Swish, swish, swish!

There was the sound of leaves being brushed in the forest.

The next moment, seven or eight figures appeared in front of Ye Hao.

They were wearing uniform clothes, as if they were disciples of a certain sect.

A middle-aged man looked at Ye Hao and saw that he was wearing a color-changing robe and a long sword. He was only around sixteen years old. He was handsome, handsome, and had an extraordinary bearing. He also had an edge that was hard to conceal.

And the most terrifying thing was that he couldn't clearly see this young man's cultivation.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw the Demon King's inner elixir in Ye Hao's hand. Then when he glanced at the Demon King in front of him, he said in surprise,"Three-tailed bull demon." The disciples around him said:" Fifth Elder, this is the inner elixir of the fourth-level demon king."

For a moment, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Ye Hao, and they became greedy.

Ye Hao also felt the change in their expressions.

But he wasn't worried at all.

Because among these people, the strongest ones are only in the middle stage of Sword King.

If these people are plotting against them, they can be killed with one sword.

The middle-aged man came out and said with a smile,"Little brother, I don't know if you can sell this demon pill. I am the fifth elder of the Xuanlei Sword Sect and I am willing to pay a high price to buy it."

Ye Hao said in his heart:"Heh, These people are really after his demon pill."

Ye Hao adhered to the etiquette of not hitting the smiling person and said:"I'm sorry, I don't sell this demon pill."

The fifth elder said,"This little brother, this demon. The elixir needs to be ground into powder by a master of alchemy and put into the elixir to exert the effect of this demon elixir. It is useless for you to hold it, so why not sell it to me and get a large amount of Yuan Stone?


There are still a lot of space rings among his own, and Ye Hao is not lacking.

Ye Hao still shook his head and said,"I said I won't sell it. Are you bothered? By the way, I don't want the body of the three-tailed bull demon. I'll sell it to you."

The demon elixir of the three-tailed bull demon is the most valuable thing.

But as the treasure body of the Demon King, it is also worth a lot of money.

When the fifth elder looked at the three-tailed bull demon, he said,"Make a price."

Ye Hao said,"One thousand Yuan stones is enough."

One thousand Yuan stones?

The fifth elder thought to himself:"Even if I sell myself, I don't have that many multi-stones."

But now the Demon King's treasure body and the Demon King's inner elixir are right in front of him.

He couldn't help it.

Although he didn't know what this young man's cultivation was, he wanted to take away the Demon King's inner elixir.

The fifth elder signaled, and the disciples behind him surrounded Ye Hao. ,

Ye Hao saw this and asked calmly:"What do you mean?"

The fifth elder sneered;"What do you mean? If you ask knowingly, I will naturally kill you."

Ye Hao sighed:"It is said that people's hearts are evil, the ancients Don't deceive me. Unfortunately, I, Ye Hao, have always robbed others, and no one has ever been able to take away treasures from me."

"You are Ye Hao!"The fifth elder of Xuanlei Sword Sect said in surprise.

"You know me?"Ye Hao said with a smile.

Ye Hao!

The son of the city lord of Fengyun Sword City.

This man has a five-element sword body, a natural supreme sword bone, and a ninth-level swordsmanship talent.

From the day of the sword trial ceremony, his name will be The name of Ye Hao was heard throughout the Thirty-six Sword City and the Seventy-two Sword Sect.

Everyone knew about it in the area controlled by the Tongtian Sword Sect.

They did not expect that they would hit Ye Hao during the robbery today. But at this moment

, the arrow is on the string, so what if he is a genius?

Because they have threatened Ye Hao

, he will really die without death.

Ye Hao looked at them and sneered:"You want to kill me, you really don't know how to write the word"death""

"Stop talking nonsense with him and kill him!"


"Kill a peerless genius and you will have no regrets in this life."

The next moment, the disciples of Xuan Lei Sword Sect drew their swords one after another.

However, when they drew their swords, they only saw a flash of sword light in their eyes, like thunder, coming in an instant. In an instant! Wait!

When they reacted, their heads were already on the ground. They didn't even die.

Bang bang bang - seven or eight people fell to the ground, dripping with blood, and their eyes were wide open before they died.

The elder suddenly broke into a cold sweat when he saw the silent disciple lying on the ground.

Then he looked at Ye Hao and found that he was still standing there, his clothes as white as snow, spotless, with a faint sword energy blooming all over his body..

It was as if he had never taken action.

But the fifth elder could tell that Ye Hao had taken action.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"" Ye Hao said calmly;"Lei Shan drew his sword.

" Thunder Flash? What kind of sword skill is this? The fifth elder didn't understand and had never heard of it.

Ye Hao looked at him and said,"You are the elder of Xuanlei Sword Sect.

Now that you want to kill me, I will I blame you Xuan Lei Sword Sect, I will kill you first today, and I will settle the score with Xuan Lei Sword Sect later.

" The Seventy-two Sword Sects are more powerful than the Thirty-six Sword City.

Because the leader of the Seventy-two Sword Sects is the Sword King master.

But what about the Sword King master? He will grow and become stronger.

Although The Seventy-Two Sword Sect is affiliated to the Tongtian Sword Sect, but it is just a sect under its jurisdiction.

If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

"Xuan Lei Sword!"

The fifth elder shouted loudly, and unsheathed his sword. Then he waved his hand, and the sword light came roaring like a mysterious thunder.

Ye Hao held the long sword in his hand, and his body flashed like lightning.


One stroke of the sword. No fancy sword skills, no complicated moves, just a simple sword move. Ye Hao slid across the body of the fifth elder! The fifth elder stood there with a sword in his hand, and then fell to the ground with a bang as blood spurted out from his neck.


The fifth elder of the Xuan Lei Sword Sect died.

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