Chapter 220

The essence of a stock is a company, and a company constantly creates value.

Just because someone bought Seosung Electronics for 1 million won and sold it for 2 million won doesn’t mean the person who bought it later lost 1 million won.

This is because Suseong Electronics releases new products every year and makes money to distribute to shareholders.

The stock market is an open market, and it is possible for all participants to profit. Therefore, stock investment is different from gambling, and it is also encouraged by society.

On the other hand, the cryptocurrency market was nothing more than a zero-sum game. In order for someone to profit, someone must lose.

The reason cryptocurrencies have soared so far is because there was a belief that they would continue to rise. However, at a time when liquidity inflow reached its limit, various bad news broke out and the collapse began.

From the time Bantecoin crossed $15,000, K Company continued to sell its holdings. It has not yet sold half of them, but many cryptocurrencies have already risen from their highs.

As low-price buying came in and a temporary rebound succeeded, individuals shouted ‘Gazah’ again.

“It seems to be rebounding slowly. Should I stop selling?”

I shook my head at Sangyeop’s question.

“I sell as much as I can when I receive it.”

According to the forecast, this is the beginning of a bubble burst, not a temporary decline.

The whales, who dominate the cryptocurrency market, did not welcome the crash. However, as we continued to sell, the rebounding market fell again, and some forces that could not bear it joined the sell-off.

Taegyu said.

“If you think about it, it’s funny. When you say that cryptocurrency is digital gold and a new currency that will replace fiat money in the future, you are now trying to sell cryptocurrency to buy fiat money.”

“The dollar is the best.”

Bantcoins even broke the ,000 line, and altcoins fell endlessly. The higher the coin, the steeper the decline.

Ruple, which once climbed to the second place in the cryptocurrency market cap by recording 4,500 won, broke even 1,000 won and sank again with a coin coin.

On TV, the cryptocurrency crash was the main news every day.

This is not the first time cryptocurrencies have plummeted. In the past, when Mountain Hill went bankrupt due to a hack, it crashed, but it did not become an issue as it is now.

So things are very different then and now.

There are more types of cryptocurrencies and the market has also grown. Until early last year, very few people were investing in cryptocurrencies. However, since the end of last year, that number has increased several dozen times.

Workers, housewives, and college students all jumped in. There were even cases where middle and high school students saved up their pocket money.

How many of them understand and invest in blockchain?

There is a saying in stock proverbs that when housewives and monks appear in the hall, it is the peak.

Joseph Kennedy, the father of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, heard the shoe-shine boy asking about stocks and sold all his stock along the way. Then the Great Depression broke out in the United States.

In Korea too, the KOSDAQ bubble collapsed after housewives carrying babies packed up their money and shouted to buy KOSDAQ stocks, and China also suffered a stock market crash after monks flocked to buy stocks.

Until recently, the Bantcoin bulletin board was like Neverland, full of dreams and hopes. However, in just a few days, it turned to hell.

-I am getting married in May, and I have lost all the wedding expenses as well as the jeonse money I received from my parents. The prospective wife does not even know that, and is choosing where to go on her honeymoon and where to go to her honeymoon. What should I do now?

-I got a loan for my parents’ house as collateral for all the property I accumulated while working as a cell phone dealership (I tell my parents I’m going to pay another store), so I started with a seed of 300 million won and rode it for a gent of 533 won. And I ate when it was 1,200 won, and after that, it went all the way to 2,800 won. Anyway, in four days, 300 million became 700 million. Exactly 100 million times a day. But from then on, life begins to go downhill. I decided to ride a boss instead of a job coin to make a stable investment. (If you think about it now, you have to release your hand from the coin.) It looked like it would break through 30 million won of the Vantcoin, so I went in to eat a little and fell, but up to 14 million. Non-stop slipping. I took it all off and bought it for 1200 won again thinking it was a gent. 700 won collapsed in two days. I sold it and came out and saw it hit 1,000 won due to a sharp rebound, and then went back in and started gabbing. (Jento ㅜㅜ) I lost all the money I made so far and had 180 million left in seed. 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 From this point on, there is no coin that has not been burned by this coin, that coin, or that coin, since it is pursued to recover the principal. In the end, I was immersed in Florex, and in half a day, 13,000 won became 6,000 won. I now have exactly 17 million won left in my hand. What should I tell my parents?

