Chapter 208

said the mother

She said, “I told Su-mi to call me if there was anything I could do in Dongtan. Thank you so much for taking care of me the last time I stayed at the hotel.”

President Lim Su-mi said with a smile.

“I was only going to deliver the cake, but he told me to have a cup of coffee and go.”

“You’ve come all the way here, how do you just let it go? Come on, sit down.”

On the table lay a cake and coffee mix that seemed to have just been bought.

Hospitality for guests is also maxim.

We took our seats. My mother pointed at me and said.

“You know my son?”

President Lim Su-mi nodded her head.

“of course.”

My mother said to me as she cut her fruit.

“Ah! Come to think of it, did you say that you were close with Chairman Im Jin-yong?”

“Well, you know each other well.”

“Okay. Please talk to Chairman Im Jin-yong about Su-mi. Chairman Im Jin-yong’s sister is the president of the Ceylon Hotel? Please take good care of Sumi-san.”

“… … Yes?”

What does this mean?

Do you want President Lim Su-mi to take good care of Su-mi?

President Lim Su-mi also had a bewildered expression.

“What do you mean? This is the CEO, Im Soo-mi.”

At my words, my mother smirked.

“He’s joking… … .”

“They have the same name.”


My mother looked at the faces of me and President Lim Su-mi alternately. Then she immediately opened her mouth and dropped the apple she was slicing.


“You didn’t know?”

“I thought I was just a hotel employee.”

Ah! So, you didn’t say ‘President Su-mi Im,’ but did you keep saying ‘Mr. Su-mi’?

“You must have seen it on TV.”

“I saw it… … Ugh, look at my mind.”

Unless you have strong facial features or are a celebrity who appears frequently on TV, you may not even know when you actually meet them.

Still, looking at what she didn’t know until now, it seems that her mother didn’t even notice.

The mother jumped up and bowed her head.

“Sorry. I should have known earlier.”

President Lim Su-mi was also embarrassed and got up and bowed his head.

“Oh, no. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you properly.”

“I didn’t even know you were the boss until now.”

“You can treat me like you are now. It’s convenient for me too.”

“Is that so?”

After the misunderstanding that was not so misunderstood was resolved.

Her mother is awkward, so I’ll have to bring her some more fruit. She mumbled, and she headed for the kitchen.

I said while dipping a sliced ​​apple with a fork.

“I guess my mother didn’t think that the hotel owner took care of it herself. Has she ever made a mistake?”

President Lim Su-mi smiled and shook her head.

“It’s a mistake. Thanks to my mother, I enjoyed every day I went to work. Ah! I heard a lot of pride from CEO Kang Jin-hoo. She said she was so smart and well-educated from a young age?”

Why is the shame on me?

“What… … First of all, mothers like to brag about their sons. It must have been hard for you to hear.”

“No. I was also proud of my son. Did I mention that my son won the Math Olympiad this time?”

“… … .”

Come to think of it, do you have a son?

My mother must have had a battle with the people of the Seoseong group with her son.

“It’s been better than that. She didn’t, but she was still trying to get in touch.”

President Sumi Lim took the envelope out of the bag and held it to me.

“I want you to attend the hotel opening party.”

Ceylon Hotel owns a huge site in Namsan in addition to a hotel and a duty-free shop.

Building a hanok hotel on the site has been the long-standing dream of President Lim Su-mi. It has been difficult to develop it since it is tied to various regulations, but after years of hard work, the project plan was finally approved and construction started, and now it is only about to open.

Do you have a celebration party before opening?

“Can you come?”

I said frankly.

“Well, I’ve never been to a place like this before.”

“Then you might want to come and visit. On the first day, only business people attend the party. Don’t worry, neither the media nor politicians will come.”

I was still indebted to my mother, so I thought I had to pay it back. Can’t you refuse?

I nodded.

“I will attend.”

“That’s fortunate. I hoped CEO Kang Jin-hoo would definitely attend.”

President Lim Su-mi gave two more invitations.

