Chapter 425: The Real Emperor

In the icy deep sky, Xia Wuji looked at the dark magic road in front of her.

He always has a feeling, as if this deep and endless magic road is alive.

It seems that The next moment it will transform into some indescribable body, opening its big mouth full of fangs, and devouring any creatures that step on the magic road.

This feeling is very strange, completely out of nothing.

But it always lingered in his heart, lingering.


Or fear?

It doesn’t seem to be.

Entering the avatar world, he never worried about his own safety.

Because if he is really in danger of being overwhelmed, he can instantly switch his body and return to the main world.

So obviously, this is intuitive.

In other words, this magic road may really be a living thing, a kind of terrifying existence.

But this did not deter him.

The corner of Xia Wuji’s mouth was curved.

Since it is a living creature, then this magic road is not left to step on, but let him kill it.

With a thought in his heart, the Supreme Devil Halberd appeared in his hand, and a terrifying edge burst out in an instant, piercing the endless void.

The three thousand Heavenly Demon emperors who were originally behind him were taken aback.

What is this going to do?

Does he want…

The demons were surprised.

Xia Wuji ignored the look of the three thousand Heavenly Demon behind him, and his heart moved.


Realm instant Ascension reached the top level.

The peak of the devil!

An extremely terrifying might broke out all over the body.

Although he is also the peak of the Demon Emperor, his power is much stronger than the three thousand Heavenly Demon Emperor behind him.

The supreme devil halberd in his hand was shot down to the magic road~


The monstrous arc-shaped halberd light cut across the void and turned into a huge blade that was hundreds of thousands of feet long and slammed down on the magic road.


A monstrous roar sounded in the void, and the magic road disappeared instantly.

In an instant, two terrifying eyes like planets appeared in the boundless Shen Kongzhong, exuding monstrous magic flames, staring at Xia Wuji.


The next moment, Star’s eyes grew bigger and bigger, and then he saw a huge head.

Lion head!

Huge as the sky, the magic flame is surging.

He opened his mouth and lunged at him, and the darkness quickly drowned everything.

Xia Wuji’s eyes were calm, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, it was alive and quite big.

But no matter how big it is, it is still dying.

Just as he was about to use “Sky Burial” to kill this giant, he heard a voice from deep space: “Enough, swallow the sky.”

The darkness receded, and the lion quickly shrank and turned into a hundred zhang body.

Only then did Xia Wuji see that the lion was completely dark, and the hair on his body was constantly surging like the flames of The Underworld.

At this time, time and space seemed to be shortening infinitely, and he and Emperor Three Thousand Heavenly Demon instantly left their original place and entered the depths of deep space.

A figure like a mountain sits in the deep air, imposing like a prison.

The three thousand Heavenly Demon behind him bowed down.

The look was devout and fanatical, and he shouted: “Meet the emperor!”

Xia Wuji suddenly.

It turns out that this is their emperor!

I am just the shadow of your emperor.

The corners of Xia Wuji’s mouth set off an arc of indifference.

Looking at Xia Wuji, the huge Heavenly Demon, who is like a mountain, smiles with satisfaction and satisfaction on the huge demon’s face.

Thousands of years!

The clone is finally back!

Both Cultivation Base and momentum made him very satisfied.

He couldn’t wait to beckon to Xia Wuji, and said loudly, “Come here.”

But Xia Wuji didn’t move.

The Emperor Heavenly Demon was stunned.

The avatar doesn’t move?

The avatar didn’t move, and this Supreme Demon God Armor didn’t even move.

Is it possible that during these long years, what went wrong with the clone?

Mind induction obviously can sense the clone, but the clone does not listen to the command of the deity? The Supreme Demon God Armor didn’t listen to him, and cut off contact with him.

Heavenly Demon was slightly surprised.

Maybe it’s too long.

Thousands of years…what else can’t be changed?

The Emperor Heavenly Demon sighed slightly, but the excitement on his face could not be suppressed.

Since the clone can’t come, then he will take the initiative to merge in the past.

It’s all by myself, there is nothing to lose the face and not lose the face.

Immediately stood up, standing upright, the entire void was shaking.

But in an instant, the void solidified.

He stepped forward.

The figure keeps shrinking.

With every step taken, the body keeps shrinking.

When he stepped in front of Xia Wuji, his figure was almost the same as Xia Wuji.

Without any pause, he stepped directly into Xia Wuji’s body.

From beginning to end, Xia Wuji didn’t make any movements, letting the ancient Heavenly Demon enter his body.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor saw a huge whirlpool as soon as he entered the body.

“what is this?”

The Emperor Heavenly Demon was taken aback.

Before he had time to check the situation and experience of his “clone”, he was swallowed by the whirlpool.

There was not even time to call out an “Ah”.

Of course, maybe he has been silent for too long alone, it is possible that this “ah” has not been said.

The source of the huge soul body is too rich, and the source of the black cauldron has increased rapidly after being refined.

In the process of refining, a trace of memory was captured by Xia Wuji.

It turned out that the Emperor Heavenly Demon led three thousand Heavenly Demon to attack the main body of the town demon monument 100,000 years ago, and it took 90,000 years before finally attacking the next small fragment.

But he and Sanqian Heavenly Demon were both affected by the backlash of the Demon Suppressing Monument, and the real body could no longer leave here.

As a last resort, he pierced and opened the void with the shards of the town demon monument, and threw his life armor and weapons into the turbulence of time and space.

The purpose is to allow the Demon God Armor to gather the luck of Otherworld and rebirth him.

As long as the clones come back and merge with each other in the future, he can recover from his injuries, and even have a chance to go further, truly break the blockade of the Demon Suppression Monument and step out of this Heavenly Demon space.

By then, the sky and the earth will be great, let him roam, and it will not be difficult for him to achieve immortality in the future.

Then he and three thousand subordinates all fell into a deep sleep.

I have to say that Heavenly Demon’s plan was perfect and completed.

It’s just that I didn’t expect such a result.

Even if he was dreaming, he never expected to make someone else’s wedding dress.

And this other person is not Heavenly Demon yet, but a human being in the lower world that he almost ignores.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xia Wuji’s mouth.

From this moment on, this clone is his real clone.

The Supreme Demon God Armor truly belongs to him.

Moreover, the Emperor Heavenly Demon did not forget to provide him with such a huge source at the last moment.

What a nice person!

Enough of the source.

Did not hesitate.



The origin of the black tripod is emptied.

The Cultivation Base skyrocketed in an instant, and the momentum was overwhelming, and the spirits were sublimated at this moment…

“Congratulations on the return of the emperor!”

Three thousand Emperor Heavenly Demon bowed down in the void and shouted eagerly and piously.

“Welcome the return of the emperor!”

The huge The Underworld swallowing lion also bowed down and said respectfully.

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