Chapter 214

Carl Albert Singer.

A former lawyer, he left the law firm at the age of 40 and founded an activist hedge fund called Albert Management.

Retirement pensions, sovereign wealth funds, and investment funds invested in him, and Carl Singer made huge profits in a short period of time with his aggressive style.

His appearance in the process was astounding.

Like a bald eagle that rushes to the carrion left behind by other animals, Carl Singer didn’t care about anything that made money.

The main investment was to buy bonds of countries that are in default state at a bargain price and receive the full price. South and African countries with low credit ratings and weak national power, such as Peru, Argentina, and Congo, were targeted.

Even if the countries and institutions holding government bonds agreed to pay off the debt to receive only 30 percent, Albert did everything he could to get more, or even the full amount.

They even confiscated poverty subsidies from foreign accounts of the respective governments. As a result, the supply of vaccines was stopped and hundreds of children died.

When this became known, the international community was outraged, and Warren Bott strongly denounced him as being no different from Shylock.

In addition to that, he gained notoriety as vultures and hyenas, but Carl Singer did not care.

In a capitalist society, money is blood. And investors live by sucking that blood.

There is only a difference between worse and less bad, but who is insulting whom?

Money has neither good nor evil, neither filth nor cleanliness.

Money is just money.

When the results of the investment became known, the wealthy packed up their money and flocked to it. They made large investments anonymously. They don’t want to be criticized, but they want to make money.

Carl Singer scoffed at them as hypocrites. Either way, he was only going to make money.

Albert Management took 25 percent of its revenue as a management fee. Even considering that it is a hedge fund, the level is too high. But no one objected. Because they made a high enough profit that they were willing to pay commissions.

Carl Singer was confident that one day he would jump over the Warren Boat. In terms of actual returns, only one investor has surpassed him in the past five years.

‘After Kang Jin… … .’

The person with the greatest influence in the current financial world is Kang Jin-hoo. If it wasn’t for him, the United States would have suffered more than the financial crisis by now.

The fears caused by the earthquake and the unprecedented impeachment of the president overlapped, causing extreme fluctuations in financial markets around the world. It was a good opportunity for hedge funds to make a profit.

By the way… … The Big One really exploded.

Hedge funds have suffered huge losses. Dozens of companies that have increased their leverage and made aggressive investments have gone bankrupt, losing their customers’ money.

Fortunately, Carl Singer didn’t completely ignore the warning after the earthquake, and he was able to avoid a major loss thanks to a hedging just before that. I forgot all the money I earned through hard work for a year.

But opportunities to make money are everywhere. Emerging market markets suffered from the shock of the US, and car sales plummeted.

Albert had been keeping an eye on the silver difference from before. As problems such as declining sales volume, recall, regime change, governance, and group succession overlapped, it was clear that it would be difficult to defend the share price.

Another problem with Eunseong Cha is that she and Jinhu Kang do not have a good relationship. It was also Jinhu Kang that triggered this airbag problem right away.

Through Karos, we secured the best level of autonomous driving technology, and hired Professor Homin Kim to develop the next-generation battery.

In addition, it was clear that it would lead the autonomous driving and electric vehicle fields in the future as it has established a mass production system by establishing an automobile factory and a battery factory in Rustbelt.

OTK Company will never cooperate with Eunsung Car, and Eunsung Car will fall behind in the competition.

When Albert sniffed the money and ran, the other hedge funds followed suit. They poured short selling throughout the Korean stock market, including not only silver car, but also bio and consumer goods.

As hedge funds decided to attack, the silver gap fell by nearly half, and the Korean stock market fell more than 15 percent. On the other hand, the exchange rate soared.

Now all that is left is to drop the stock price further, close the short selling, collect the money, and leave.

Although I had been looking for an opportunity before, Jin-hoo Kang pulled the trigger and things became much easier.

Carl Singer laughed and mumbled.

“I think I should buy Kang Jin-hoo a drink.”

* * *

December 31 has passed and a new year has begun.