“Please pass this on to Vice President Oh Taek-gyu and CEO Park Sang-yeop. If you are a partner or come with us, you can choose freely.”


Meanwhile, her mother came out carrying a bunch of fruit. We talked to each other in a slightly awkward atmosphere.

After a while, after drinking the coffee, Sumi Lim got up.

“Oh, are you going already?”

“I want to stay longer, but I have an appointment.”

“If you are the boss, you must be busy. I don’t know if I’m just wasting my time.”

“What are you saying? Thanks to my mother, I am resting well.”

We went out to see off in front of the house.

Sumi Lim, the president, spoke first to her mother, who was still awkward.

“Can I come to play again later?”

At those words, the mother’s expression brightened.

“of course. You are welcome at any time.”

* * *

Back at work, I called Henry.

For some reason he had a very dissatisfied expression on his face. Is it because you travel a lot these days?

He was going to say hello first, but Henry asked me like a question.

“What happened?”


“Isn’t the important thing over now? But you didn’t say anything about the Maldives vacation you canceled last time, you just say you’re helping, and you don’t do anything?”

Was it because of this?

I looked at the invitation.

“I was going to talk about it anyway. They say they are having an opening party for the Ceylon Hotel this time.”

he asked bluntly.


“I want to tell Hyun-joo noona to go with me, but I was wondering if I should ask Henry to escort me.”

Henry quickly changed his expression and bowed his back deeply.

“Thank you, President. We will do our best in the future.”

“… … .”

good posture

I headed to the Golden Gate Building.

“Hello, sister. I bought you coffee.”

Hyun-joo’s older sister was smoking her cigarette and working hard.

“hang on. I’ll call you Elio.”

After drinking coffee and waiting for a while, Ellie came up. She was holding a pile of papers in her arms. Ellie put it on her desk.

“It’s a paperwork. Please read and sign.”

I asked her.

“What kind of documents do you have so many?”

“It’s December.”

At the end of the year, financial companies are busy with settlement of accounts. Well, is this the same for other companies?

Hyun-joo sister got up after finishing her job and she sat down on the sofa.

I said this while talking about meeting President Lim Su-mi.

“They asked me to attend the opening party.”

“I got it too.”

“Ah! Your sister too?”

Somehow, he said that he did not take Hyun-joo noona’s invitation letter.

The Golden Gate branch manager is a higher position than the president of any large corporation’s affiliates. There is a difference between being a member of a chaebol family or a professional manager.

Leaving it, Hyun-joo’s older sister is also the third-largest shareholder with a 3 percent stake in OTK Company.

“What are you doing at a party like this?”

“It’s a social gathering and a modern aristocratic party.”

The greater the influence of the host hosting the party, the more everyone wants to be invited. It is an honor to be able to attend a party hosted by Suseong Group, the number one business in the world.

“Parties like this are lively in Hong Kong.”

The original social party culture came from the West. Hong Kong was a British colony, so it must have been heavily influenced. This is probably the reason why there are so many rich people in a small land.

Hyunjoo’s older sister smoked a cigarette and said.

“When I was in Hong Kong, I went there sometimes with Ellie.”


Ellie then nodded her head as if remembering her.

“Jessica was the most popular. There wasn’t just one or two signs that hit me.”

Hyunjoo noona is full of charm. Although she won’t admit it if it’s a Taek-gyu guy.

“Social gatherings are pretty important.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Basically, people tend to stick together.

In business, there will be a lot of things to help and receive from each other. In the past, chaebols had deep relationships with the political world and the media, but that is a story of the past.

The chaebols, who have grown in size, are now starting to place more importance on their relationships.

Marriages of chaebol families became common, and a kind of solid cartel was formed. If we look at the family tree of Korean chaebols, wouldn’t it be similar to the family tree of aristocrats in medieval Europe?

“Well, Jinhoo, you don’t have to.”

Outside of the cartel, we have grown into a new industry rather than an existing one. There’s nothing to do but get help. In the first place, most of the important businesses are located abroad.

Ellie asked me.

“I am coming?”

“Yes. I told you I was going because I was taken care of by the last incident.”

