In the early morning, the Tianyao Mountains were shrouded in mist, and the mountains and forests were filled with dreams. Wisps of golden light broke through the mountains and rivers, falling from high in the sky.

The warm morning light fell on Ye Hao's body, making him look even more majestic.

This long sunshine dyed the spiritual mist in the basin into a light golden color, and as the spiritual mist flowed slowly, it was like flowing rays of light.

Ye Hao has been sitting cross-legged on the spot, exercising in the morning glow. His face is radiant, his sword energy is like the sea, and his sword intention is like the tide.

The vitality gushed out from the spiritual veins became thicker and thicker, gradually spreading out of the basin.

Ye Hao didn't care about this. He devoted himself to cultivation without any distractions, and continued to participate in the Hunyuan Sword Scripture.

This sword scripture is mysterious. Even though Ye Hao has cultivated to the realm of sword king, he still has not broken through the first level.

He really wanted to know what was so mysterious about the second level of the Hunyuan Sword Scripture.

Ye Hao devoted himself wholeheartedly to his practice, constantly comprehending the swordsmanship and participating in the secrets of swordsmanship.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed. No matter the wind or rain, Ye Hao remained as quiet as before, without being disturbed by the outside world. He was immersed in his own world of practice without even opening or closing his eyes.

Now the sword light around him is bright, various sword intentions are intertwined, and the supreme sword sea phenomenon appears above his head.

Each sword rune floats and sinks in the Supreme Sword Sea, exuding light.

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Ye Hao's whole body was shining brightly, exuding auspicious clouds, and filled with a terrifying sword intent. Ye Hao remained as before, peaceful and quiet, and devoted himself to cultivation.

Now Ye Hao's cultivation has reached the perfection of the Sword King realm, and he is only one step away from becoming the Sword King.

He continues to comprehend.

Time flies, and seven days pass.

Ye Hao spent fifteen days here studying and cultivating.

For fifteen days, he continued to comprehend and meditate.

During this fifteen days, the vitality of heaven and earth that filled the basin was also constantly spreading towards the outside world. The thick vitality of heaven and earth covered thousands of miles. Some monks who penetrated deep into the Tianyao Mountains naturally discovered it..

The spiritual energy tide erupted, attracting many cultivating families to come.

They want to compete for the spiritual veins that were born.

As long as they obtain the spiritual veins and dig out the Yuanshi mine, their family's future cultivation will be guaranteed.

The Tianyao Mountain Range is a no-nonsense zone, and everyone wants a piece of the pie.

However, when they wanted to enter the inner perimeter of the Tianyao Mountains, they were blocked by waves of beasts.

The Tianyao Mountains are the territory of monsters and monsters. If humans want to rush in, they must break through their direction.

Some small aristocratic families gave up, but people from Thirty-six Sword City and Seventy-two Sword Sects went out.

They wanted to seize the ownership of the spiritual veins, and masters from the major sword cities and sword sects came one after another.

With the addition of the powerful Sword King, they broke through the beast tide in the Tianyao Mountains and rushed into the inner perimeter.

The moment they entered the inner circle, they felt such a surge and the majestic vitality of heaven and earth couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised.

"The spiritual energy is like a tide, this is a phenomenon that can only be seen in the spiritual veins of middle-grade Yuanshi."

"If it is really a middle-grade spiritual vein, our Cangshan Sword Sect will be developed."

"At full speed, our Cangshan Sword Sect is bound to capture this spiritual vein."

A group of monks from the Cangshan Sword Sect laughed excitedly.

Cangshan Sword Sect, one of the seventy-two sword sects.

There is a strong sword king among the sects. As for the sword king masters, there are no less than ten, and they are ranked among the seventy-two sword sects. The sword sect in the previous life.

In less than a while, more sword sects and monks from Sword City arrived.

Ye Lingzhan also appeared. He looked at the monsters, monsters, and ferocious beasts in front of the Tianyao Mountains, and thought;" Hao'er is also in the Tianyao Mountains, and I don't know where he is at the moment. For this spiritual vein, I will risk my life to capture it.

Immediately, Ye Lingzhan shouted:"Rush over!""

The monks in Fengyun Sword City shouted one after another, holding long swords and fighting a bloody path.

At this moment, within the Tianyao Mountains, a basin of spiritual mist surged.

Ye Hao sat cross-legged in the center of the basin, his brows trembling slightly..

At this moment, Ye Hao seemed to understand something clearly.

He understood the true meaning of Taoist swordsmanship from the Hunyuan Sword Scripture, and his whole body was crystal clear, and the sword's heart remained without a trace of impurities. The sword light said tolerance.


Suddenly, sword light burst out from the center of Ye Hao's eyebrows, like a divine sword made from an immortal sword. A sword body the size of a finger flew out from the center of the eyebrows. The sword light flowed, and swords fell from the sea of supreme swords. Runes, these runes are constantly integrated into the sword body.

This sword body is transformed from the Supreme Bone, and it is also Ye Hao's natal sword, the Supreme Sword.

Now Ye Hao is tempering the Supreme Sword and making the final step to advance to the Sword King Realm. Prepare.

The Sword King is a realm and a method of cultivation.

Breaking through the Sword King can directly inherit the essence of heaven and earth, realize the true meaning of swordsmanship, understand the swordsmanship field, and open up a world of swordsmanship with one's own strength, just like evolving one. In this small world, he is the master, he is the supreme.

In the opened sword field, he is invincible. He can control thousands of swords and control the life and death of the enemy.


Suddenly, a huge sound came from Ye Hao, shaking the Tianyao Mountain Range within a radius of thousands of miles. Within this radius of thousands of miles, the mountains shook and the mountains resonated, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was falling apart.

Then, Pieces of sword light floated in the sky and the earth, and the Supreme Sword Sea expanded instantly. Endless sword runes floated and sank in the sword sea, covering hundreds of miles.

The Supreme Sword Sea once again dropped the sword runes, spreading all over the world, completely destroying Ye Hao. drown


Ye Hao shouted loudly.


Another astonishing sword energy rose into the sky, instantly breaking through the clouds in the sky and heading straight into the nine heavens.

Finally, the sword energy all over the sky fell, forming a field with a radius of a hundred miles.

In this In the field, the sword energy is like a rainbow, exuding the supreme and invincible sword intent.

"Supreme Sword Domain, done!"

Ye Hao shouted softly.

Immediately, a supreme sword domain was formed, surrounding Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was like a swordsman emperor, sitting in the center of the sword domain, controlling everything.

At this moment!

Ye Hao broke into the sword In the imperial realm, life has been sublimated, a transformation has been completed, and the strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Compared with before, the Supreme Sword above his head emits bursts of light, and the heaven and earth are resonating with the Supreme Sword.

The energy of heaven and earth around Ye Hao forms one by one. The vortex is constantly pouring into his body.

After reaching the Sword Emperor realm, not only the life span is increased, but the vitality of heaven and earth can also be directly absorbed, smelted into the sea of qi, and replenished. There is no need to silently absorb a little bit of the vitality of heaven and earth and then refine it. , this improvement is a qualitative improvement.

In one thought, the sea of swords rises and falls, and thousands of swords move together.

At this moment, the long river of swordsmanship rises and falls around Ye Hao, and the sword light shines brightly. The moment the astonishing sword energy burst out of the realm, the monks who entered the Tianyao Mountains exclaimed,"After the spiritual veins were born, the divine sword was also born!!"

At this moment, the monks who came to fight for the spiritual veins became even more crazy, moving forward at full speed and striving forward.....

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