In the Tianyao Mountains, there was a lightning-like figure, constantly shuttling through the forest.

In the past few days, in the Tianyao Mountains, people often saw a young man who was in his prime, killing monsters one after another in the Tianyao Mountains.

He came and went freely and very quickly, and few people saw him clearly.

Many people wanted to invite him, but he ignored them all.

One person and one sword, walking in the Tianyao Mountains.

As time passed for nearly half a month, Ye Hao's reputation grew in the Tianyao Mountains.

Everyone knew that a genius boy with swordsmanship appeared in the Tianyao Mountains.

They had never seen the young man draw his sword, but they could sense from the young man's aura that the young man who practiced swords must have extraordinary skills.

Because a few days ago, someone saw the young man waving his finger like a sword outside the Tianyao Mountains, shooting out a bright sword light, and directly killed a third-level monster.

The appearance of that young man greatly shocked the attention of everyone in the Tianyao Mountain Range.

And this young man is Ye Hao.

In half a month, Ye Xiu continued to kill monsters.

Every time after killing monsters, he would put the corpses of these monsters into the storage ring, and then move them back to the ancient town to sell them.

After buying monster corpses for half a month, Ye Hao now has accumulated 100,000 gold.

It can be said that Ye Hao is now a rich man.

However, Ye Hao is not interested in money. What makes him happy is killing monsters, because killing monsters will make his Haoran Sword Qi sharper, and it can also hone his Supreme Sword Will, life and death. Sword intent, and the sword intent of destruction.

Sword intent is divided into levels.

There are nine levels in total, with the first level being the base and the ninth level being the ultimate.

Within half a month, all of Ye Hao's sword intent had broken through to the second level, which was a huge improvement.

Now that his various sword intentions have exploded, his combat power can be quadrupled.

It would not be a problem for Ye Hao to face the Sword Emperor now.

After staying outside the Tianyao Mountains for half a month, Ye Hao had almost killed many of the third-level monsters here.

Ye Hao was suspended in the sky at this moment, looking deep into the Tianyao Mountains.

"The outer perimeter is basically filled with monsters below level 3, and sometimes there will be level 4 king-level monsters. However, they do not pose a threat to me, and they cannot improve my sword power. Now it is time to go inside and see if there are any. There is no more powerful monster, Warcraft."Ye Hao murmured.

Immediately, Ye Hao took out the map of the Tianyao Mountains.

The Tianyao Mountains are nearly 30,000 miles wide and long. It is a huge area. Here are the Thirty-six Sword City and the Seventy-two

Most of the monks from the Thirty-six Sword City and the Seventy-two Sword Sects go to the Tianyao Mountains to practice and improve their strength here.

This Tianyao Mountains is a hundred thousand miles away. There are many monks practicing in the holy land of experience.

The demons in the Tianyao Mountains are also a bit strange. Even after being slaughtered by human monks for thousands of years, demons still appear, and even the Tongtian Sword Sect does not come to destroy the demons. Demons in the mountains.

Ye Hao glanced at the map. He was located 5,300 miles away from the outer perimeter, and was still about 7,000 to 8,000 miles away from the inner perimeter.

It was rumored that there were demon emperors, demon emperors, and demons in the inner perimeter of the Tianyao Mountains. The Overlord of the Demon Clan refers to the super demon whose strength is comparable to that of the masters of the human sword sect.

After the Demon Clan, he becomes the Demon Lord, Demon Saint, Demon Emperor, Demon Clan, and so on..

Ye Hao glanced at the map and recorded the entire map in his mind, then gently shook his sword wings and flew deeper, the demon stone in Ye Hao's hand kept flickering. The demon stone shines

, proving that there are demons around, no more than 100 meters away.

Ye Hao directly releases his momentum , and the demons on the road dare not attack Ye Hao.

Many demons surrendered to the human race and became slaves, and some powerful demon beasts were trained by beast trainers to become mounts and other things, and were turned around to sell demons to Ye Hao. Now these little guys are not interested. He wants to enter the inner area of Tianyao Mountains and challenge stronger demons to improve his strength.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Ye Hao heard a roar that shook the forest. It could be heard from hundreds of miles away.

Ye Hao stopped in mid-air, his ears moved slightly, and then a smile appeared on his lips;"This is the cry of a king-level monster. Could it be that my uncle told me that he was crazy a few days ago?" The demon king?"

When he thought of this, Ye Hao immediately followed the sound and left.

Ye Hao's figure was very fast.

It took less than 50 miles to reach the destination.

After Ye Hao came here, he only saw all the surrounding trees collapsed and smoke and dust billowing. The sky was filled with wind and sand.

Standing in the rolling sand was a demonic beast dozens of meters tall.

This demonic beast was shaped like a cow, with scales all over its body. It had three tails behind it, and each tail swept across it, breaking trees. Even the hard rocks were swept away

"An ancient relic, the three-tailed demon cow!"

When Ye Hao saw the monster, he immediately recognized its name.

The three-tailed monster bull was extremely powerful. The three tails behind it were as strong as steel. Even a sword could not cut them off, especially the The scales on his body are even more defensive.

The three demon bulls in front of them also exude astonishing demonic aura, and the vast demonic aura covers hundreds of meters.

It is obvious that the demonic beast in front of them is a demon king, and it is very powerful. Not low, at least it has the power of the late Sword King


The demonic beast roared, and the terrifying roar soared into the sky, even the clouds in the sky dispersed. It was deafening, and then it ran straight forward, as if it was pursuing something, and it was extremely crazy.

After the three demonic cows roared, Running wildly all the way, Ye Hao followed closely to see what made this demonic cow go crazy......

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