Chapter 200

It was midnight in South Korea when the US impeachment vote and the resignation announcement took place.

Since it was such a sensitive issue, Park Si-hyung also did not sleep and watched the situation on TV at the Blue House.

The reason Ronald was driven like this was because of Jinhu Kang. Now, Jinhu Kang will lose all his fortune and honor and fall into hell.

Park Si-hyung imagined the scene and burst into laughter.

‘The long affair is now over.’

Maybe it could have been a good relationship, but he was the first to point the blade at Kang Jin-hoo, who was still.

This was inevitable because OTK Company reached out to the automobile industry.

Jinhoo Kang took over Chrysler and supported Ronald. Both were a threat to the silver star and PAS.

So he tried to bind his hands and feet using his power.

From that point on, things started to go awry. The prosecution’s unreasonable arrest investigations and the NIS’s illegal inspections were exposed, and Ronald, who was ridiculously thought to be a rotten donga, was elected.

After that, the feud continued.

Instead of begging for forgiveness, Kang Jin-hoo counterattacked. The disclosure of Hoseong Savings Bank’s insolvency inflicted a fatal blow to the government.

Park Si-hyung was looking for an opportunity to retaliate, and luckily the opportunity came before his tenure was over.

The reason why I couldn’t use the direct mobilization agency as before was because Ronald was behind him.

But Ronald was politically cornered. Ambitious policies have been hampered by the Democratic-controlled House and Senate, and various scandals have erupted endlessly. Here, after the earthquake caused chaos in the United States, his approval ratings fell rapidly.

Everyone thought that losing the general election and re-election would be impossible.

As he judged that Ronald was no longer a threat, Park Si-hyung mobilized all conservative groups, the media, and agencies to take revenge. Now, all we have to do is watch the downfall of Jin-hoo Kang and Ronald with a happy heart.

But when Big One came, everything changed.

In an instant, Ronald was reborn as a powerful leader from a president who was on the verge of impeachment, and Jin-hoo Kang, who was ridiculed and ridiculed, became a hero who saved California from the crisis.

Park Si-hyung was engulfed in shock.

‘What the hell is wrong?’

He said he was going to get revenge, so he was touching the beehive.

Park Si-hyung has gone through a number of crises during that time. Nevertheless, he was able to pass safely because the appraisal agency moved according to his will.

However, the guys who were able to move on their own even if I didn’t have to start protesting one by one. They pressured the investigation to stop, but the police and prosecutors did not listen.

It’s not incomprehensible either.

While Park Si-hyeong’s term is only a few months away, after Kang Jin-ho, the president of the United States with over 90 percent approval rating and a surefire chance of re-election is holding out. Under these circumstances, the investigation command could not work.

Park Si-hyung calmly judged the situation.

Contrary to some criticism, he loved democracy more than anyone.

Even a person born as a commoner can sit on the throne and wield power depending on his efforts. What could be more rational than this?

But that power is limited. Everyone has to come down after 5 years. I have enjoyed enough movies for 5 years, so I have no regrets about the seat.

What I’m worried about is whether I can safely step down from the throne.

As soon as Park Si-hyung became president, he inflicted political retaliation against the previous administration. There is no law that says people should not be subjected to the same thing after a change of government.

I felt as if I knew why Syngman Rhee revised the constitution round and round, and why Chun Doo-hwan announced the constitutional reform measures.

Unfortunately, that is impossible in today’s world.

You have to figure out how to survive.

* * *

Park Si-hyeong had a secret meeting with Lee Jung-hye.

The Korea Gadang, which is the first party in the parliament and the ruling party, had many talented people. There were two reasons why he chose Lee Jeong-hye as her successor among many.

One is that her desires are great, and the other is that she has many weaknesses.

It is easy to understand when the desire is large, and the weakness is easy to handle. If Lee Jung-hye becomes president, he will be able to leave the Blue House at her ease.

“Recently, the media and prosecutors seem to be paying attention to Kang Jin-hoo. It’s not good for a nation to have too much influence on one individual.”

Jeonghye Lee said calmly.

“Right now, people are hailed as heroes, but how long will this situation last? It will soon be forgotten.”

People can’t forget their grudges, but they can easily forget their kindness. So, Jinhoo Kang’s popularity will fade over time, but… … The problem is now.

His son-in-law’s family was arrested due to the Hoseong Savings Bank scandal, and his approval rating fell sharply. And it fell again when it was revealed that the Blue House was involved in a recent service protest.

