister's words again, Ye Hao quickly came back to his senses and said,"Senior sister, how can I get to the sect's new disciple introduction? The place where the ceremony is."

Qin Yao said,"Junior brother, are you a new disciple?"

Ye Hao nodded,"Yes, Elder Wu asked me to participate in the ceremony today."

Qin Yao looked at the nameplate in front of Ye Hao. , said;"Junior brother, did you become a core disciple directly after entering the school?"

Ye Hao smiled and said;"Thanks to the great love of the sect, I was able to become a core disciple."

Qin Yao said:"So that's it. I heard that there was someone at the trial place yesterday. A disciple passed the level with one sword and was picked up by the Ninth Elder. Today is the new disciple's induction ceremony. I just wanted to see what kind of monster it was, and it was able to clear the level with one sword."You can follow me."

Qin Yao doesn't know Ye Hao now. Even the monster who cleared the level with one sword, she had never seen Ye Hao. She thought that Ye Hao was just a genius discovered by the sect elders who would later practice in the Tongtian Sword Sect. Such things were not uncommon in the Tongtian Sword Sect.

So she didn't associate Ye Hao with the one who cleared the level with one sword. but!

When Ye Hao heard Qin Yao talking about himself as a monster, he couldn't help but said:"Sister, I'm not a monster."

Qin Yao smiled playfully;"Could it be that you are a monster who can clear the level with one sword? Oh, no, it's a monster." A monster who can pass the level with a sword?"


Ye Hao raised his head and said,"Yes, it's you."

Qin Yao chuckled. Her smile was incredibly beautiful, and she immediately said,"Okay, junior brother, don't tease senior sister."

Ye Hao said:"Senior sister, you don't believe it?"

Qin Yao said:"It's not that I don't believe it, it's that seeing is believing. Well, the initiation ceremony is about to start. We have to go in, otherwise we will be late and there will be no seats to sit and watch."

Ye Hao cupped his hands and said,"Then I'll ask you, senior sister, to lead the way."

Qin Yao turned around and flew forward in the air.

Ye Hao followed closely. Behind the senior sister, there was a fragrant wind blowing from time to time. The fragrance was fragrant and refreshing.

On the way, Ye Hao asked the senior sister. She also knew her name and identity in Tongtian Sword Sect.

Her name was Qin Yao, a core disciple of Tongtian Sword Sect, and she was currently in the middle stage of Sword Emperor cultivation.

As for her age, it was understandable to Ye Hao that no woman would. They were willing to tell their age.

The two of them were moving very fast, and their figures passed over the peaks of the Tongtian Sword Sect. There were chains connecting the peaks, and there were buildings on the mountainside, and there were also buildings at the bottom of the mountain. A large area of densely packed attic courtyards.

Throughout the holy land, the routes were crisscrossed like a spider web, extending in all directions.

Ye Hao felt that it was necessary for him to get a map of the Tongtian Sword Sect, otherwise he would be embarrassed if he got lost. While thinking about these things, he and Qin Yao had already landed on a mountain peak.

This huge mountain peak had been flattened. The top of the mountain was extremely flat and was three miles in size. There was also a huge palace hanging above it. Holding a sword, it exuded an astonishing sword energy and enveloped the entire mountain top. This place became a world of its own.

Ye Hao saw that the square was filled with densely packed people watching, with hundreds of people standing at the front of the square.

Qin Yao smiled and said,"We're here, junior brother, do you want to come with me?""

Ye Hao said:"No need, thank you senior sister for leading the way this time."

Qin Yao said:"It's just a little effort. The senior sister will leave first."

Then Qin Yao walked towards the center of the square and quickly disappeared into the sea of people.

After Qin Yao left, a familiar figure appeared next to Ye Hao and said:"Ye Hao, you are finally here."

Ye Hao took a look and saw that it was the Ninth Elder and said,"Ninth Elder, why are you here too?"

The Ninth Elder said:"I'm waiting for you. If you don't come, maybe the sect master asked me to invite you."

Ye Hao was ashamed and said,"No way."

The Ninth Elder stroked his beard and said:"If there is anything impossible, you have the Five Elements Sword Body, a rare genius in the ages. The sect leader will definitely tell the world."

You want to tell the world?

Make such a big noise

"Ninth Elder, don’t scare me."

Ye Hao just wants to practice quietly, but he doesn't want to be famous all over the world. He doesn't have the strength to protect himself yet.

Seeing Ye Hao's nervous look, the Ninth Elder held back his laughter and said,"I'm just teasing you, don't be nervous.."

Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief now. If he told the world that he was a Five Elements Sword Body, he would definitely be targeted by monsters all over the world.

He didn't want to die so quickly, because there was a precedent for this.

The Ninth Elder said:"Okay Okay, now come with me to attend the induction ceremony."

Ye Hao and the Ninth Elder walked towards the hall in the center of the square together.

The initiation ceremony was very simple. It was to pay homage to the ancestor of the Tongtian Sword Sect, then declare to be a disciple of the Tongtian Sword Sect, and issue the identity jade plaque of the Tongtian Sword Sect. Finally, let’s talk about what rules need to be followed in Tongtian Sword Sect.

As for the next thing, that is when the major Jianfeng elders compete for disciples. As for the disciples who are not selected, they can only be ordinary disciples of the sect. If they want to If you want to learn sword skills, you can only go to the elders of the major swordsmen.

At this moment, Ye Hao is in the center of the apprentice hall.

There are seven or eight elders looking at Ye Hao with smiles. Hao's talent for swordsmanship is at the ninth level, and his spiritual body is the Five Elements Sword Body. He is a rare genius in the ages. Everyone wants to accept him as his disciple.

If Ye Hao becomes the Sword God in the future, then he will be the master of the Sword God. Tell him. How honorable.

Ye Hao looked at the elders around him staring at him with shining eyes.

An elder stood up and said with a smile,"Ye Hao, I am the master of Hidden Sword Peak. Third Elder, are you willing to accept me as your teacher?"

After an elder spoke, someone also said:"I am the master of Wenjianfeng Peak and the second elder of the sect. If you join me and ask Jianfeng, I will teach you my lifelong secret knowledge."

"Boy, join my sword of creation and pass it on to you!"

"Enter the edge of my reincarnation sword and pass it on to you the Six Paths of Reincarnation Sword!"

"The Sword of Samsara and the Sword of Creation are not as good as my Heaven-Jieting Sword. Boy, join me at the Heaven-Jieting Sword Edge and teach your sect’s supreme swordsmanship, the Heaven-Jietsu Sword Technique."

"No one in the past ten thousand years has been able to understand the fiftieth move of Jie Tian Sword Technique, so why not learn the Sky Sword Technique?"

"What does the Sky Sword Technique mean? Come on, come on, learn the old man’s Immortal Sword Technique, and live forever."

"Forget it, you old bone. You are still immortal. Learn my sky-cutting swordsmanship.".......

A group of people who were over a hundred years old and a thousand-year-old sect elder argued with red faces. The whole hall was as messy as a vegetable market.

Finally, the leader of the Tongtian Sword Sect said loudly:"Quiet, quiet, elders, please calm down. Look at your appearance. You still look like a sect elder. This is a joke for the younger generation."

As the words of the leader of the Tongtian Sword Sect rang out, The entire hall became much quieter.

The leader of the Tongtian Sect looked at Ye Hao with a smile and said,"Ye Hao, what about the Reincarnation Sword Technique, the Heaven-cutting Sword Technique, the Immortal Sword Technique, and the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique? They are just trivial things. Come to my sect to learn the Tongtian Sword Technique, and you can reach the sky with one sword.""

"Sect Master, you are so shameless!"

"Sect Master, three of the ten heroes of the sect are your disciples, and there is also an evil disciple. Are you going too far now by arguing with us?"

"Sect Master, you see that I, Jie Tian Jianfeng, have not accepted any new disciples for ten years. I feel sorry for me. Please give this Ye Hao to me."

"Ahem, as the supreme elder of the sect, I want to accept a disciple who will inherit the mantle. Sect master, you want to fight for it too?"


In an instant, the entire hall became noisy again. Some were relying on their elders, others were scheming, and then they all accused the Sword Sect leader, and some even cursed.

Ye Hao looked at the Tongtian Sword Sect elders who were in a mess and said,"Elders and seniors, can you listen to the disciples?"

In the blink of an eye, there was silence.

The leader of the Tongtian Sword Sect asked:"Ye Hao, who have you decided to become your master?"

Swish, swish!

Seven or eight pairs of eyes looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled and said:"Thank you elders for your love and respect, but this disciple has no intention of becoming a disciple."

Although he said that he would become a disciple, there was a master who gave guidance.

It can be a lot easier on the road of cultivation.

But he didn't want to become a disciple.

He just wants to practice quietly alone and understand the avenue of swordsmanship, the secrets of swordsmanship, and the laws of swordsmanship.

And here!

Ye Hao felt that no one could be his master.

This is the most important.

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