Chapter 407 Sky Burial

Seeing the faint light of blood from Xia Wuji’s blood knife, the banter on the faces of the thirty-seven stars of the Void King clan grew stronger.

They admit that the knife in Xia Wuji’s hand is definitely powerful, but if they want to rely on the knife and want to defeat them, it is undoubtedly a idiot.

A ninth-level middle stage ant has the courage to stand up until now. They even wonder if this guy is a fool, and they don’t even know how to be afraid.

Any one of them, it is estimated that even if he stands here and lets him fight, he may not be able to break the defense.

Originally there was a big battle, but now it seems that I don’t need it anymore.

I have to say that the intelligence of the sacred beasts is accurate. They did not expect that the human race would send a ninth-level middle stage person to guard here.

Allies such as the sacred beasts are worthy of deep friendship!

Since this position is so easy to enter, the Star Void King family will naturally not let go of this opportunity, and immediately send a message in a special way to let more Starry Sky family members set off to the second position, try to enter from the second position…

The huge movement of the Starry Sky Clan shocked the Human Clan hiding in the Void Array.

It can be calculated from the fluctuations that the number of people is extremely large, and the strength is also very strong.

Messages are continuously transmitted through formation.

Soon it was passed to Yun Qingyao, the central formation.

“Have it finally started?”

Yun Qingyao’s beautiful eyes flickered.

In order to ensure the concealment of the Void Array, she did not open the Array to visit outsiders to anyone.

The purpose is to prevent people from seeing the sights outside and fear, which leads to aura fluctuating so that the large array can be discovered by the enemy.

There was also a call at the number one before, but it quickly subsided.

It can be seen that Ying Wudao solved the opponent with little fluctuation.

But now the fluctuation of the second position is so large, dozens of times that of the first position.

On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, there was no movement at all, and the 6th and 7th were just thunder and heavy rain. There was movement but no enemy appeared. Obviously, this was quite a noise.

Since the location of Xia Wuji is so dynamic, it shows that the Starry Sky Clan has changed its strategy, and they are focusing on attacking the No. 2 entrance and exit.

Thinking about this, Yun Qingyao immediately opened the visiting permission, and at the same time released this permission to all those guarding the entrance of the passage.

When the permissions were released, everyone was taken aback.

Thirty-seven royal families!

The densely packed starry sky tribe’s elite army, at least 800,000!

And there is only Xia Wuji alone.

Not to mention the 800,000 elite army, but to say that these 37 royal family powerhouses made everyone’s scalp numb.

“One person to thirty-seven, Xia Wuji… can it work?”

Yunyang and Chu Jun looked solemnly.

Lei Jue, Chu Pingru and others also had extremely solemn expressions.

They know that Xia Wuji is very strong, but this is the 37 royal family powerhouses!

Can he do it?

At No. 1, Ying Wudao’s face suddenly changed.

“Junior brother, didn’t you say that they are all small bugs? How come there are so many big bugs? And seven or eight hundred thousand small bugs, are two or three times as large as mine? Do you have any misunderstandings about two or three times?”

“Hehe, brother, they are little bugs, those seven to eight hundred thousand can only be regarded as worm eggs.”


Ying Wudao’s face twitched, and then solemnly said: “Junior Brother, are you sure? If it doesn’t work, you drag it first, and I’ll support you right away.”

“No need to come, just a few bugs, no problem.”

Xia Wuji Road.

At this moment, a part of the Starry Sky Clan suddenly rushed out of the passage, and they shouted to these powerful royal families: “@¥%……%¥¥*”

The expressions of all the stars of the Starry Sky tribe changed.

Channel 1 was completely wiped out!

Although Xia Wuji could not understand the words of the Starry Sky Clan, he could probably guess it.

The five dragons in the body moved surgingly, and the Shura knife suddenly became bloody, and the sword’s light skyrocketed.

Raising your hand is a knife.

Sky burial!

Wanzhang Dao Mang drew a mysterious arc in the air.

It seems that this knife has touched the rules in general.Boom~

Suddenly, endless bloody sword lights appeared on the sky of the starry sky.

The situation is exactly the same as Qianhuandao.

But the power is hundreds of times that of Ascension.

The whole world is bloody swordsman.

Yun Qingyao opened the visiting permission, and all scenes on Xia Wuji are open to everyone in the human race.