Golden Gate and OTK Company also opened their opening ceremony and started a new business. The stock market fell again as soon as it opened.

Individual investors were on the verge of bursting into tantrums.

-Please get rid of this guy’s short selling!

– What if the National Pension Service lends stocks to sell short?

– The national pension is the people’s money, so are you going to kill the people with that money?

-Does it make sense for a brokerage company who lives on ants’ money to lend out stocks for a short sale?

-Or, allow individuals to short-sell!

-Let’s move the account to a brokerage company that doesn’t lend stock There’s no point in talking about it anyway.

– Shouldn’t the government do something about it?

– Your Excellency is busy cleaning up your own shit right now.

– They say they’re hiding in the Blue House, destroying evidence and guessing words.

– You have a prison shop right after your retirement, so you need to prepare in advance.

Not only the stock market, but the current Korean economy itself was not very good.

As the real economy was not good, the stock market fell, and the decline in stock prices once again spurred the real economy to stagnate. The most serious of all was the increase in the unemployment rate.

When one thinks of Korea, large corporations such as Seoseong and Eunsung come to mind, and most of the main characters on TV work for large corporations. Therefore, it is easy to mistake it as if there are only large corporations in Korea, but in reality, the proportion of large corporations in employment is less than 15%.

More than 85% of the remaining employment is occupied by SMEs. Therefore, when SMEs face difficulties, the unemployment rate rises immediately and domestic demand stagnates, resulting in a direct blow to the economy of the working class.

The biggest cause of this situation is Park Si-hyung.

For 5 years, he shouted business-friendly and pushed only large companies, but in the end, he ruined the economy due to his own fault.

But the arrows of criticism also fell on me.

– Because of the earthquake, all small and medium-sized enterprises are dying!

– Why is that because of Kang Jin-hoo? It’s because of the difference between you and Eunseong.

-If Jinhu Kang had confirmed the defect and covered it up, he would have cursed that he was the same guy?

– Still, I think the announcement should have been made while looking at the situation to some extent. Now, the subcontractors of Eunsung car are like hell every day.

-The US made a fuss saying they would help, but what did you do to Korea?

-If you have invested half of the money you invested in the US, try investing in Korea.

– The shit was packed by you, so why do you say something to Kang Jin-hoo?

– Whoever packed it, please put it away ㅜㅜ

I looked through the materials about Albert that Hyunjoo noona gave me.

If I had studied hard in school, my grades would not have looked like that in my freshman year. (At this time, I was busy with my girlfriend and club activities.)

Taek-gyu, who was pretending to study together next to me, asked me.

“I have one question for you.”


“After Albert bought the bonds of a troubled country, he said he took all the money out of it?”


“Then why did you stay still during the Russian moratorium?”

I put down the material I was reading and nodded.

“That’s a very good point.”

Since the debtor has no way of repaying the borrowed money, if he prostrates and prays, everyone will take care of the situation to some extent. However, even while everyone was offering to reduce the debt, Albertmann said he would rip even his stomach and extorted the money.

But what if the debtor is a gangster?

If you use a knife to cut your stomach, you can die.

“He’s an Albert who doesn’t care about money when it comes to money, but he knew how to hide his opponents. If he had done something similar to Russia, he wouldn’t have been boned.”

No matter how many teeth are missing, a tiger is a tiger.

There are not a couple of countries that have been ripped off by the Russian moratorium. This includes Korea. But instead of shouting, everyone is watching the debtors and calmly waiting for the money to be paid.

Only the United States or China can shout out loud against Russia.

For reference, George Soros suffered a huge loss and resigned at this time, and Long Term Capital was completely destroyed.

Taek-gyu said as if he had remembered something.

“Come to think of it, Japan took advantage of Russia’s weakness and proudly shouted loudly to return the 4th Northern Province, but could not even win the main battle.”

Surprisingly, he is an otaku with historical knowledge.

“During the Cold War, it was a country that divided America and the world into two.”

