Following the words of the immortal old man, the postgraduate entrance examination began.

A group of people appeared and led everyone to the gate that appeared in the mountain.

The whole door is blurry and cannot be seen through.

Ye Hao followed closely, looking at what was in front of him with great interest.

Under the leadership of Tongtian Sword Sect, a hundred people from Thirty-six Sword City came to a gate.

People from the Tongtian Sword Sect said:"There are nine levels inside the door.

Each level has a ferocious beast formed by the condensed sword intention.

If you can enter the first three levels, you can become a handyman disciple of the Sword Sect.

If you can enter the fourth level, you can become a handyman disciple of the Sword Sect.

" If you reach the sixth floor, you can become an inner disciple.

If you break through to the seventh to eighth floors, you can become an inner disciple.....

Okay, I have said everything that needs to be said, and I wish you good luck.

Xia Houyu looked at the people in Thirty-six Sword City and said,"Come on everyone, I'm waiting for your good news.""

He is responsible for bringing the people from Thirty-six Sword City to participate in the trial. If they fail the trial, then he will take them all back.

This is his responsibility, and there is one more thing to do when he comes to Tongtian Sword Sect this time.

After talking to the young people in Thirty-Six Sword City, Xia Houyu also left.

The people in Thirty-Six Sword City also cheered and encouraged each other, hoping that everyone would achieve good results and enter the Tongtian Sword Sect. Seeing that these people had finished chatting, Zong gave an order and directly introduced the young men from Thirty-Six Swords City into the gate.

After entering this strange gate, all the people from Thirty-Six Swords City separated and appeared individually. In different spaces.

Ye Hao now appeared in a gate with sword energy and majestic sword intent. In front of him, nine invisible gates appeared. In each gate, there was a fierce sword condensed. Beast.

Ye Hao looked carefully and found that the strength of the beasts formed by the sword energy were different.

From the sword master to the sword king, there was no one lower than the sword master.

Looking at the ferocious beasts in front of him, he didn't care. His cultivation was approaching the middle stage of Sword Emperor. He didn't want to kill those ferocious beasts one after another.

He wanted to do something big!

With a smile, he put away the Thunder Cloud Sword.

He didn't need this king-level sword, but directly took out the Qingming Holy Sword

, and then suddenly drew out the Qingming Sword.!

The sword was unsheathed, and an astonishing sword energy burst out.

The sword shadows all over his body were heavy, and the sword was shining brightly.

Under his feet, the long river of swordsmanship floated, as beautiful as a swordsman king, with overwhelming momentum.

, suppressing everything.

Especially the supreme sword intent in him now looks like a supreme and invincible sword intent.


The sword intent of destruction explodes in an instant.

, with all the sword energy in Ye Hao's body, his aura instantly increased by nearly ten times.

At this moment, the Qingming Sword also burst out with bright light.

The soul glowed.

He suddenly shouted and slashed forward with his two swords:"Sword breaks the world.


This is the most powerful move of the holy sword skill Qingming Sword Technique.

This was also the first time Ye Hao used his full strength.

He couldn't help but wonder what the ultimate skill of this holy swordsmanship was.

But at this moment, he exploded all his power, and the power was comparable to the strongest blow of the Sword Sect.


The door in front of Ye Hao exploded directly. The sword light was bright and dazzling. The barrier in front of him was turned into nothing.

And the sword-intended beast behind the door wall was turned into powder.

Qing Qing At this moment, the Nether Sword is like a dragon swimming out of the sea, shocking the nine heavens, and like the green light of the underworld, rushing out of the Netherworld, moving forward indomitably, sweeping everything


In an instant, the second door wall unfolded in an instant, and the ferocious beast there with its teeth and claws was instantly overwhelmed by the sword light.

Boom boom boom - the next moment, the Qingming Sword slashed three doors in a row and came directly to the sixth door.

And the third door The five trial doors were shattered instantly like paper, and the ferocious beast behind the door was also split into two by the Qingming Sword.


The sixth door burst open, and a huge white tiger beast roared, and suddenly rushed towards Ye Hao's Qingming Sword.


Under the Qingming Sword, it could not hold on for more than a second, and it directly shattered.

Ye Hao continued to inject power. Entering the Qingming Sword, the holy sword skills began to burst out, sweeping through the eighth trial gate, killing the ferocious beasts inside, and directly blasting through the ninth trial gate.

Behind the door of the trial, there was a ferocious beast with the strength of the Sword Emperor. It was a green dragon with a body that was thousands of feet long. It made bursts of dragon roaring sounds. The next moment, it turned into a long sword, and the sword body was surrounded by long dragons. , suddenly collided with Ye Hao's Qingming Sword


The impact of two sword lights shook the entire trial place, and the entire void trembled.

Even the trial people everywhere felt the violent tremors, and no one knew what happened.

Tongtian Sword Zong, the elder in charge of the trial suddenly opened his eyes, his face changed, and then he waved his hand, and a mirror image appeared in front of him. In the mirror image, he saw Ye Hao slashing through the ninth level with a sword, killing him directly. ninth floor


The elder of the Tongtian Sword Sect felt dizzy and was completely dumbfounded. The next moment he burst into laughter.

The place where one sword passes the test, Tongtian Sword Sect has seen and heard nothing from ancient times to the present.

And today!

He actually saw it.

The elder of Tongtian Sword Sect was extremely excited and immediately left the trial formation and flew towards the sect.

This is a peerless genius!

He had to pay attention.

And in the trial place, in the space where Ye Hao is.

Ye Hao watched the Qingming Sword slash through and directly kill the ferocious beast at the ninth trial gate, and said with a smile,"That's it?"

Then he stepped through the first trial gate, and then Cross the second lane and the third lane....

Until the ninth path.

He had an unimpeded path along the way, because he blasted open all the trial doors in front of him.

All the ferocious beasts behind the door of trial were killed by him with one sword.

After Ye Hao stepped through the ninth door, he felt his body tremble, and he left the trial space and reappeared in the door where he was standing before.

When Ye Hao appeared, the people of Tongtian Sword Sect were shocked.

The expressions of the people in the major worlds and tribes around them who were waiting for the end of the trial changed, and then they sneered:"Is this person eliminated so quickly? What a waste!"


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