Chapter 334 Heavenly Tribulation Appears

The ghost emperor is responsible for cleaning up some patrols on the edge of the city wall, and the machine body is responsible for dismantling the many cannons on the city wall, and all of them are put away, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties to the human race.

These two masters are like bulldozers, and there is a blood mist wherever they pass, and the Zerg races fled toward the depths of the city.

Xia Wuji and Xue Wuhen soon flew to the giant city of the Zerg.

Through personal experience, Xia Wuji has a more intuitive feeling that the air in this steel giant city is really different from the outside world.

However, this difference is extremely subtle, and it is difficult to feel it unless you pay special attention.

It was the first time Xue Wuhen saw such a huge steel giant city. He was not too curious about the appearance of the Zerglings. After all, the Xuanhuang Continent was vast, and it was normal to have various life forms, so he was not surprised. Strange.

But he was rather curious about the buildings in the city.

These buildings are made up of huge metal components, which can theoretically be combined infinitely.

Xia Wuji is not too surprised, this is a standard metal part, which can be stacked and combined infinitely.

It’s just that seeing these standard parts makes him a little bit emotional.

This reminded him of own past life.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, we can still see this kind of standard parts that represent the age of technology.

Of course, the standard parts here are many times ahead of the standard parts of the earth age.

Neither the material nor the properties are comparable to the earth technology.

Formation Restrictions are depicted on these standard parts, making the original material defense extremely powerful.

The two kept flying into the city.

The further to the center, the larger and taller the building.

During the flight, Xia Wuji felt the tension of Xue Wuhen and directly let go of her own aura.

In an instant, a terrifying aura surged out, overwhelming the sky, as if to destroy the world.

Xue Wuhen was startled suddenly, and then overjoyed.

The stronger Xia Wuji is, the safer he is.

The terrifying aura made many Zerg people discover Xia Wuji and Xue Wuhen, and they shouted in shock: “Look, that’s human!”

“Humans are here!”

“Their breath is so powerful!”

Before the second clone and the first clone were not humans, although they were frightened, they had never seen humans after all, so their concept of humans was very vague.

The impression of human beings still lingers on the “weak young people” who came to explore the reality before.

Many Zerg races never thought that humans would be so powerful.

They had only felt this kind of powerful aura in the body of the insect emperor.

In the distance, a huge metal building with a different shape from other metal buildings, with a huge disk on it, is very conspicuous throughout the city.

“where to.”

Xia Wuji said.

Xue Wuhen nodded.

He has no objection to Xia Wuji’s arrangement.

This kind of Transcends Tribulation in the enemy group, not to mention him, even if you look at the history of the Southern Profound Region, he is also the first.

All he has to do now is to calm his own state of mind as much as possible, and try to make his state of mind calm, so that he can face the next Heavenly Tribulation.


Under the gaze of a group of powerful Zerg races, the two of them rushed into the sky and landed on the top of the building.

Xia Wuji carried her hands on her back and looked around.

Faintly said: “Go ahead, don’t worry.”

Xue Wuhen nodded.

As a Samsara, his mood is much higher than ordinary Tianjiao.

After a few deep breaths, his mood has calmed down.

Then completely let go of own momentum.


The momentum soared into the sky.

Rumbling rumbling…

For no reason, a dark cloud appeared in the sky out of thin air, as black as ink.

It was as if a big hole suddenly appeared in the sky above the two of them, and the dark clouds that were as black as ink gush out from the big hole, and then continue to spread around.

As the dark clouds appeared violently, the sky began to flash and thunder, and the dark clouds were surging rapidly, becoming thicker and wider.

In just a few minutes, Heavenly Tribulation filled the entire city.

The terrifying Tianwei enveloped the world, and all the Zerg races felt extremely terrifying heart palpitations, as if the next moment they would be killed by the Tianwei.

Underground, a great place, a huge space.

Three insect emperors wearing golden armor guarded in three positions, and a woman in a purple shirt stood suspended in the middle.

This woman has some purple armor between her arms, chest and thighs. The rest is exactly the same as a human. She has white skin, bright eyes and white teeth and purple hair.

It is the mother emperor purple spirit of this worm race.

For this look, Zi Ling has always liked it very much.

Three thousand years ago, she was lucky enough to see an incarnation of a god in the Star Sea.

She was a beautiful woman, wearing a purple dress, with a slim waist and beautiful face, and her purple hair fell straight down to her hips. She was absolutely beautiful.

Between the gestures, the dazzling attitude and delicate appearance all made heaven and earth pale.

She was fascinated by her at that time.

It’s a pity that the woman just gave a glimpse, and then disappeared.

From then on, she began to work hard to change herself into the appearance of that woman, which is what she is now.

Her highest ideal is to completely transform into a human form, exactly like the god, rather than the Zerg appearance wearing exoskeleton armor all day long.

Even if she is injured now, she has not changed her appearance as a human being.

Suddenly, a strong heart palpitations poured into my heart, and Zi Ling’s pretty face changed suddenly.


The three insect emperors also changed their expressions suddenly.

Soul exploration!

When the soul exploration quickly extended to the outside sky, the three major insect emperors immediately snorted, and the compound eyes flashed with a look of fear.

Terran Heavenly Tribulation!

Immediately, the three big insect emperors also found Xia Wuji and Xue Wuhen on the top of the central building.


“They are here Transcends Tribulation! Is this going crazy?”

The three big insect emperors showed unbelievable expressions.

Zi Ling didn’t use soul exploration because of the damage to the soul, so she didn’t know the situation outside. Seeing the three insect emperors’ expressions suddenly changed, her heart sank.

From Xingyuan to Xinghai, I have never seen these three insect emperors so frightened.

It can be seen that the sudden change in the external situation may be far beyond their control.

Zi Ling asked immediately: “What’s the matter?”

“Emperor, two humans came outside, they are on the top of the central building Transcends Tribulation.”

An insect emperor said immediately.

Then use Magic power to simulate the outside scene.

When Zi Ling saw the endless rolling black and red Heavenly Tribulation in the sky, he was shocked.

What a great Heavenly Tribulation!

The scope is too large, and it covers the entire Worm City.

There is a strong momentum to wipe out all the Zerg.

But when she saw two humans, she was beautiful.

Especially seeing the handsome face and tall figure of Xia Wuji, as the mother emperor of the Zerg clan, Zi Ling suddenly felt a kind of throbbing heart.

“What’s going on? How can I feel this way about a human man?”

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