Taek-gyu nodded his head as if he understood.

“If they don’t like it, they give it radioactive tea and kill it.”

It is a country where the president was originally from the KGB. The secret to longevity is to look at your opponent and attack.

While we were talking, the intercom rang.

Senior Ki Hong said.

[Guests have arrived. Please come to the meeting room.]

“I see.”

I went down to the meeting room with Taek-gyu.

* * *

In the meeting room, ten middle-aged men in suits and work jumpers were sitting. Originally, about 50 people came, but if there were too many, it would be a burden, so we limited it to ten.

These are the CEOs of the subcontractors of Eunsung Motors. They formed an emergency response group earlier and urged the government and Eunsung Motors to take countermeasures.

The government did nothing, and Eunseong, the original contractor, paid the payment in advance and provided emergency funds, but it was not enough to solve the situation.

“Hello, this is Jinhoo Kang.”

I greeted them and sat down. The presidents also took turns saying the company name and their own names.

There was no problem in recognizing who was who because they were wearing a name tag.

“Are you having a hard time these days?”

President Baek Hyun-soo answered my question as the representative.

He said in a Volmen voice.

“It’s not that difficult, but I’m living so that I can’t die.”

Eunsung Motors and PAS are responsible for this airbag incident. But I was the one who informed it.

Everyone has a mixed expression of resentment as to why this has happened.

“A defective airbag is clearly wrong. But isn’t it that you’re not making a presentation without any preparation? You should have given it plenty of time.”

If I had given Eunseong a month or so, I would have been able to reduce the impact by securing airbags in the meantime.

But if he did, Lee Jung-hye of the Liberal People’s Party would have been elected as the next president instead of Heo Chang-min of the New Politics Party. Park Si-hyung must have tried to cover it up somehow.

Anyway, I understand you feel bad about me.

“All factory lines have come to a standstill.”

“If we don’t stop the bill coming back this month, we’re on the verge of bankruptcy.”

“It looks like we can’t even pay our employees’ salaries.”

“Why do we, who have done nothing wrong, have to suffer so much?”

Some bosses wept as they spoke.

I silently listened to voices mixed with resentment for cooperation and criticism. And after waiting for them to finish speaking, he said.

“As you may know, my father also ran a subcontractor for Eunsung Motors in the past. So I fully sympathize with the difficulties the bosses are going through.”

Then, Baek Hyun-soo jumped up and raised his voice and said,(Read more @

“I agree, did you do that? Isn’t this the same as telling us to all die?”

The other bosses also jumped up.


“The government has no solution whatsoever.”

“After how many people jump into the Han River, will you decide what to do about it?”

“In my mind, I want to break that window and jump down right now.”

What floor was this?

Taek-gyu asked me in a low voice.

“Isn’t that bulletproof glass?”

“It’s probably just tempered glass.”

How many times are bullets going to hit a building in Seoul, would you use bulletproof glass?

“Calm down. Anyway, I brought you here to tell you what to do.”

“Everyone looks dead now, do we really look like that?”

“What kind of countermeasure is that?”

I said calmly.

“I will order parts from Karos.”

“Hey, what… … ?”

Karos is about to launch two new cars.

The newly built plant in Rustbelt before the US election is almost complete, so it is only about to start operation, and all preparations have already been made, including hiring new employees and negotiating with the labor union.

“We will return some of the quantities that Karos will order from our partners to Korea. It won’t be enough, but it’ll take your breath away. The delivery price will be paid in advance rather than deferred, and will be paid immediately in cash rather than bills.”

The bosses who had been joking and yelling at my words just shut their mouths as if they had ever done it. Then they looked at each other for a moment, then bowed politely.

“Thank you. President.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“I will never forget this grace.”

“I didn’t know you had such a deep meaning.”

“Please forgive us if we have been rude.”

Taehyung said in a low voice.

“Isn’t the attitude change too fast?”

“It was originally like that.”

With this, we can put out an urgent fire for now.

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