– I can’t even laugh. cheer up.

– It doesn’t sound like someone else’s

– Don’t lose hope. If you ride one coin well, it will go 10 times in an instant. The Oakcoin ICO will be held soon, so buy some. I even got cash advance and was blown away.

-Finally, I got -90%. I don’t want to live anymore, so I go to the Han River. It was a dirty life. see you in my next life

– Don’t sell, jump. reduce the amount of sales.

-If you are going to die anyway, I would appreciate it if you could send the remaining coins to my Bansome account.

– I’m begging you too. Any coin is fine.

– I don’t even have money to buy food right now. Please help me. Any small help would be appreciated.

– Stuck on the 4300 floor of the loop. When will the rescue team come?

-Crazy haha ​​What the hell were you thinking of buying a coin that wasn’t even worth 100 won at that price?

– Hahaha ruto.

– Black cow. Are you deceived by Ruple again?

– The rescue team is having a hard time, so will you go up there? 1500 floors is too much.

-I’m on the 2730 floor of Vant ㅜㅜ Please let me go!

– Thanks to Black Angus like you, someone must have escaped, so think of it as a good job. Even if this world is hell, you will go to heaven when you die.

-If it exceeds minus 70%, stop loss is meaningless. John is the answer.

– ㅇㅇ Forcibly go to John Ver.

Rather, those who jumped in early were better off. However, those who jumped in late and were bitten by the peak suffered severe damage.

Some investors poured out their anger towards the presidential takeover committee, which mentioned regulations.

– Has the government ever made our people dream of happy dreams? With cryptocurrency, we have been able to dream a dream we have never had in Korea before. In the flow of the times, cryptocurrency is an investment because it is judged that the 4th revolution is right, so please do not take away the happiness and dreams you had for the first time.

– It’s a gem of a saying ㅜㅜ

– Does it make sense to roll up a popular market with government regulations?

-Blockchain is the core of the 4th industrial revolution.

-Government promotes cryptocurrency investment and fosters blockchain!

– That’s right! Let’s save the economy with BANTCOIN!

– Let’s have a protest at Gwanghwamun to ask the black cows to get their money back.

-If you take office as president, invest in the National Pension and make Ethereum rice cakes!

* * *

The higher the mountain, the deeper the valley.

Bantcoins fell by 70%, Ethereum by 80%, and most altcoins by more than 90%.

Bubbles leave sequelae.

There were people who lost all their fortunes or went into debt. Unfortunately, there is no way to rescue it.

The good news is that the shock did not spread to the economy as a whole.

At the peak, the market cap of cryptocurrencies listed on major exchanges exceeded $1 trillion. This is the entire world combined, and Korea accounts for less than a tenth of that.

Also, the collapse of the cryptocurrency bubble had little connection with the existing economic system.

For example, when real estate prices plummet, it does not end there, but problems arise one after another in the lending bank, tenants, construction companies, and construction companies, which adversely affects the economy as a whole.

In other words, the impact was less because of the small scale and few related industries. If the market capitalization of cryptocurrency was larger than it is now, and it was linked to the financial sector, such as collateral, it would not have ended like this.

Because of these points, the majority opinion was that it was better to explode now.

Due to the collapse of the bubble, the cryptocurrency market cap shrank to $300 billion, and a sideways trend continued for a while.

The amount that K Company turned into cash by selling cryptocurrency on overseas exchanges was $7.2 billion. In an instant, the company’s assets increased by more than 8 trillion won.

