Chapter 186 Lies

“Lange! Why are you here?”

Seeing this beautiful woman, Yuan Liu, who just got dressed, looked overjoyed.

Yang Lanzhi is beautiful and has many movements, which makes him nostalgic.

Had it not been for his son’s smooth development in Taoist school, he would have dug this woman from Gu Shengyu long ago, and he had taken care of her every day.

Yang Lanzhi also often said to him that if she had known him early, she would not be Gu Shengyu’s person, but belonged only to him Yuan Liu.

Therefore, every time Yang Lanzhi comes, she will do her best to satisfy him, not only to make up for the late encounter with him, but also to meet him fortunately.

Although the immortal cultivator is quiet and low-spirited, every time Yang Lanzhi comes, it is his happiest time for Yuan Liu.

It has been more than three years since Yang Lanzhi came here last time.

I didn’t expect this time to come early in the morning.

It’s a pity that Yang Lanzhi didn’t have the same amorous feelings in the past this time, with peach blossoms on her face.

Instead, a pair of tearful eyes stared at him, tears streaming down the white and pink cheeks.

Ewha said with rain: “My son is dead!”

“Huh?” Yuan Liu was taken aback, “Which one?”

He knew that Yang Lanzhi had three sons in total.

Yang Lanzhi’s eyes are red and swollen.

“It’s Zhier.”

“You, what are you talking about! Zhier?”

Yuan Liu’s heart sank, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

Yang Lanzhi was sad in her heart, but at the same time she was worried, otherwise it would not have been more than three months before Yuan Liu was informed of this matter.

Gu Yuezhi is not the son of Gu Shengyu, nor the son of Elder Li Han, but the son of her and Yuan Liu.

But in order for her son and herself to get more help and support from Yuan Liu, the master of the Taoist Pill Palace, she kept hiding Gu Shengyu and maintained a love relationship with Yuan Liu.

And Yuan Liu also wanted to help his son more, so that his bloodline could continue and grow, and at the same time, to keep Yang Lanzhi firmly attached.

So the two hit it off, weaving a lie to the second Elder Gongsun Yuan of Azure Dragon Academy, saying that Gu Yuezhi was born to Yang Lanzhi and Li Han.

Li Han is the Supreme Elder, capable of reaching the sky, and is a companion to Mrs. Lanqin of the Sky Demon Sect. Therefore, it is not convenient to declare that Gu Yuezhi is his son. He can only imply that Yuan Liuduo, the Lord of the Palace of Alchemy, is helping his son.

Gongsun Yuan believed it.

In order not to be noticeable, Gongsun Yuan only accepted Gu Yuezhi as a true disciple instead of his own personal disciple, and Yuan Liu provided most of his daily resources.

Gongsun Yuan thought that he had found a great backer, so he took care of Gu Yuezhi both in the dark and secretly.

And Yang Lanzhi and Yuan Liu finally found the most suitable place for their son to develop.

As long as Gu Yuezhi works a little bit, Cultivation Base can rise all the way.

And over the years, under Yuan Liu’s facilitation of public welfare and the vigorous cultivation of a large number of precious Medicine Pills in the Pill Palace, Gu Yuezhi is indeed rocket-like Ascension, and has entered the Gold Core stage at a young age.

Coupled with his handsome appearance and generous shots, there are people who speculate that Gu Yuezhi has been vigorously cultivated by Gongsun Yuan, which has attracted many beautiful women to rush to associate with him.

Everything is so perfect.

But now everything is broken.

Not only is it broken, but it is also in danger of being discovered.

Only Gongsun Yuan knew about this.

Under normal circumstances, Gongsun Yuan knew that Gu Yuezhi was dead, he would definitely be nervous, because he thought that Gu Yuezhi was the son of Elder Li Han.

Too great Elder’s son is dead, and the first person to look for must be his Master.

Regardless of the reason, being a Master is unavoidable, not to mention that Gu Yuezhi’s “father” is still too much on Elder.

Therefore, Gongsun Yuan must do everything possible to find the murderer and impose severe punishment on him, giving Li Han an explanation, and at the same time pleaded guilty to Li Han Ningjing for ineffective protection.

It’s nothing more than just finding the murderer, but what Yang Lanzhi fears most is that Gongsun Yuan wants to plead Li Han Yingjing.

At that time, the lies she and Yuan Liu woven will be exposed.

And the result of the lie being exposed is definitely not just as simple as ruin and fame, maybe you will be beaten to death.

Therefore, after Gu Yue knew that he was dead, Yang Lanzhi kept preventing Gu Shengyu from going to Daozong to find the truth for his son for various reasons.

But Gu Shengyu waited at home for three months.

But in the past three months, neither the Azure Dragon Academy nor the son Master Gongsun Yuan have even received any comfort or notice.

Without waiting for Daozong’s reply, Gu Shengyu couldn’t hold back anymore, and finally came.

He couldn’t let his son die so unexplainably.

Yang Lanzhi, who had been staying in the Black Dragon City, thought about it, and felt that this matter might be pierced and brought great danger to her and her family.

Finally came to Daozong quietly and secretly found Yuan Liu.

Yang Lanzhi then recounted the reason for this incident.

Yuan Liu’s face was gloomy as water.

Like Yang Lanzhi, what he worries most is that this matter will be exposed.

As for the son, he will die if he dies. Although a little sad, he can still be born again.

But if it is exposed, not only will the position of the lord of the Dandian be not guaranteed, but even his life will not be guaranteed.

Although there is no explicit stipulation that framing Elder is a capital crime, but in the world of cultivating immortals, where there are any rules, all the rules are made by the strong.

Even if it’s Li Han, Elder is open to the Internet because he is a member of Dao Sect, but what about Mrs. Lan Qin of the Sky Demon Sect?

Gu Yue knew that he was not dead, it is very likely that this matter will remain hidden.

Although this matter is risky, it is generally within the controllable range.

As long as Gu Yue knows his strength becomes stronger, even if the lie is revealed, it will not be a big deal.

This is a world where the strong are respected.

But now, Gu Yuezhi is dead, and the piled up lies are about to collapse in an instant.

For the first time, Yuan Liu felt that he had done an extremely stupid thing.

“What to do? Brother Liu.”

Yang Lanzhi asked anxiously.

Yuan Liu pondered for a moment, and said, “I’ll go to Gongsun Yuan.”

“Looking for Gongsun Yuan?” Yang Lanzhi was surprised, “Brother Liu, are you going to showdown?”

“What card to show? This time the showdown is for death!” Yuan Liu glared at her and said, “I want him to shut up!”

“Could it be…” Yang Lanzhi widened her Kazilan eyes, “Are you going to kill him?”

If it were in the past, Yuan Liu would definitely be moved by her cute appearance.

But now, he only thinks this woman is really stupid.

His strength is almost the same as that of Gongsun Yuan, how could it be so easy to kill Gongsun Yuan.

Moreover, the two of them are so strong, and the battle is earth-shattering, is this afraid that others will not know or what?

But this woman gave him a wake-up call.

Extinguishing the mouth is indeed the best way.

As long as this old guy dies, no one will know that the so-called Gu Yuezhi is the illegitimate son of Li Han Taishang Elder is a lie at all.

Even if Gongsun Yuan once told others, it was just a side word of this old guy, who knows what he feels at ease.

He, Yuan Liu, can completely push this matter away.

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