“There must be a lot of pretty girls there.”

I smiled.

“Don’t worry. I’m going with Ellie. Is the time okay?”

Ellie’s face brightened at my words.


Hyunjoo’s older sister smiled.

“It’s a socialite debut.”

“Well, I’m just going to try it once.”

“What about Taek-gyu?”

“I went down to Busan to watch a game show with Ki-hong.”

OTK Games also participated in the Lost Fantasy series, so it is nominally a company business. No matter how you look at it, it’s just a hobby.

He asked me to go with him, but he couldn’t go because of work.

Hyun-joo’s older sister had a look on her face that she wasn’t surprised.

“For him, a game show would be more fun than a party like this.”

“Are you going too? This is the first time I have been to such a place, so I want my sister to go with me.”

What should I do if I refuse? Fortunately, Hyunjoo noona nodded her head.

“Anyway, I just wanted to work these days and go out. Let’s go for a change.”

I said it quickly before I ever changed my mind.

“Good for you. I’ll ask Henry for my sister’s escort.”(Read more @

* * *

I called the hairstylist over to my house, trimmed my hair, cleaned it up, and got dressed. And I wore the Rolex watch Ellie gave me.

Then we got into the car and headed to the Grand Dayton Hotel. I parked my car at the front door and waited, and Ellie walked up to me.

“Did you wait long?”

I was speechless the moment I saw Ellie.

Unlike usual, where she only wore basic makeup, her makeup was gorgeous.

She wore a silky green evening dress over it with a gray faux fur coat. Under the half-coat, a dizzying line appeared as it was.

Her wavy hair naturally flowed down to her shoulders, and she wore a simple necklace and earrings over her exposed neck and ears.

When I work, I usually only see him in a suit, but seeing him like this is different.

She always thought she was pretty, but this went beyond that. A woman can change so much just by changing her makeup and clothes.

The eyes of the people around them all at once fell on Eli. The hotel staff who was valeting stood idly, unaware that a guest had arrived.

Ellie blinked her eyes and asked me.

“What’s wrong? Is it a little strange?”

I shook my head.

“no. They fit so well.”

It would be difficult to get along better than this.

Ellie smiled brightly.

“Thank you. Jinhoo looks great today too.”

I opened the car door and Ellie got into her passenger seat.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a party, so I’m excited. You cannot sell your eyes to another woman.”

“Is it possible?”

There’s no way she could be a prettier woman than Ellie.

“What about Hyunjoo’s older sister?”

“The designer will come and prepare it now. You will be surprised to see it later.”

Hyun-joo’s older sister decided to be driven by Henry by car.

I started the car towards Namsan.

* * *

As always, rumors speak faster than feet.

Rumors of Kang Jin-hoo attending the opening party of the Ceylon Hotel spread throughout the business world.

Conglomerates who inherited wealth from generation to generation had the same pride as aristocrats. She ignored her because she was a baseless speculator when she first heard about it after the earthquake.

But that’s a thing of the past.

She is now in a situation where she has to somehow make friends. She all came to the party early to meet her OTK Company CEO.

Almost everyone from the business circles came, but none from the Eunsung Cha group attended.

The relationship with Seoseong Group is not good, but it is probably because the company is not busy with internal affairs due to the sudden resignation of the chairman.

Everyone chatted and glanced at the entrance.

President Lim Su-mi, the host of the party, appeared along with Chairman Im Jin-yong. People rushed to congratulate them.

Meanwhile, Jinhoo Kang finally appeared.

He is only in his mid-20s now. Considering that she is in her 40s, no matter how young the CEO is, he was very young.

Rumor has it that until a few years ago, he was nothing short of nothing. But in just a few years, such a young man has grown a huge company that will shake the world.

The young women’s eyes lit up. Everyone came here dressed up more than usual.

Even if you don’t necessarily date, there’s nothing wrong with getting a good enough interest. There is no man who doesn’t like a beautiful woman, regardless of age or age.

However, Jinhoo Kang was not alone.

Next to him was a dazzlingly beautiful foreign woman.

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