Chapter 210


As a game show held in Korea, it is one of the three major game shows in Asia along with Japan’s Tokyo Game Show and China’s China Joy.

This year was held on a larger scale than last year, and the number of participating companies increased. This means that the Korean game market is growing.

OTK Games also participated in this game show by setting up a Lost Fantasy M booth. More importantly, Shigeru Ichikawa, the CEO of OTK Games and the father of the Lost Fantasy series, is coming.

At this event, he was going to personally announce the production of Lost Fantasy Online.

As soon as the news became known, gamers were outraged. Applications for participation in the production presentation were quickly closed. Fortunately, there was a separate seat reserved for investors.

Taek-gyu headed to Busan to see the game show, and team leader Jeong Ki-hong of the PR team accompanied the vice president on a business trip.

There is a relationship that I helped when the game team was founded, but the biggest reason was that I could speak Japanese.

Taek-gyu Oh’s presence in OTK Company was clear. Most of the major investments are made by Jin-hoo Kang, but Taek-gyu Oh was the first to invest in Jin-hoo Kang.

It is a well-known story that he established OTK Company and sold Vantcoin to pay the initial investment. Most of all, he made Kang Jin-hoo the CEO until he conceded his stake, and joined hands with Golden Gate by bringing in his older sister Oh Hyun-joo.

In a way, it is not an exaggeration to say that Oh Taek-gyu created the framework of the current OTK Company. So he sometimes joked among his employees that the deputy chief was the real power.

It is known that the vice president takes care of the investment related to the game, without knowing anything else.

I took the KTX to Busan.

Junggi-hong thought as he glanced at Oh Taek-gyu, who was excited.

‘If I do well this time, will the vice president catch my eye?’

There seemed to be some kind of enthusiasm.

When he arrived at Busan Station, his car was waiting. The two got on the back seat, and the bodyguard drove the car to BEXCO, where the game show was held.

As I entered the exhibition hall, I saw that each company’s booth was set up in a spacious space. These exhibitions are a good opportunity to promote new products to industry officials and the general public.

It was a familiar sight because Jung Gi-hong also frequented it. It’s my first game show.

OTK Games set up a large booth in the center. The main focus is definitely Lost Fantasy M, and all the previous series are on display.

The presentation hall inside the exhibition hall was already crowded with people. The two sat in the front row following the guidance of the officials.

Taek-gyu said sarcastically.

“Chief Jung is very lucky. Shigeru Ong’s direct presentation is rare even in Japan.”

“i See.”

“If there is Warren Boat in the investment world, you can think of it as Shigeru Ong in the game world.”

“Oh, yes.”

‘Are you such a great person?’

The presentation hall was packed with people. The prepared seats were not enough, so I stood in the aisle and behind them, and those who couldn’t get in waited outside.

Most of them were men, but there were also occasional women. The age range varied from 10s to 40s. While there are old users who have been playing the series for a long time, there are also new users who have been introduced to Lost Fantasy M.

The heat of the interview was also hot. Reporters from game-specialized websites and internet media companies as well as mainstream media companies were there.

“Did you bring your bag?”

“of course.”

Inside were various lost fantasy-related products that Taek-gyu had collected. After the production presentation was over, I brought it to a separate meeting to get autographs.

After a while, Shigeru Ichikawa and the crew showed up. Although the game site calls him ‘Shigeru Ong’ with respect, he was actually in his late 40s. He joined a game company in his mid-20s after graduating from college, and at the age of 28 he founded a game company with friends and oversaw the development of Lost Fantasy.

Until then, no one knew that the series would go on this long.

Shigeru greeted the people. The Lost Fantasy series logo appeared on the large screen behind and the announcement began.

His words were immediately translated and uploaded as subtitles at the top of the screen.

Jung Ki-hong, who was listening to the presentation, opened his mouth wide inwardly.

‘What the hell is this?’

Even though I knew Japanese, I couldn’t understand it. Others, on the other hand, understood what was being said before the subtitles appeared and either admired or nodded.

Taehyung explained.

