Ye Hao stretched his hands, drew an arc in the air, placed them in front of his knees, took a deep breath, and then stood up.

The Golden Wolf King is the Demon King, and every wolf hair on his body is worth a hundred gold, and Ye Hao will not let it go.

Especially wolf meat, it is the best meat food.

Ye Hao needs to take supplements now, and this wolf meat is perfect.

Collecting firewood from the surrounding ruins, Ye Hao took out the fire box and started to light a fire. He used the Qingming Sword to cut the Golden Wolf Emperor's meat and began to barbecue.

Ye Hao walked to the place where the Golden Wolf King's vertical eye fell and controlled it with his spiritual consciousness.

The wolf king in front of him raised his eyes, glowing with lightning, and was extremely violent.

"I don’t know what the use of this thing is, so I’ll keep it for now."Ye Hao put the Wolf Emperor's eyes into the storage ring, then glanced at the Golden Wolf Emperor and said,"The body of the Demon Emperor will not rot in the daytime. When it is about to leave the Fengyun Secret Realm, let my father arrange for someone to come in and move it away."

Ye Hao can move the two-hundred-foot golden wolf emperor treasure body, but he doesn't want to move it.

And his storage ring is not big enough to fit it.

These wolf meats are priceless. If they are used in the body,

Ye Hao has used a lot of family resources over the years to refine pills with the Demon King's blood, or bathe in them.

Now it's time for his father, Ye Lingzhan, to secretly obtain so many family medicinal materials for him. Refining the body and stimulating the sword bones in the body, Ye Hao keeps all this in mind.

Because people know how to be grateful.

If there is nothing in return, they have to give something to him. It doesn't have much effect, just treat it as a gift to his father.

When Ye Hao was thinking about these things, the smell of meat came to his nose. Ye Hao's nose twitched and he said,"The wolf meat is cooked.


Next, Ye Hao ate happily and had a full meal. He had to admit that the meat of the Demon King was delicious and had its own fragrance. After eating it, his whole body was filled with the power of blood, and the source of life consumed by Ye Hao was restored.

"This golden divine wolf can advance to the level of Demon King, so there must be good things in his lair."Ye Hao also thought of the Golden Wolf Emperor's lair.

As a qualified time traveler, he naturally knew that after killing the monster, he would sweep his cave.

Ye Hao was looking forward to what the Golden Wolf Emperor's lair would have.

Ye Hao glanced at the gold The Wolf King then rushed towards the Fengyun Secret Territory.

Along the way, there were potholes everywhere, trees collapsed, and even some hills were blasted into big craters.

Ye Hao's sword wings shook and he galloped away again. The place where the Golden Wolf Emperor passed the tribulation a few days ago, half of the thousand-meter-high mountain has collapsed.

Looking at everything in front of him, he frowned slightly and thought,"Where is the Golden Wolf Emperor's wolf den?"

The mountains inside were completely destroyed. It would probably take a lot of time to find the wolf's den.

Now Ye Hao has plenty of time and is not afraid of wasting time.

Then Ye Hao began to search around the mountain.

An hour later, Ye Hao found a huge natural cave entrance at the foot of the mountain, hundreds of feet wide. Ye Hao smelled the scent of the Golden Wolf King here, and walked all the way in along the entrance of the cave.

As Ye Hao walked deeper and deeper, he found the entrance of the cave. It was getting narrower and narrower.

After walking a few hundred meters, Ye Hao saw a small tree.

It was about one meter tall and had a zigzag shape.

The whole tree was shining with lightning. When he got close, an electric arc flew out.

Ye Hao took a closer look and said,"Thunder Spirit Fruit, this is a magical medicine. No wonder the golden wolf was able to advance to the Demon King because he swallowed the Thunder Spirit Fruit."

Ye Hao found the record of the Thunder Spirit Fruit in his memory.

The Thunder Spirit Fruit only grows one centimeter a year, and it blooms for a hundred years, bears fruit for a hundred years, and matures for a hundred years. After taking it, it can increase your skill for a hundred years, and the fruit contains the Law of Thunder. It is a rare elixir in the Excalibur Continent.

The approximately one meter tall Thunder Spirit Fruit tree in front of me is already a thousand years old.

In other words, this is a top-grade elixir that is almost a holy elixir.

In the Divine Sword Continent, elixirs also have levels, divided into: ordinary medicines, elixirs, holy medicines, and magical medicines.

When the best magic medicine comes out, it will attract millions of people to fight for it.

Fortunately, the people of the Ye family cannot go deep into the Fengyun Secret Territory. , if it is known, there will definitely be a qualitative improvement.

However, if it is known by outsiders, I am afraid that the Ye family's Fengyun Secret Realm will be handed over to the Tongtian Sword Sect. The emperor ate it.

Ye Hao sighed slightly:"It's a pity. If I had come earlier, this Thunder Spirit Fruit would be mine. But if the Golden Wolf Emperor hadn't swallowed the Thunder Spirit Fruit and advanced to the Demon Emperor, I wouldn't have known about this place. There is Thunder Spirit Fruit, and I also refined his inner elixir, so it’s not a big loss."

Worried about gains and losses, Ye Hao continued to walk forward.

As he went deeper, Ye Hao saw many old medicinal materials on the road to the cave, which were more than a hundred years old.

After a while, Ye Hao came to the deepest part of the cave.

In his In front of him, there was a stone gate, which was extremely thick.

Ye Hao smiled and said,"This Fengyun Secret Realm must not have been left by some powerful person."


The Qingming Sword flashed and came out of its sheath.

Ye Hao swung the Qingming Sword and slashed towards the stone door.

Bang bang bang!

The rocks flew through the air and flew to the ground.

"Hey, a sword can't break this stone door."

The corner of Ye Hao's mouth raised slightly, and the next moment he directly used Ten Thousand Swords to Return to the Clan.

Chi Chi!

Thousands of sword lights emerged, turned into divine swords, and blasted directly towards the stone door.

There was a loud bang, and the stone door was directly broken. A big hole was opened, and a rotten smell rushed out from it, as if it came from ancient times.

Ye Hao hurriedly protected his body with his sword, and covered his mouth and nose with his hands.

There was something unknown in front of him. Who knew if there was any poisonous gas.

That's why Ye Hao was so cautious.

After Ye Hao realized that there was no danger, he put away his sword and walked towards the entrance of the stone door with the Qingming Sword.

When Ye Hao stepped into the stone door, he saw a scene.

Behind the stone gate, there is a large space, about five to six hundred square meters.

Inside, there are sword training furnaces, alchemy furnaces, stone beds, bookshelves, rusty iron swords, etc.

It seems that someone has lived in it.

"This is really the cave of our ancestors.

Ye Hao smiled and said:"What a great discovery. Didn't the people of the Ye family know about it before?""

The Ye family has produced strong Sword Emperors, so they should know all about the secrets in Fengyun Secret Territory.

Even if there are any treasures in the secret territory, they should know it very well.

How come there is an ancient cave here that I don't know about?

"No matter what, let’s see what good things are in this cave."Ye Hao was in a happy mood, and then began to walk in the cave. He picked up a rusty iron sword on the ground and shook it lightly.


The iron sword rang out, and then the rust stains on the sword body fell off. , turns into a bright and sharp sword

"Treasure weapon, this is a sword."

Ye Hao said in surprise. He didn't expect that the iron sword was actually a precious sword. Ye Hao concentrated the sword energy in his palm, and then slapped the pile of rusty iron swords in front of him with one palm.


In an instant, hundreds of long swords appeared Shine brightly, illuminating the entire dark cave...

Ye Hao said blankly:"It's developed!"

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