Chapter 205

At my words, Park Si-hyung had an expression mixed with shock and anger.

After all, who could say such a thing in front of an incumbent president?

I do it because it’s me. And it’s not a joke to say that you should worry about yourself.

After leaving the Japanese restaurant, I got into the waiting car.

Taek-gyu, who was holding the steering wheel, immediately started the car.

“Who will come after you?”

“Why? Are you afraid of assassination?”

“You can disguise it as a car accident.”

“… … .”

Haven’t you watched too many movies?

“Is this going to end just because I’m gone?”

“So what do you say?”

“It’s obvious.”

I summarized the conversation inside and told it.

“Airbag defects are a problem, but knowingly hiding them is a bigger problem. Laws have been tightened in the United States after Toyota’s cover-up of the sudden acceleration flaw. If it is discovered that the defect was deliberately concealed, the person responsible could face up to life imprisonment.”

“Then who is responsible for PAS? Are you the boss or the actual owner?”


Taehyung smiled and said.

“It’s a good opportunity to test the brotherly friendship.”

I nodded.

“For that, too, we need to find evidence of intentional concealment.”

* * *

As I keep reviewing the crash test data sent by Karos, someone came to me.

As it was before, after Big One, especially, more people want to meet me. If you come in person, fill out a list in the lobby and send it to the secretary, and I will usually check it myself.

In the case of founders or developers, K Company employees sometimes hold meetings, but politicians, civic groups, donation groups, alumni or friends are not welcome.

But this time the person who came was different. As soon as I heard the name and the reason for the visit, I ordered it to be uploaded.

After a while, a man in his mid-40s entered the CEO’s office. I got up and said hello.

“nice to meet you. This is Jinhoo Kang.”

“Good morning. It’s table-top style.”

He is none other than the son of Tak Kwon-taek, president of TKT Precision.

We sat down with a table in between.

“Are you okay with coffee?”


He looked at me and looked a bit dazed. Do you think it’s similar to how an average person meets a second-generation chaebol or the president of a large corporation?

The secretary brought coffee.

“What did you come to see me for?”

he said cautiously.

“The president… … .”

“Just call me Mr. Jinhoo comfortably. It’s representative for the employees, not for other people. Please don’t be nervous and talk comfortably.”

“Oh, I see.”

He said with a slightly relaxed expression on my face.

“I saw an article about the silver-star car crash test in the United States.”

As it is not a secret operation, rumors spread to the same industry first, and then the American media started reporting it.

The Korean media are still silent, but articles are slowly pouring out mainly from the internet media.


he looked at me and asked.

“Is it because of the airbags?”

The purpose of the crash test has never been publicly disclosed.

“You know.”

He nodded.

“Because I was at the company at the time. I was also involved in the development of airbags.”

“Does your father even know about this?”

He shook his head.

“He passed away last year.”

Somehow I felt the pain of comradeship.

“You must have been through a lot.”

“There was nothing too difficult. After my father gave up taking the company back, he said he would never go into business again, and he put up a few buildings.”

“Ah… … .”

Unlike DHK Engineering, which supplied to tertiary vendors, TKT Precision was a medium-sized company with a large enough scale to develop airbags.

Moreover, unlike our house, which was completely destroyed, the company over there was sold for 30 billion won.

If the building had been raised with that money, the family would not have had any problems with their living. Isn’t it the owner of the building above the creator?

Companionship is a bitch… … .

“When developing the airbag, it was my father’s judgment to use ammonium nitrate as a propellant instead of tetrazole. All of the in-house technicians were against it. I thought it was too risky to use a material that had not been proven safe. But my father didn’t listen to it, and he pushed it to his will.”

If you make the same product as an existing company at the same price, there is no competitiveness. As a latecomer, it would have been an inevitable choice.

“My father never imagined he would be flawed. It was after the company was taken away that I found out about it.”

Although the president changed, the developers and employees remained in the company. They informed Tak Kwon-taek of the accident, and he was surprised to hear the news.

“My father spent his whole life feeling guilty when he heard that people died from the airbags you made. He lamented that if he only drank, he was a murderer.”

“Have you never tried to tell the truth?”

he said with a sigh.

“Why not? First, I informed Eunsung and PAS of the truth. I don’t want to take the company back, so please stop selling airbags.”

“Of course you wouldn’t listen.”

“I reported it to the media and reported it here and there, but to no avail. The loss of the company was viewed as harming his revenge, and Eunseong Cha sued his father for defamation.”

It’s the same with Professor Pil-Hyun Park.

If you’re trying to point out a flaw, are you prepared to be punished?

“So what happened?”

He said with a bitter expression.

“We had no choice but to reach an agreement with Eunsung Cha. After promising not to claim any rights to the company again, not to raise airbag issues, and to keep the agreement a secret, Eunsung Motor dropped the complaint.”

The fight against large corporations is a long and lonely one. It is understandable that they reached an agreement without fighting to the end.

He pulled out a briefcase and a USB from his bag and held it out.

“This is the material I collected before my father passed away.”

I opened the envelope and took out the material inside.

Cases of accidents in the past came to mind first. We were also collecting airbag incidents, but surprisingly, they were more detailed than the data we received from Karos.

There were documents that informed Eunsung Motors and PAS of the dangers of airbags several times, accusations to the prosecution, the Fair Trade Commission, the Consumer Protection Agency, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and agreements.

Making a defective product is a mistake. However, it is intentional to hide the flaw even after recognizing it. Of course, moral responsibility is inevitable.

This is clear evidence that the flaw was known and concealed.

How can such important data pass so easily!