“Of the entire Lost Fantasy series, 9 is the most famous and complete. This online game is set in the 9 world view of Serana Continent, the combat system applies the 12 count time battle, which was the most popular, and the training system combines the license board system from 11 Interpan to go to a hybrid class or a single class? can be selected by the user. By the way, hybrids can make a dual master if you do well, but if you do it wrong, you become a fool. And the problem is balancing the hidden classes that can change jobs at a certain level… … .”

“… … .”

So what the hell is this?

‘Does this level of expertise need to be the basis for investing in the game industry?’

After the production presentation was over, people all stood up at once and applauded. A brief question-and-answer session followed.

After the hour-long event, Shigeru left the presentation room with the crew.

* * *

In a separate meeting room, the vice president of OTK Company had a meeting with the CEO of OTK Games.

Taehyung was very excited.

‘It was a good investment, too.’

It’s like a dream to meet and chat with a game maker I’ve enjoyed since I was little.

If you weren’t an investor, how could you have seized this opportunity?

“nice to meet you. This is Shigeru Ichikawa.”

“Good morning. This is Taek-gyu Oh.”

Taek-gyu was exposed to Japanese anime and games from a very young age, and he learned Japanese by self-taught. Thanks to that, he was able to communicate well.

The two started talking about the game in earnest. After all, half of the conversation was game terms and proper nouns, so there was no need to translate.

MMORPG, a game enjoyed by many people at the same time, has a low chance of success compared to the huge development cost.

Although the actual development cost ranges from tens of billions to more than 100 billion won, there are many games that do not last for less than three years and end the service.

As such, many small and medium-sized game companies do not even dare to develop it. OTK Games, too, would not have been able to come up with a development plan without the profits earned from Lost Fantasy M.

In MMORPGs, the higher the risk, the higher the price. If successful, you can earn stable profits over a long period of time. Of course, if it fails, the development cost is only thrown away.

Shigeru said to reassure the vice president of the parent company.

“We plan to reduce the development cost and shorten the development period by maximizing the system and characters of the existing series.”

Even so, the current estimated development cost reached 5 billion yen. And once development begins, it is impossible to know how much more it will increase.

Taehyung said firmly.

“Lost Fantasy is more than a game, it is a world. The character is another self living in that world. Therefore, what is more important than development costs or box office success is to continue the series’ reputation and to create a high-quality game that meets the expectations of fans. Everyone, including me, is hoping for it.”

Shigeru was moved by those words.

Investors I’ve met have focused on short-term gains. What they wanted was only money, not a high-quality game.

But, I’m sure you’ll meet an investor who acknowledges your development philosophy like this!

“I promise to make a game that does not live up to expectations.”

“I will trust you and wait for you.”

After the conversation, Taek-gyu got autographs on the game titles and posters he had collected so far, and took pictures together.

“Soon after… … No, I will visit the OTK Games headquarters with the CEO.”

“Anytime welcome.”

The two exchanged a firm handshake, and Shigeru Ichikawa left first.

Jung-Hong asked.

“Is your schedule over now?”

“What do you mean? It starts now.”

Taek-gyu eagerly walked around each booth, watching new games and playing them himself, or examining various products meticulously.

Jung Gi-hong carried his luggage and eagerly followed the vice president, admiring himself.

‘How can the vice president conduct market research on the game industry so thoroughly? It is no coincidence that the investment was successful.’

It was a misunderstanding. The vice president is just enjoying his hobby.

He was followed by two plainclothed bodyguards behind him, but he had no bodyguards. Unlike Kang Jin-hoo, whose face is known, little was known about Oh Tae-gyu’s identity.

After a difficult schedule, he arrived at Seoul Station by KTX, and it was night time. The two got into the waiting vehicle.

“Chief Jung worked hard.”

“no. What have I done?”

I didn’t really do much.

I came along for an interpreter, but the deputy representative’s Japanese skills must be at this level!

“I’m hungry, so let’s go eat dinner. What do you want to eat? You’ve worked hard, but I’ll live. Shall I ask Jinhoo to come too?”

“CEO Kang Jin-hoo is going to the opening party of the Ceylon Hotel. I know that CEO Park Sang-yeop was also there.”

“It is. You said you were going today.”

