Chapter 200 I’ll Lose!

I saw this Han Su with red nails, red eyeshadow, delicate blood red lips, blood leather whip, and red robe.

Xia Wuji blinked.

Women’s clothing? Leather whip?

Who is this pervert?

The Cultivation Base is quite high, reaching the peak of the out-of-aperture period.

Xia Wuji asked immediately: “You whipped me?”

Han Su was staring at him with beautiful eyes and nodded subconsciously.

Xia Wuji: “Okay, lose money.”

Losing money?

Han Su was taken aback. It was the first time he had heard someone say this to him when he grew up, asking him to lose money.

But this person is also really interesting, unlike the others in Dao Zong who always yell at every turn, he is quite easy-going.

Especially the strong masculinity exuding his whole body is really fascinating.

“How much to pay?”

Han Su asked with a pair of “beautiful eyes” blinking.

Xia Wuji didn’t have any waves on her face, and asked, “How many Spirit Stones do you have?”

Han Su was stunned.

After taking a look at the ordinary blue shirt on Xia Wuji, he thought: You can buy hundreds of pieces of Spirit Stones for this dress.

But what do you mean when you ask me how many Spirit Stones there are?

Is it possible for the lion to open his mouth?


Han Su blinked a pair of beautiful eyes, his long eyelashes quivered slightly, and smiled cleverly: “I have a lot of Spirit Stones. I don’t know how many handsome guys want?”

While speaking, an invisible wave radiated out, spreading to the surroundings in an instant.

All the Daoist people who were onlookers all had their eyes brightened, as if they were seeing a peerless beauty in front of them.

Even the guardian Elder Tao Ran was in a trance.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xia Wuji’s mouth.

This perversion is not useless, it is really not easy for a big man to cultivate his Mei Gong to such a situation.

“As much as you want.”

Xia Wuji said lightly.

Han Su was shocked, this guy was not fascinated.

But the expression on his face became more and more charming. He raised his orchid finger and covered his mouth with a chuckle: “Chuck, handsome man, you are really funny. I have millions of medium-grade Spirit Stones here, you are an ordinary one. How much are clothes worth?”

Xia Wuji smiled and said, “Several millions of medium-grade Spirit Stones, ah, can barely be considered to be able to afford this piece of my clothes, take it.”

Han Su smiled and trembled, “Gluck, handsome guy, stop teasing…”

But before the words fell, Xia Wuji suddenly appeared in front of him and smashed it with a punch.

Then there was a click, accompanied by a scream.


Han Su, wearing a big red robe, flew upside down like cooked dried shrimp and crashed into a mountain opposite the mountain gate.

Han Su, who flew upside down, suddenly lost his color.

Dammit, what kind of perverted strength is this!

If it weren’t for the middle-grade spirit weapon heart-guard hidden in his chest, this punch would probably smash him completely.

Even so, this middle-grade spirit shield has become a disposable commodity.

She was smashed with a punch by Xia Wuji just after she appeared.

He could finally understand why Daozong’s guardian Elder saw him politely calling him “Xia Shao”.

It turns out that everything comes from this guy’s strength is too abnormal!


Han Su smashed the rocks and embedded them in the peaks.

Qin Yu swallowed and spit.

Everyone in Dao Zong clenched their fists and looked excited.

Sure enough, he deserves to be the first big brother of Martial Dao Academy!

Even Tao Ran looked excited.

Judging from the strength of Xia Wuji’s shots, not to mention that he is the first master of the Martial Dao Academy, but that he can easily rank in the top five among all the disciples of the Dao Sect.

Of course, the exact number is still hard to say.

The strongest disciples of the White Tiger Academy, the Vermillion Bird Academy, and the Black Tortoise Academy have not yet returned from the Tianlong Battlefield.

The first big brother of Azure Dragon Academy was not originally Qin Yu.

The top disciples all fell on the Tianlong battlefield because of a great battle.

Therefore, according to the order, he naturally became the first big brother of Azure Dragon Academy, and it is inevitable that his strength is weaker than the big brothers of other departments.

Under the excited gaze of Daozong people, Xia Wuji stepped on a flying step and stepped in front of Han Su a few steps.

Han Su broke free abruptly, and the long whip slammed Xia Wuji fiercely. At the same time, a pile of talisman appeared in his hand, and he threw it at Xia Wuji without money.

The monstrous flames, the terrifying wind, the ice sword like rain, the scarlet whip like a poisonous snake.

At this moment, they attacked Xia Wuji at the same time.

Xia Wuji’s mind moved.

Demon armor is worn on the body.

The supreme devil halberd in his hand violently waved.


The void burst.

The monstrous flames, the terrifying wind, the rainy ice sword, and the scarlet whip were all blasted with a halberd.

Han Su was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were splitting.


This strength is too scary!



Without a word, Han Su ran away.

It turned into a meteor in the sky and disappeared instantly.

Want to escape?

The corner of Xia Wuji’s mouth was curved.

With millions of medium-grade Spirit Stones on him, you want to escape?

Can you escape?

After receiving the Demon God Armor, he stomped fiercely in the void under his feet.


There was a huge ripple in the void, and the whole person chased Han Su like a cannonball.

In a blink of an eye, Han Su, who had flown out for more than ten miles, felt the terrifying pressure behind him, and hurriedly looked back…


A face was severely smashed by something, and the nose bleeds suddenly.

But to his surprise, it was only a fist-sized rock that hit him.

The stone was broken into a dozen pieces, but the face was fine.

Han Su breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn’t that guy’s fist.

If it was his fist, let alone his face, his entire head would explode.

The middle-grade spirit weapon heart guards were all blown up, not to mention his head.

He knew very well that his head was not as hard as a middle-grade spirit weapon.


In the blink of an eye, a black figure whizzed up and kicked his ass.

Han Su crashed into a mountain ahead at a speed several times faster.


He was once again embedded into the mountain peak, reaching more than ten meters.

Standing in front of the mountain, Xia Wuji grabbed Han Su from the mountain with a big hand.

Due to his strength being a bit fierce, Yuanli accidentally pinched a few ribs of Han Su when he grasped it with his big hands.

Han Su, with his face covered in blood and ragged clothes, was frightened.

“Xia Shao, don’t do it, don’t do it!”

He immediately raised his hands and shouted, “I pay! All Spirit Stones will be given to you!”

Xia Wuji grabbed him and dropped to the ground, then let him go.

He smiled slightly and said: “You said that earlier, we don’t have to do so much trouble. Come on, pour out the storage ring and show me everything.”

“Pour it all out?”

Han Su was taken aback.

“Why, you don’t want to?”

Xia Wuji chuckled at him.

Xia Wuji’s smile was very kind, but it shocked Han Su.

Because he saw Xia Wuji’s hand quietly clenched into a fist.

He said without hesitation: “Yes!”

Without saying anything, I immediately poured out all the things in the storage ring…

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