“Why are you giving this to me? Is it because of revenge?”

He shook his head at my question.

“There is no resentment or resentment against Eunseong Cha and PAS. It’s funny, but if PAS didn’t take over, TKT Precision would have been responsible.”

The orchard, which had been carefully nurtured, was completely taken away before the harvest. But it turned out that he was growing poisoned apples. The person who stole it, unaware of it, picked apples and sold them to people.

“Even the moment I closed my eyes, my father was tormented by the fact that he made a defective product and that people died as a result. Now I want to relieve the pain. Don’t let those airbags cause any more casualties. And he wants his father to let him know that he was trying to uncover the truth.”

The start of the problem is President Tak Kwon-taek. This wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t developed airbags using ammonium nitrate as a propellant.

At least, President Tak Kwon-taek tried to take responsibility for his mistakes until the end. However, both Eunseong Cha and PAS rushed to hide. If anyone had the will to correct it, the situation would not have come to this point.

I nodded.

“I will definitely do that.”

At my words, Tak Won-sik put on a sad expression on his face.

“Thank you, Jinhoo.”

* * *

Carlos held a press conference at the headquarters and announced the results of the Silver Star crash test.

Professor Pil-Hyeon Park, who supervised the crash test as an external expert, made a presentation. He first released video and photos of the crash test.

When the airbag exploded, the scene where the metal shards protruding and piercing the face and neck of the dummy was played in slow motion, surprised those who watched.

“As a result of more than a hundred crash tests, most of the airbags were fine, but the longer the vehicle is driven in a high-humidity area, the greater the risk of the airbag exploding even with a slight impact or generating a strong explosive force to blow debris.”

reporters asked.

“Are there any related accidents?”

Similarly, the researchers who participated in the experiment answered.

“It is estimated that about 200 accidents have occurred in the past five years, of which 13 people have died. To prevent further damage, we must immediately recall and replace all vehicles equipped with PAS airbags.”

This alone was shocking, but it didn’t end there.

This time, the U.S. Department of Justice stepped in.

“It is presumed that Eunsung Motors and the manufacturer PAS recognized and hidden the airbag defect long ago. We have secured enough evidence, and we will summon those involved to investigate.”

After the Big One happened, the situation is sensitive about safety.

The fact that the silver car airbag had a fatal flaw, and that it had been hidden for five years despite knowing it, was enough to arouse anger among the American people.

The US Road Traffic Safety Administration and the Ministry of Justice immediately began an investigation against Eunsung Motors and PAS, while reviewing the compulsory recall order. The US politicians agreed to hold a hearing.

A boycott of silver cars broke out across the United States, and sales were cut in half.

The news went straight to Korea.

As soon as the market opened, the stock price of Eunseong Motors plummeted 18 percent, and group stocks such as Secheol, Glomas, and Linos also showed weakness.

– Wow! Tired. How did you find out the replacement airbag was defective?

– Hahaha crazy. I hit it right after the strong earthquake.

-Eunseong Tea and PAS are blown in one shot.

-Otaku VS Sir, is this the last round?

– Is the airbag defect real?

– The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating.

– It’s ruined. I drive a silver car. My car must have had a killer airbag.

-Huh. You die after an accident. Yeongjeonggak.

-America will recall, Korea?(Read more @

-The miracle logic of Eunsung difference will come out again. Since domestic cars and export cars are different, I’d say they won’t recall them.

– Won’t they say that Korean consumers are strong, so it’s okay to have metal shards stuck in your face?

– Doesn’t the PAS fail if the airbag recall goes on?

-The presidential term is coming to an end, what if PAS goes bankrupt?

-Who is responsible for PAS? Pants? or sir?

– Then why turn Kang Jin-hoo as an enemy?

– Haha, sir, this time, you’re a real enemy.

– The enemy, sir. You are like an enemy ㅜㅜ

* * *

The U.S. prosecutors seized and searched the U.S. corporation, while sending an official letter to the Korean government.

President Tak Kwon-taek is asking the prosecution and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to send the details of the complaint and the results of the process. It also asked for the cooperation of PAS presidents and executives to appear before the US Congressional hearings.

Eun Sung-cha and PAS did not provide any different clarifications. Reporters flocked to it, but they kept their mouths shut saying that they were clearing their entrance.

In the already chaotic situation, two incidents occurred at the same time in Korea.

One is that the police arrested a female NIS employee at an officetel who wrote hundreds of comments on a far-right site with the nickname ‘Jinu Hyo-soo’.

When the police knocked on the door, the female employee locked the door, held out, and contacted the NIS. The NIS contacted the police and asked them to wait because they would take care of it, but the police did not listen and forcibly broke the door and entered.

The interior of the officetel was decorated like a PC room, and in it, the NIS staff rotated hundreds of IDs to post and comment. They even synthesized and circulated the face after the earthquake in pornography.

Lee Il-seon, secretary of the Blue House, who disappeared after taking a leave of absence, voluntarily appeared at the National Police Agency. This is because he threatened to forcefully detain him if the police did not appear by today.

He stood at the photo line and bowed his head.

“I apologize to the people for causing a social scandal.”

The reporters all asked questions at once.

“Do you admit that I ordered the protests by conservative groups?”

“Why did you give such an order?”

“Is what you ordered correct?”

To the question he answered:

“It is true that I have contacted you, but I have only acted according to instructions.”

Reporters were astonished.

“If not you, who gave the order?”

“Are there any superiors?”

“To what extent are they related?”

Secretary Lee Il-sun spoke calmly to reporters.

“All orders were given by the President. I was just doing my part.”

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