Jung Gi-hong said as if it was strange.

“I didn’t know that the two seniors and juniors at school would go to a party hosted by the Seoseong Group. If I have a chance, I want to go to a place like that.”

Then Taek-gyu said as if nothing happened.

“Then shall we go?”


“Wait. I must have received something from Jinhoo… … Ah! found.”

Taek-gyu pulled out an invitation from his bag.

Jeongguk-hong said in a bewildered way.

“It will be all right, Vice President, but can I go to such a place?”

“What can’t be done? It’s an opening party, so all you have to do is congratulate them. There is also a buffet, so I go and eat as much as I can.”

“I, can I really?”

Taehyung said confidently.

“Chief Jeong, trust me and follow me.”

“Oh, I see.”

The bodyguard drove to the Ceylon Hotel.

The staff in charge of the party hall looked at the young man in front of him and pondered for a moment.

‘Who is this person?’

Neither a suit nor a tuxedo, he was wearing jeans, a hoodie, and padding. The reason why he dressed up like this was because he was on his way to meeting Shigeru Ichikawa, a developer he admired since childhood.

If it weren’t for that, he would have brought slippers in his sweatpants.

But he brought the invitation, so he can’t return it.

“You can go in.”


The two confidently entered the party hall.

Junggi-hong looked around with a curious expression. Inside the splendid hall, celebrities from the business world and young men and women who seemed to be from the chaebol family were gathered.

‘I’m sure I’ll come to a place like this in my lifetime.’

No matter how much you think about it, it was a godsend to resign from attending KYB Securities. If it hadn’t, you would have been looking at the monitor at the brokerage firm by now.

“Can I come and take a look around?”

“Yes. If you meet Jinhoo, please tell him that I’m here too. I will be eating here.”


A simple buffet was set up on one side of the hall.

Unlike other people who only drink champagne and cocktails, but don’t touch the food, Taek-gyu grabbed the plate and started sweeping it.

* * *

Yang Hana always attracted the attention of men wherever she went.(Read more @

Because of that, I thought that Kang Jin-hoo would do the same. But he accompanied her astonishing beauty, and he didn’t even give her a glance, only to say goodbye to her.

People gathered around the table, sipping champagne and chatting. The subject was definitely the OTK Company.

“CEO Kang Jin-hoo, CEO Park Sang-yeop, and branch manager Oh Hyeon-joo have also come, so isn’t there just one person?”

“The vice president won’t come.”

“Well. I never even showed my face to the media.”

“By the way, was Governor Oh Hyun-joo such a beautiful woman?”

“Who is the woman who came with CEO Kang Jin-hoo?”

“I thought she was a Golden Gate lawyer.”

“Isn’t she a model?”

It was not only Kang Jin-hoo that received attention. She attracted attention not only with the foreign woman who came with him, but also with the governor Oh Hyun-joo.

In addition, a blonde woman named Yuri fell in love with her.

‘You seem to be close friends with Jin-hoo Kang, what kind of relationship do you have? What about the woman she came with?’

Even if she was dating, she didn’t really care. After all, fellowship in the business world is based on realistic conditions.

She knew how much her father cared about her relationship with the OTK Company.

‘If it doesn’t happen after the earthquake, I’d like to see her even a vice president.’

As she continued to care, as she walked, she did not see the person in front of her, and she bumped into her.


At that moment, the plate her opponent was holding overturned and food spilled out. Her face and pink dress were full of sauce and jam.

Yang Hana looked startled and looked at the man in front of her. He smiled and waved his hand.

“It’s okay. It’s not a very expensive outfit. You can just go.”

“What, what?”

She didn’t understand what she was talking about at first, but then realized that her opponent’s clothes had been messed up too. But that’s not important.

Yang Hana said in a sharp voice.

“If you spill food, shouldn’t you first apologize?”

He closed his eyes.

“What are you talking about? He came and hit me. You have to apologize.”

That’s right.

It was her that she bumped into while wandering her mind elsewhere. But no one had ever acted like this in front of her.

“You don’t know who I am?”

The other party asked with a look of incomprehension.

“Do I really need to know that? If you make a mistake, you have to apologize.”

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