At such an age, Ye Hao could directly break through the 8th floor with one sword. Even if he could not break through the ninth floor and could not reach the final heavenly road, I am afraid that the Holy Land of Underworld would have to consider Ye Hao's Talent, should we treat it like a saint?

"This kid...could he be a monster? This sword actually broke through the eighth level of the Heavenly Road. Do you think that the Heavenly Road is just a joke?!"

Qingguang Xuying outside was sweating coldly. Even the proud man of Huangquan Holy Land couldn't do what Ye Hao did.

"If this boy had appeared in our Holy Land of Underworld back then, I am afraid that our Holy Land of Underworld would not be in the situation it is today. However, if the inheritance of Holy Land of Underworld is really handed over to this boy, in the days to come, Holy Land of Underworld will be like this again. Once in the world!"

Ruan Pingzhen just said silently, and Ye Hao was now in the Heavenly Road, facing the last gatekeeper.

"It would be great if you were born in the same era as me. In that case, I wouldn't be lonely."

Hearing that the gatekeeper actually had his own intelligence in the end, Ye Hao was also curious about the origin of the Holy Land of Underworld.

"Aren't you a puppet?!"

Ye Hao looked at the young figure in front of him in surprise. There was an extraordinary aura about him.

But Ye Hao didn't think too much about him before, but now he heard him talking to him on his own. , then this person’s identity is worthy of discussion.

"you said I? I don’t know what state I’m in right now. Maybe I’m half a puppet and half have my own soul."

"I am Wen Jingtian, the first-generation holy son of Huangquan Holy Land."

Ye Hao:"Oh……"

The person in front of him was the former Holy Son of the Underworld Holy Land. Wen Jingtian's tone of voice was full of calmness, as if he didn't care much about his own identity.

And Ye Hao's answer seemed to be in response to him. Ye Hao's answer didn't care at all, but instead treated him as an ordinary person.

When hearing Ye Hao's answer, Wen Jingtian's eyes were full of interest in Ye Hao. He thought Ye Hao was a very interesting person.

"I have to say, if you had been born many years earlier, maybe the two of us could have become good friends."

"It's not late now either."

After Ye Hao finished speaking, he pointed the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand at Wen Jingtian in front of him, and Wen Jingtian laughed when he saw Ye Hao's sword pointing at him.

Wen Jingtian's hand was dedicated to His Holy Son Sword was a sharp weapon created by the Holy Land of Huangquan back then.

However, the sword in his hand was far inferior to Ye Hao's Great Luo Emperor Sword. After all, the Great Luo Emperor in Ye Hao's hands was a weapon. The sword is an imperial treasure

"Ah... I really want to let you pass by, but if you want to pass from here today, you must really defeat me."

"It's meaningless for you to say this. Do you think...if I am truly defeated, I will continue to go down?"

Ye Hao found that the way he spoke and the personality of the Huangquan man in front of him were very similar. At this moment, Ye Hao was also thinking that if the other person hadn't been dead for thousands of years and met him now, maybe the two of them would really become each other. good friend

"Come on, let me see how powerful the Yishengzi is."Ye Hao looked full of fighting spirit.

"Then let's give it a try."Seeing Ye Hao's appearance, Wen Jingtian didn't slack off at all and waved the Huangquan Holy Sword in his hand.

"bring it on!"

"Samsara Sword Qi, Samsara Sword Formation."

Ye Hao mastered the Sword Qi of Samsara just now. Looking at Wen Jingtian in front of him, as the Holy Son of Huangquan Holy Land, his control over the Sword Qi of Samsara must be better than his own.

After Wen Jingtian finished speaking , I saw two other phantoms appearing on Wen Jingtian's body, just like Ye Hao's Samsara Sword Qi, and three phantoms began to form at the same time, like the underworld coming, creating a sinister wind around Ye Hao.

"I didn’t expect that the Samsara Sword Qi could be used like this. If that’s the case, let me break it for you."

"The art of sword drawing."

I saw Ye Hao's extremely fast sword light flashing past, and the reincarnation sword array formed in it seemed to summon life.

Ye Hao's sword light flashed past extremely fast, killing him, but in the light of Ye Hao's sword, When he flashed past and thought he had killed it, he discovered that the monster summoned from the Underworld Sword Formation did not die, but continued to crawl out slowly.

"Even if it was summoned by the Underworld Sword Formation, how could it be afraid of death?!"

"Reincarnation Sword Demon!"

In the reincarnation sword formation, a ghost figure appeared, holding a sword in his hand, pointing directly at Ye Hao.

The moment Ye Hao saw the sword ghost appear, the hair on his body stood up. The strength of this sword ghost was absolutely extraordinary.

Ye Hao didn't Thinking that the Samsara Sword Array could summon such a powerful ghost, just when Ye Hao was still thinking about how to deal with the fool in front of him, his eyebrows suddenly became hot, and endless thunder began to disperse in the purple-gold eyebrows. , the sword god armor on Ye Hao's body remained new and shining in the endless thunder light.

"This is! ?……"

Ye Hao knew that there was an extra purple-gold light spot in the center of his eyebrows during the last tribulation, but it was difficult for him to use it afterwards.

In the end, Ye Hao chose to give up on him, and now his own thunder and lightning actually activated itself. Among the thunder and lightning emitted from the light spot in the center of his eyebrows, Ye Hao discovered that it was mixed with another destructive thunder and lightning..

The color of this thunder and lightning was actually black. Seeing the black divine thunder made Ye Hao feel a little palpitated. He felt that at this moment, these divine thunders were climbing up to each other.

Ye Hao's eyes were full of thunder. At this moment, Ye Hao looked like a god of thunder descending to earth. The thunder attribute sword energy in Ye Hao's body suddenly exploded.

"There was a flash of lightning."

In the beginning, Ye Hao was also quite connected with thunder and lightning, and most of the sword moves he used had thunder and lightning attributes.

But at this moment, when the endless thunder and lightning surged, Ye Hao also had something in his heart. Moved, the Thunder Sword Qi quickly understood.

There was a flash of lightning!

At this time, Ye Hao merged the thunder and lightning with his own sword-drawing technique, and a huge thunder and lightning wave quickly turned towards the ghost shadow to attack him. , the side of his right foot suddenly rushed out.

The sword energy erupted by the ghost shadow was very terrifying, but it was suppressed strongly under the lightning. Just as the ghost shadow was suppressed, Ye Hao used Lingxu Sword Technique in his hand again.


Ye Hao's Lingxu Sword Technique weakened Guiying's sword moves again. At this time, Ye Hao held the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand, and green lotus bloomed behind him.

"The green lotus blooms."

Ye Hao's ordinary sword passed through the ghost shadow, and Ye Hao's sword struck the ghost shadow, and a green lotus suddenly bloomed.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collect and recommend

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