Chapter 374 Conspiracy, the seal is broken

Yihua City.

Xia Hu was like an iron tower, standing on the top of the city and looking out of the city.

Like the situation reported by the Great Zhou Dynasty, Demon broke away from the seal and is desperately attacking the human city.

The soldiers who had suffered heavy losses in the war in Yihua City for more than a month looked at the terrifying master on the top of the city, and there was a moment of stability in their hearts.

Xia Hu looked like a Dinghai Shenzhen in their hearts.

With him, the city of Yihua is solid.

At this moment, the killing outside the city shook the sky, Feng Yi, Long Yi and others were fighting with powerful demon outside the city.

For ordinary cultivator, these demons are indeed very powerful.

The lowest is third-level, which is equivalent to the human Gold Core period.

And these demons are just cannon fodder, and there are fourth-level, fifth-level, and sixth-level demons that are equivalent to the human Nascent Soul period, the out-of-aperture period, and the distraction period.

Fortunately, the three eighth-level peak demons equivalent to the peak of the human Transcends Tribulation period did not come, but a seventh-level demon commander came.

The seventh-level demon commander had been killed by Xia Hu. Although the remaining strength was strong, Long Yi and Feng Yi could already fight against them.

The Dragon and Phoenix team is here to sharpen the way of killing.

What they cultivate is the way of killing, the more they kill, the faster their strength will be.

At this moment, the dragon and phoenix team, regardless of the men and women, are full of spirits, just like killing gods.

In the shadow of the sword, the blood flew horizontally, and the stumps shot.

After fighting for so long, the Dragon and Phoenix team did not have a Death, at most they caused some injuries.

It can be seen how strong the fighting power of the Dragon and Phoenix team is.

In Taoism, they are an elite team with strict discipline and cultivation speed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

With Yun Qingyao’s Medicine Pill training and careful training, the Dragon and Phoenix team’s Cultivation Base is promoted at the same speed as riding a rocket, and now all of them are in a distraction phase.

At this point, even Tang Yifeng and many other Sect bigwigs were amazed.

They also take Medicine Pill refined by Yun Qingyao. With the blessing of Sect Qi Luck, the cultivation speed is very fast, but compared with the cultivation speed of the Dragon and Phoenix team, it is like a turtle crawling.

The battle was almost over, and there were huge corpses of demon all over the land.

Blood flowed into a river, Killing intent skyrocketed.

None of these demon corpses are complete and scattered.

Xue Wuhen, Song Jian, and Yuan Huo took the people to another city.

This time Demon attacked the city, not one place, but multiple places.

However, other cities, like Yihua City, are led by seventh-level demons. Xue Wuhen, Song Jian, Yuan Huo and others are powerful and do not have much pressure.

As long as they don’t attack the sealed land, they are basically safe.

Forbidden magic land.

A sealed place.

A group of people are busy with something.

In their center, a huge formation seal gradually lit up, falling on the ground like a projection.

“Fenglan, do we really want to open this seal? In this way, the entire continent may be wiped out.”

“Huh, the benevolence of women! The human race is now strong and has overwhelmed our gods. Not only our Tianfeng race is weak, but your Snow Tiger tribe, giant bear tribe, and the ancient tribes are also weak, big Not as good as before, if we don’t take measures, the Protoss is destined to decline, and even fail to recover. Now the seven great seals weaken is the opportunity to drive tigers and wolves. As long as the demon comes to the world and mass murders, the human luck will definitely decline, and it’s us. Don’t you understand the opportunity for the rise of the Protoss?”

“But… once demon invades Xuanhuang Continent, the luck of our Protoss will also decline. We also need to bear this Heavenly Dao Karma, killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred. Is this really appropriate?”

“There is nothing inappropriate. The ancestors you mentioned have considered it. It is inevitable that the luck of the human race will decrease, but the luck of the human race has declined more. As long as our luck is stronger than that of the human race, this is enough. ”

“Well, this is the plan that our ancestors of all races have already made. We just have to do it. The other ancestors have their own cares. This is not something we should bother about. Phoenix family, Tianlong family, Xue The tribe, the fire spirit tribe, and the moon wolf tribe have each led other races to destroy the other five seals, and we must hurry up. As long as the violent ape tribe in the seventh seal and the three demon supreme will completely destroy the seal , Is when we start to completely destroy this seal.”

“Bai Zhen, don’t worry about it. This is a plan carefully deliberated by the ancestors of all races. There is nothing wrong with it. Hurry up and cut off the 9346th line of the formation. I’m ready here.”

“All right……”

The seventh seal land.

A huge formation seal falls on the ground like a projection. The demon can’t guard three directions by the three demon supreme, and will work together with the eighteen transcends tribulation powerhouses of the violent ape tribe.


The earth trembled violently.

One by one, the top blasting charms were detonated, and the big array was opened with a big opening.


A sky-shaking roar broke through the sky from the Forbidden Demon Earthquake, and the sound wave shook thousands of miles.

The three demon supreme and eighteen violent ape clan powerhouses flew out together, spurting blood.

Different from the ugly faces of the eighteen violent ape tribes, the ugly faces of the three demon supreme were full of excitement.


The three Demon Supreme roared in excitement.

The people in all the cities near the Forbidden Demon Land were taken aback.

Everyone can feel the tremendous power from this roar.

A message appeared involuntarily in everyone’s mind:

The seal of the Forbidden Demon Land is about to be broken.

And all the demons who attacked the city suddenly became violent at this moment, excited, and their combat power turned out to be ascending to a level.

At this moment, there was another earth-shaking bang.

As if the whole world was going to be destroyed.

An imaginary sky with a height of ten thousand feet appeared in everyone’s sight.

The strong human races who were fighting were shocked one by one.

Xia Hu, Xue Wuhen and others looked at the giant shadow of the sky in the distance from their respective cities, and their hearts were shocked.

“The seal is broken!!”

On the city of Jiuguan, Du Teng, the commander of the Demon Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had his pupils shrunk severely, his face was pale, and he murmured tremblingly: “The seal is broken, the demon passage is open, and the Great Zhou Dynasty is in danger!”

It has appeared in history. The passage of demon was opened, and the endless army of demon rushed into the human world frantically, massacred and devoured blood. The Donglin Kingdom, which was close to the Forbidden Demon Land, was the first to bear the brunt, and the country was destroyed in less than a day.

In just three days, three princes were wiped out, the lives were burnt, and the land was thousands of miles red.

If it were not for the Dao Sect to unite the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Demon Sect to send strong people to suppress it, the entire Great Zhou Dynasty might even be submerged under the demon army.

The last three Sects paid a great price and sealed the demon channel.

Unexpectedly, now the seal was opened again.

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