The knife of Xia Wuji surprised everyone and was shocked.

Some people even shudder, both fear and excitement.

“Fuck~ It’s terrible!”

“Fuck~ so powerful!”

Although Yunyang, Chu Jun, and Lei Jue were not in the same place, they almost spoke in unison, and their eyes stared out.

Even Ying Wudao and Yun Qingyao were shocked.

“The power of rules!”

Yun Qingyao muttered to herself with sharp eyes.


Endless sword lights poured down from the sky, and the void was cut open, exposing the boundless deep space.

All the stars of the Starry Sky tribe were shocked.

What’s the situation?

Hundreds of thousands of people tremble with their hairs on their bodies.

Ho Ho Ho Ho…

Facing the endless bloody sword light, all the Starry Sky tribe members rushed out to the sky in unison.

Rumbling rumbling…

The terrifying power of the 800,000 strong almost blasted the sky.

The terror fluctuated millions of miles.

But it didn’t work. The bloody sword light exploded the countless attacks in an instant, and countless sword lights poured down.

“Ah ah ah ah ah……”

A cloud of blood, like the end of the world, a blood red in the eye, permeating the entire sky.

Eight hundred thousand people, only a few thousand people were left in a blink of an eye, and there were only three of the 37 royal family powerhouses left.

All the others died.

The human race is silent.

Eight hundred thousand dollars!

Among them there are 37 powerful royal families!

Isn’t this dreaming?

Is this really Xia Wuji?

Are you sure it’s not a god? !

Yunyang, Lei Jue, Chu Jun, Chu Pingru, Yuexiu and other bigwigs stared at each other, making it hard to breathe.

Even Ying Wudao felt her throat dry.

He asked himself, what would happen if he encountered this knife?

Intuition made him think he might fall.

This answer made him shudder.

He has always been invincible, and it has been a long time since he feels that his life is threatened.

The huge movement excited the Protoss hiding in the void.

It’s fighting!

This movement was too loud, indicating that the Starry Sky Clan had taken action, and the strength of the people who came was terrifying, and there were a large number of them.

With such a big movement, these Star Clan people should have entered the big formation… Xia Wuji is probably killed… Even if he is not dead, he should have been seriously injured…

A series of guesses echoed in their hearts.

“Let’s go! Let’s go for the icing on the cake… No, it’s a gift in the snow!”

Feng Xiangtian’s eyes brightened and he shouted.

“Hahaha, go!”

Long An and others laughed wildly.

Immediately rushed out of the big array.

As soon as he appeared in the void outside, he saw a patch of blood red, and the blood mist filled tens of thousands of miles, and he was immediately overjoyed.

Because it was filled with blood and fog, they couldn’t tell if it was from the Starry Sky Race or the Human Race.

But it is clear that the degree of fighting motivation is beyond their imagination.

And this is exactly what they expected.

“Rush over, don’t have to hide your figure, we want to let our Starry Sky Clan allies know that we are here to help them, and the human race is dead end by attacking inside and out! Hahaha…”

Feng Xiangtian and a group of big guys led the tens of thousands of powerful Protoss rushed to the entrance and exit number two.

With a stab, the Starry Sky Clan members were almost extinct, and the rest of them were almost identical, indicating that this was a race.

At this time, these people are illusory.

Xia Wuji’s eyes lit up.

The electro-optical family, at the critical moment, can lose the source and turn oneself into electro-optical into nothingness, avoiding catastrophe!

This is definitely a strong secret method of the electric light clan.

The only drawback is that the source is huge.

More than 3,000 people’s breath has been weakened to the extreme, and it will be annihilated almost at any time.

“My lord, spare your life!!!”

The Dianguang people included the three powerful royal families, and it was only then that they knew that what they encountered was not an ant at all, but an elephant that suppressed the sky.

Xia Wuji smiled faintly, but there was no warmth on her smile.

With a wave of his hand, Shura’s sword was full of blood, and a huge blade of light swept across these starry sky tribes.


More than 3,000 electro-optical tribes quickly fled in all directions.

However, under the damage of the origin, their speed can’t keep up with the speed of the knife light at all.

In the blink of an eye, the blade light passed by more than 3,000 electro-optical tribes, completely turning into nothingness.

at this time,

Rumbling rumbling…

Void shocks.

