Ye Hao is now a sword master.

There is only a layer of film left before breaking through the realm of sword spirit, which can be broken by blowing bullets.

"Draw the sword ten more times and you will be able to break through."Ye Hao smiled while holding the sword in his hand.

The next moment, Ye Hao began to draw the sword.

Every time he drew the sword, the sword blade would make a clear sound, and the sound of the sword echoed endlessly.




A series of sword sounds resounded in the air, and the sound of the sword was clear and deep into people's hearts.

The more times Ye Hao drew his sword, the heavier the sword became in his hand.

He was sweating profusely and heartily.


Buzz -

A sharp sword energy burst out from Ye Hao's body.

This sword energy rushed out of the other courtyard, rushed out of Fengyun Sword City, and swept hundreds of miles.

Ye Hao's spiritual consciousness also expanded at this moment. His sword consciousness covered a hundred miles in radius. Within a hundred miles, he looked at the direction of his sword and looked ahead.

Everything within a hundred miles can be covered by his spiritual consciousness and the shadow of his sword.

With a sword spirit, it is as easy as picking out a person's head within a hundred miles, just like picking out an object from a bag. this moment!

Ye Hao reached the realm of sword master and broke through to the realm of sword spirit in one fell swoop. His strength experienced a qualitative change, and he was surrounded by two sword auras.

A kind of aura, upright, mighty and powerful.

A kind of powerful energy, supreme and invincible, looking down on the world.

Ye Hao waved his hand, and hundreds of Qingfeng swords in the courtyard suddenly came out of their sheaths, floating behind Ye Hao one after another. Each sword burst out with sword light, shining brightly, like a divine sword.

Ye Hao also took this opportunity to start practicing Wanjian Guizong.

After entering the sword spirit, his spiritual consciousness turns into a sword. In one thought, the sword floats around his body, and he can control hundreds of swords without falling to the ground.

But Ye Hao clearly surpassed the extraordinary Sword Spirit cultivator at this moment.

An ordinary sword spirit can control hundreds of swords without falling, and it must be in the late stage of the sword spirit.

But now that Ye Haocai has stepped into the Sword Spirit, he can control hundreds of long swords, and the sword body shines like a divine sword, which is really amazing.

Rao is an unparalleled genius. He can wield a hundred swords without falling when he first enters the Sword Spirit. He can boast for a lifetime.

Ye Hao waved his hands, and hundreds of long swords were like swimming dragons. They moved according to his heart, turning into flying dragons, fish schools, and sword rain.

The dazzling sword body floats in the world. Ye Hao controls everything. The sword is controlled by his mind, and hundreds of swords move together. This scene is extremely strange.

When Ye Hao circulated Ten Thousand Swords and returned to the sect, the swords within a few miles of his courtyard were trembling.

For a moment, the swordsmen in Fengyun Sword City held the long sword in their hands as if they were about to snatch it out and fly out.

Everyone held the long sword in their hands and used Xuan Gong to suppress it.

"what happened?"

"My sword seems to be summoned by something!"

"Why is my sword not suppressed by me?"

The swordsmen and swordsmen of Fengyun Sword City were extremely shocked.



The sound of the sound...

Long swords suddenly flew out and flew in the direction of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao has now entered the state of enlightenment. As for how many swords appeared behind him, he no longer knows.

He is as graceful as a startling dragon and graceful as a swimming dragon.

As he waved his hand, the long sword was like a river, and the sound of sword tide surged.

The swords are densely packed, sometimes sparse and sometimes dense.

Ye Hao stretched his hands above his head, then slapped his palm forward and shouted softly:"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"


The dense rain of swords turned into a tide of swords, rushing forward.


In an instant, the wall was blown to pieces.



The roaring sound continued, and the thick walls in the courtyard were blown into pieces like foam.

The last roar sounded, and swords shattered a hill in the courtyard.

The entire hill was immediately shattered into pieces and leveled to the ground.




Swords fell to the ground one after another, making a crisp sound.

Ye Hao's consciousness moved, and the long swords that fell on the ground rose into the air, and returned to Ye Hao one after another as if they were spiritual. Ye Hao waved his hand and put the sword at home into the scabbard. As for the pain caused by his sword practice With the long sword, Ye Hao couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Because these swords have owners.

Not his.

And I don’t know who these swords belong to.

Wanting it back is indeed a problem.

Ye Hao placed these swords and asked Ye Lingzhan to take them to the city lord's mansion later so that the person who lost the sword could claim them.

After doing this, Ye Hao looked ahead. Eighteen walls of the other courtyard were shattered by him, and even a hill was flattened.

"The sword skill of Guizong of Ten Thousand Swords is really powerful. I have only controlled five hundred swords and it is so powerful. If I reach the point of Guizong of Ten Thousand Swords, I might even be able to knock down the stars in the sky."Ye Hao sighed.

After Ye Hao finished sighing, a figure floated from the sky.

Ye Hao looked at it and saw that it was Ye Lingzhan.

Ye Lingzhan was presiding over the last test of the sword test ceremony, a sword competition test. Hearing other words, There was a strange noise in the courtyard, so he hurriedly returned to Ye Hao's other courtyard.

When he came back, he found that the entire north courtyard was almost in ruins.

Ye Lingzhan looked at Ye Hao and asked; Hao'er, what's going on?

Ye Hao said with a smile:"It was caused by practicing just now.""

Ye Lingzhan looked at the damaged courtyard and walls, and suddenly laughed and said,"My son is truly a genius. Even his martial arts practice caused such a big commotion."

Ye Hao originally thought that Ye Lingzhan would blame him, but he didn't expect to be proud of him.

Ye Lingzhan said:"Hao'er, what kind of swordsmanship do you practice? My father doesn't care, but my father tells you that practicing swordsmanship is not about hard work. Practicing is about learning the strengths of others and clashing with the swords in other people's hands.

It stands to reason that with your performance in the Sword Trial Ceremony yesterday, you naturally do not need to participate in the sword competition session of the Sword Trial Ceremony.

However, as a sword practitioner, if you don't interact with other people's swords, the sword you practice is just a death sword.

Are you interested in going to the Sword Trial Ceremony and competing?"

Hearing Ye Lingzhan's words, Ye Hao's heart was ready to move.

When he came to this world, he studied swordsmanship and learned swordsmanship, but he had never fought with anyone in real life.

Today I have this opportunity to see how my swordsmanship is and to experience it. , In this world where swordsmen are respected, what are the abilities of those who practice swords?

Ye Hao nodded and said:"That's exactly what I meant....."


Dear swordsmen, if you think this book is okay, please give me your vote and flowers.

The author would like to thank all the sword gods.

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