However, there was still a significant amount of undisposed items. The mining farm is still mining coins.

Sangyeop, who had a stake in K Company, was single.

“What will the exchange do?”

“You have to invest and keep growing. Even if the market crashed, the market itself did not disappear.”

Unlike securities companies, cryptocurrency exchanges do not require authorization from the authorities and anyone can open a cryptocurrency exchange just by registering. As a result of the investment boom, exchanges were created one after another. Among them, there are not a few places with low transaction volume and poor security.

“Once the market is stabilized, whether it is a cryptocurrency or an exchange, the boulder will start.”

The advent of the Internet caused the dot-com bubble. It was after the bubble burst that the Internet era began in earnest and IT companies began to grow.

It remains to be seen from now on what kind of value cryptocurrencies will create and whether they will grow again or, as Warren Boatt said, will completely collapse.

* * *

When I opened her eyes, I saw a beautiful brunette girl sleeping next to me.

Golden Gate’s Korean branch has become a little more relaxed after a hectic time. Ellie took a weekend off whenever possible, and we enjoyed a date.

I went to a late-night movie or went out for a drive to the suburbs, but most of my dates were at home. Because her face was known so much that it was difficult to get around outside.

There were many cases where we played until late like now and then went to sleep at our house.

Feeling my gaze, Ellie slowly opened her eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s amazing.”


“Being together like this.”

If I had continued to attend school without investing, would I have never met Ellie? Then why couldn’t we be together like this now?

Eli heard me and said.

“You still haven’t met? Maybe I went to Korea University with Jessica, or Jinhoo and Taek-gyu might have come to Hong Kong to meet Jessica.”

“Well, it could be.”

We looked at each other and smiled, then hugged and kissed.

“When I wake up, shall I drink coffee first?”

“Good idea.”

We got out of bed and put on our pajamas.(Read more @

As she opened the curtain, Ellie exclaimed in surprise.


The garden outside the window had turned white overnight. And it was still raining heavily.

Ellie looked at her with a blank expression on her face.

“So pretty.”

I walked over to her side.

“Do you like snow?”

“of course. As I said before, it doesn’t snow in Hong Kong. That’s why I still think it’s amazing to look into your eyes.”

We went down to the ground floor to have coffee. Then I pulled out a cup of coffee and stood by the window with a cup of coffee in my hand, watching the snow pile up.

Ellie said while drinking coffee.

“Winter is coming to an end.”

“Maybe it will be the last snow.”

For some reason, Taek-gyu got up early and went out into the living room in his pajamas.

“It’s snowing a lot. I can’t go out today.”

I nodded.

“Yeah. I also have to cook at home.”

“Shall we make a snowman after eating?”

“… … Are you?”

But Ellie clapped her hands and she liked it.

“good! We make it all together.”

* * *

There are many events in February.

First, the inauguration ceremony was held in Korea. The term of Park Si-hyeong, who had been in the presidency for five years, ended, and the new political party elected Huh Chang-min was inaugurated as president.

The first thing he did was re-investigate the so-called commentary operation and civilian inspections, which had been a problem in the previous administration. Naturally, the National Intelligence Service and the Security Agency were the targets.

The New Political Party argued that a special prosecutor should be conducted on Park Si-hyung’s various allegations (the problem of PAS beneficial ownership, orders for civilian inspections, orders from conservative groups to control godparents, assets hidden abroad, etc.), and the Liberty Korea Party, which is now an opposition party, He objected with a foam in his mouth saying it was retaliation.

However, the division within the party was severe and the power of the pro-Park system was weakened, and public opinion also supported the special prosecutor. It is not easy to simply oppose unconditionally in a situation where various evidence and testimonies have already been presented. In the end, there was a high probability that the special prosecutor would pass in one way or another.

Aside from the domestic political situation, an important event awaited us.

This is the new car from Karos.

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