Chapter 383

Once millions of demon invade the human world, it will be an endless disaster.

Xia Wuji’s eyes were cold, and he teleported immediately, chasing after him.

In a blink of an eye, he appeared behind the demon army, slashing down——

Thousands of magic knives!

The endless sword light descended from the sky and landed on the army of demon.


The blood mist is permeated.

Demon blockbuster Death.

With a single stab, nearly 10,000 demon were killed, and the world was red with blood.

Such a powerful attack made the running demon army panic.

Isn’t it said that humans are weak chickens that can be eaten at will?

Why are humans so small that seem to be so powerful?

Thousands of demons were killed with a single stab. You must know that there are fifth-level and sixth-level demon powerhouses inside.

Killed indiscriminately with a single knife.

How strong is this!

Just when Xia Wuji was about to throw the knife again.

A huge roar came from afar.

Ho Ho Ho…

Along with the sky-shaking roar, countless huge figures descended from the sky, shaking in all directions.

Great demon, Great demon!

Xia Wuji discovered that the eighth-level demon had thousands of them, and the ninth-level demon had fifty.

The eyesight of the Great Demon and the Great Demon is naturally not comparable to that of the ordinary demon. They clearly feel the terrifying aura in the human body in front of them.

Moreover, slashing tens of thousands of demons in one fell swoop is naturally not what an ordinary master can do.

Obviously, this is a human master.

So as soon as they appeared, they attacked Xia Wuji indiscriminately.

The terrifying force struck Shattering Void, and blatantly attacked Xia Wuji. This was a posture to prepare Xia Wuji into minced meat in one fell swoop.

The demon army took this opportunity to quickly rush towards the human city.

In the face of this unparalleled attack, Xia Wuji didn’t care.

With a thought in his heart, the Demon God Armor was worn on his body.

At the same time, the first clone Ghost Emperor, the second clone mechanical body, and the fourth clone Nine Infants all appeared.

He threw the Shura knife out, the direction was the demon army.

The avatars simply ignored the boundless attack, and directly chased the demon army.

And Xia Wuji herself swept out with the Supreme Devil Halberd—-

Rumbling rumbling…

Big explosion of various attacks.

Even if some attacks fell on him, it would not cause any harm. Instead, his halberd light swept the great demon and the great emperor, and instead cut them in half.

The great demon and the great demon are huge, which is a huge advantage.

But at this time, it is a huge disadvantage. For Xia Wuji, it is like a target that can be hit without looking.

As if Xia Wuji entered the land of no one, he didn’t use any moves at all, just swept at will, the halberd light flashed, and hundreds of Demon Great Lords and a dozen Demon Great Lords died instantly.

At this time, Demon discovered that the human power in front of him was really too great, to the point of unimaginable magnitude.

As soon as they entered the battle, they thought of running away.

But this idea just spawned, and the sky full of halberd lights overwhelmed the sky.

Magical world!

Different from the blood-colored blade light of Thousand Magic Sword, the sky is full of pitch-black halberd light at this moment.

These demon powerhouses feel that they are not facing a human being, but a demon god. The huge magic power makes these demon powerhouses almost surrender.

If they didn’t know that there was a human in this magic armor, they might have already knelt down.

The halberd mang was overwhelming, and the blood mist was permeated along the way.

Hundreds of Great Lords and several Demon Great Emperors died in an instant.

Xia Wuji is like a killing machine with no emotions, her figure flickers in a huge group of demon, every flicker, endless black halberds appear over the sky, and then it takes away countless powerful demon lives.

And his powerful clone entered the demon army like a tiger into the flock, and was killed by hundreds of thousands in less than a moment.

But the number of demon army is too large, there are millions of them, it can’t be killed in a short while.

After being frantically killed by several avatars, these demon began to escape.

If these demon escape, then the danger will be even greater.

As a last resort, several avatars immediately jumped out of the demon army, surrounded them separately, and began to kill from the periphery to the middle.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and Demon suffered heavy casualties.

For the human being Xia Wuji, the remaining Demon Great and Demon Great were all in horror.

This human being is too strong and must be the ninth-level high rank demon to deal with it.

But the ninth-level high-rank demon are still in the abyss channel, and the aura they emit is too large to pass completely.

The result of forced passage is the collapse of the passage, so the lower demon is allowed to pass through it first.

The earth was blood red, blood flowed across, bones piled into mountains, Killing intent skyrocketing.

This group of powerful demon shouted wildly:

“Gan! This human being is too strong, the wind is screaming!”


“Dammit, don’t go in one direction, run away separately!”

The remaining eighth-level demon and ninth-level demon quickly escaped.

But the direction they fled was not in the direction of the human city, but in the direction of the Second Seal Land and the First Seal Land.

Run away separately?

Xia Wuji frowned slightly.

Looking at the devilish energy billowing in the huge third seal passage in the distance, he suddenly felt stretched and weak.

I want to kill all those eighth-level and ninth-level demon, but there is a terrifying aura from the passage of the Sealed Land, and it is obvious that there is even more powerful ninth-level demon born.

Turning his face and glanced at the direction where the four avatars were chasing the demon army, Xia Wuji’s eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately flew to the seal land.

Looking at the huge passage below, he hit it without hesitation.


The three giant dragons in the body roared to the sky and rushed out brazenly.

The terrifying elemental power converged into a huge elemental power dragon rushing towards the passage.

Kacha~ rumbling rumbling…

The dragon smashed and decayed, roaring and killing all the way, disappearing into the depths of the passage in a blink of an eye, and Xia Wuji couldn’t perceive it himself.

But he could feel the demon aura in the passage reduced a lot.

The only thing that made him feel a little uncomfortable was that this channel space was too stable, and he couldn’t break it with his power.

If the space channel can be broken directly, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome at all.

“Who left the seven stable passages in this Forbidden Demon Land back then? Get sick!”

Xia Wuji cursed in her heart.

If it weren’t for these seven passages, there would be no seals, and naturally there would be no such uninhabited forbidden land for millions of miles around.

But scolding, the subordinates did not delay.

The supreme devil halberd in his hand slammed three times in a row.

The power of horror turned into three giant dragons rushing down the abyss channel one after another.

Immediately, without looking, he teleported away directly, heading for the second seal.

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