Xia Wuji’s tyrannical Divine Sense instantly captured the figure in the blood mist.

Looking at this group of excited faces.

His eyes lit up.


These traitors finally appeared!

However, the appearance at this time is obviously not to help the human race, but to be in a mess with the starry sky race, and to deal with the human race together.

Being able to pinpoint this time point to appear, it means that they have long hidden nearby, waiting for the fisherman to profit when the snipe and clam fight.

Xia Wuji smiled.

What is meant by “If you don’t die, you won’t die”? If they honestly hide in which corner of the horns and cannot come out, they can still survive.

But they just want to take the initiative to come out to find death.

But from another perspective, the Protoss can accurately learn about the war between the Human Race and the Starry Sky Race, and can pinpoint the time point, which is a bit strange.

He turned around and stood in the void, holding the Shura knife in his hand, quietly waiting for the appearance of the Protoss.

He didn’t know at this time that Yun Qingyao had fully opened the visitation rights of the big formation, and everything he did was exposed to all the races.

The Phoenix tribe, the Tianlong tribe and other protoss are mighty, without concealing their own aura, breaking through the blood mist and appearing in front of Xia Wuji.

As soon as he appeared, he surrounded Xia Wuji without hesitation.

At this time, everyone saw this scene through the visiting permission of the large array.


These traitors finally appeared!

The eyes of the gangsters of the human race were full of murderous intent.

Ying Wudao also narrowed his eyes slightly.

However, they are actually going to kill Xia Wuji?

If Xia Wuji did not kill the 800,000 Starry Sky Clan army and 37 Starry Sky Clan royal family powerhouses, they would still worry.

But now… there was a sneer on everyone’s face.When they saw Xia Wuji, everyone was taken aback.

“He is… Xia Wuji?”

Feng Xiangtian, who had never seen Xia Wuji, asked uncertainly.

The young man in front of him is very strong, gentle and gentle, looks very kind, and can’t see any fierceness.

There seems to be some difference with the report from the people below.

Immediately someone said: “Yes, he is Xia Wuji!”

Feng Xiangtian nodded.

But why is he alone, a member of the Starry Sky Clan?

How could there be no one?

For a time, not only Feng Xiangtian, but also others did not recover.

In their minds, the Starry Sky Clan is very powerful, especially the Star Void King Clan, even more powerful.

The big movement just now shows that there are a lot of people in the Starry Sky Clan.

But now there is no one, only the bloody fog…

By the way, blood mist!

Could it be…

They suddenly thought of something.


Feng Xiangtian and the others suddenly shrank their pupils, their hearts sank, and a chill rose from behind, rushing into their minds.

Their gazes at Xia Wuji suddenly changed.



This is impossible!

He can’t do it!

How could he kill so many Starry Sky Clan by himself? Although I don’t know the number of Starry Sky Clan, but the blood fog permeating tens of thousands of miles can tell that the number is absolutely large, even if he is strong, it is impossible for one person to do it.

Could it be… Ying Wudao and all the big men of the human race ambush here?

In other words, Xia Wuji is not alone here.

But everyone? !

The information is wrong! This damn Lu Yuan Dynasty!

When this group of protoss was suspicious and their expression changed drastically, Xia Wuji took the shot.

Xia Wuji has no mercy towards the Protoss people.

And they have no place where they can need mercy.

Those who are not my race must have different hearts. This sentence is definitely not a false statement.

The genes engraved in the bones will never change.

They call themselves the Protoss, although they are all in the Xuanhuang Continent, they are naturally competitive with the Humans.

This is the same as Yaozu.

But they are more terrifying than Yaozu because they are more concealed.

Just like this time, for their own benefit, they brazenly opened the seal and let Demon enter the mainland regardless of the safety of the mainland.

This is no different from the invading demon, and cannot be compared with the demon race at all.

Yaozu still knows the righteousness, they don’t.

What is the use of such a race? !


Together with Xia Wuji, the world changes colors.

Although there are only a few thousand protoss, they are basically big brothers.

Xia Wuji slashed without hesitation–

Sky burial!

The blood-colored sky reappeared, and the world was full of blood-colored blades.


The blood blade is like rain, and everything it passes is turned into nothingness.


A group of protoss bosses were terrified, and their souls trembled.

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