【Ding! The host draws the sword for the thousandth time, and the reward is: Destroying Sword Intent! 】

In my mind, the system prompt sound came again.

Ye Hao calculated that he would be rewarded after drawing his sword a thousand times in a row, but he did not expect that the reward this time would be sword intention.

Rather than sword scriptures, sword skills, and sword techniques.

Ye Hao now has two types of sword intent, namely Haoran Sword Intent and Supreme Sword Intent.

But now, the system has rewarded another kind of sword intent.

With a thought, Ye Hao integrated the Destruction Sword Intent into his mind.

In an instant!

A destructive sword intention burst out from Ye Hao's body. Ye Hao was like a demon of destruction at this moment, crushing everything.

Wisps of destructive sword energy lingered around him, and Ye Hao also felt the terrifying sword intention.

This Destruction Sword Intent is different from the Supreme Sword Intent. The Supreme Sword Intent suppresses everything and is the Supreme of Heaven and Earth, while the Destruction Sword Intent focuses on killing, Yun Guoyan's essence of destroying everything.

If he activated the Destruction Sword Intent during the battle, Ye Hao's combat power would have doubled.

Several types of sword intent erupt together and can be stacked three times in succession.

Ye Hao had previously���When he became the Golden Wolf King, he didn't think of all this. Until now, the integration of the Destruction Sword Intent gave him a new understanding.

Because after breaking through the Sword King, the visions of heaven and earth can also be activated to suppress others.

At this moment, Ye Hao is still comprehending the meaning of the destruction sword and comprehending the essence of destruction.

Immediately, Ye Hao sat cross-legged in mid-air and levitated.

When he comprehended the destructive sword intention, a terrifying aura of destruction appeared above his head. Half an hour later, a black sword aura appeared on Ye Hao's head, like a black cloud covering the top.

The vast sword energy of destruction formed a vision of heaven and earth. Ye Hao didn't know what the name of this vision was.

When the vision of destroying the world emerged, the Haoran sword energy in his body suddenly rose into the sky. The white Haoran sword energy also formed a white sea of swords. In the sea of swords, there were literati and great scholars dancing swords. boom!

The bones of the Supreme Sword trembled slightly, and a scornful sword energy washed out from Ye Hao's body. At this moment, the vast Supreme Sword Intention turned into the Supreme Sword Sea.

Three sword intentions were suspended in the sky above Ye Hao, fighting against each other. next moment!

One black and one white Sword Intent of Life and Death also appeared.

Boom boom boom!

Various sword intentions intertwined, making a deafening sound.

Gradually, several kinds of sword intent merged into Ye Hao's body. Ye Hao opened his eyes slightly, and he was accompanied by the aura of being extremely powerful, upright, and arrogant about the world. He was supreme and unparalleled, killing endlessly, and destroying Cangyu.


Ye Hao scolded lightly, and all the sword intent dissipated and disappeared into his body.

"Is this the Destruction Sword Intent?"

Ye Hao recalled the Destruction Sword Intent just now, and also realized the terror of the Destruction Sword Intent, and its killing intent.

After taking a short rest, Ye Hao also fell to the ground.

He began to summarize what he had obtained from the Fengyun Secret Realm.

He His cultivation has reached the peak of the mid-stage Sword King, and he is only one step away from the late stage.

In the secret realm, he also killed a wolf king and a demon king-level monster.

In addition, he found something belonging to Lord Lei Yun in the Fengyun Secret Realm.

He obtained the Thunder Cloud Sword Scripture, the King-level sword Thunder Cloud Sword, and various techniques.

It can be said that Ye Hao has gained a lot from this experience in the Fengyun Secret Realm.

He left Fengyun Secret Realm because there was nothing Ye Hao needed here.

After breaking through the Sword King, the heaven and earth energy here could no longer supply him with cultivation.

If he directly took away all the heaven and earth energy in Fengyun Secret Realm.

It will take at least ten years to recover.

The Fengyun Secret Realm is the secret realm of the Ye family, and it would be a bit rude if Ye Hao did this.

Besides, he would not be able to break through the Fengyun Secret Realm if he absorbed it.

Sword King.

So Ye Hao is planning to leave seclusion.

He doesn’t know what happened to the outside world after being in seclusion here for more than half a month.

"Have a night's rest and leave tomorrow."

Ye Hao stretched, and then took out the tent from the storage ring.

The night passed very quickly.

Ye Hao slept very comfortably that night. After waking up, Ye Hao took out the jade token given by Ye Lingzhan, and then gently With a gentle squeeze, Ye Hao was enveloped in soft light for a moment.

Ye Hao felt his body move and leave the Fengyun Secret Realm. This feeling was very magical.

Now Ye Hao appeared in front of the door to the Fengyun Secret Realm. After he appeared, the people of the Ye family who were guarding Fengyun Secret Realm appeared in front of Ye Hao like phantoms in an instant. They cupped their hands and said,"Sir, when the master of the family asks you to leave seclusion, go and find him."

Ye Hao said;"Even if he doesn't look for me, I will look for him. Please take your leave."

Arched his hands towards everyone, Ye Hao thought, his sword energy turned into wings, and he flew directly in the air.

Seeing such a member of the Ye family on the ground, his eyes widened, and then he wiped them hard, and said in surprise"The sword energy turns into wings and flies in the air. This is the sign of the Sword King.""

"Ye Hao has broken through to the Sword King!"

"How old is he? He seems to be only sixteen."

"The sixteen-year-old sword king, this....."

Everyone present in the Ye family was shocked.

Totally can't believe this.

Because it’s so shocking!

In an instant, the guards of the Ye family who were guarding the secret realm of Fengyun began to laugh wildly and were extremely excited.

The Ye family has a peerless evildoer. This is their glory and a symbol of the Ye family's re-emergence.

If Ye Hao breaks through the Sword Emperor, then Fengyun Sword City will be the leader of the thirty-six sword cities in the future. The Ye family is the controller of Fengyun Sword City. If they become the leader of the thirty-six sword cities, there will be many benefits.

Everyone looked at Ye Hao's disappearing figure and said with bright eyes:"God bless the Ye family, God bless the Ye family."...."

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