‘Is this all because of Gangjin-hoo after all?’

When the presidential election was talked about, Lee Jung-hye confidently spoke.

“There will never be a change of government.”

Park Si-hyung shook his head.

“no. We need a change of government.”

A bewildered light appeared on Lee Jung-hye’s face.

“As you can see, it is difficult to guarantee victory in the current situation.”

In the opinion poll, Lee Jeong-hye was pushed back by Huh Chang-min within the margin of error, and even within the Korean party, there was a growing sense of crisis that she might lose the presidential election if she continued this way.

“then… … ?”

“Let’s start reforming the party. The president should step up and apologize to the people for the current government’s situation and change the party name. I’d like the Liberal People’s Party. Change the party logo from red to blue and drive out pro-Park leaders from within the party. That’s why we are changing the government from the Korean National Party to the Liberal National Party.”

Lee Jeong-hye was surprised.

“Are you saying that pro-Park lawmakers should be kicked out?”

“of course. We need to drive them out to reform the party.”

From a distance, a party appears to be an aggregation of people with the same political color.

However, there are several factions within the larger day, and they are divided into mainstream and non-mainstream. The non-mainstream have no choice but to be dragged along by the mainstream that dominates the party.

The mainstream of the Korean Song Party was the so-called pro-Park Park Si-hyeong-gye.

They have long been loyal to Park Si-hyung and have played a major role in making him president. Of course, there was no easy way to let go of the party and back down.

“There will be chaos within the party.”

“Good for you. The stronger the opposition, the more sincere in the eyes of the public for regime change.”

Of course, Park Si-hyeong will stand by the pro-Park lawmakers until the end, but there is bound to be a limit to how the president, who has fallen into a lame duck, can help.

If Lee Jung-hye and Park Si-hyeong in the process of overthrowing the pro-Park system, the regime change frame will work.

“The most important thing is winning the election. If we do not want to hand over the government, we will have to make some sacrifices.”

Those sacrifices belonged to those who have devoted their allegiance to the president and the party.

Jeonghye Lee asked with a worried expression.

“Can I really do that?”

The reason Park Si-hyung was able to maintain the government was because his approval rating was the basis.

In this way, it may be possible to attract moderate conservatives who have a strong dislike for Park Si-hyung, but conversely, there is a possibility that the existing supporters will leave.

However, in a situation where there is only one conservative candidate, there is no other alternative.

“No worries. I have other ideas in mind.”

* * *

Bae Jin-han, secretary of the Blue House, who is called Park Si-hyung’s henchman, secretly met a man.

With the virtuous impression of his mid-60s, he was Choi Moon-gil, the party leader who led the New Reform Party.

Political camps are often divided into liberals and conservatives, or left and right. However, not all are of the same mind, even if they belong to the same progress.

Depending on the economy, diplomacy, security, welfare, and taxation, the political formation differs greatly.

In that respect, Choi Moon-gil was the most radical and reformer. Originally working as a representative of a civic group, he has advocated for the dissolution of the chaebol group, the abolition of irregular workers, tax increases, and welfare expansion.

After entering the National Assembly as an independent, he gathered like-minded people to form the New Reform Party, and now has grown into a four-party party with nine members.

Choi Moon-gil asked Bae Jin-han with a distasteful expression.

“What did you say you wanted to see?”

Bae Jin-han said in a polite tone.

“Are you thinking of running for president this year?”

“Hmm, I don’t know why you’re asking that here.”

Conservatives have a problem with corruption, while progressives have a problem with division. The reason why he lost to Park Si-hyeong in the last presidential election was also because there were two candidates from the progressive camp.

The top priority is regime change. Therefore, the opposition parties in the House had implicitly agreed to support Huh Chang-min of the New Politics Party.

“Then why don’t you run for president? No, I want you to run for president.”

For a moment, it was so ridiculous that I wondered if I had heard it wrong.

“What did you say now?”

“It would be better to show it than to say it.”

Bae Jin-han took out the bag he had placed under the table in advance and opened it. Surprisingly, there were a lot of 50,000 won bills in it.

The moment he saw it, Choi Moon-gil jumped up from his seat in surprise.

“What are we going to do now?”

Bae Jin-han said calmly.

“It’s a great world. It is said that in the days when there were only 10,000 won, it was carried in an apple box, but now it costs 500 million won even to put it in a bag like this.”

A bundle of 50,000 won is 5 million won. In short, that bag contains 100 such bundles.

“It’s money, no problem. Cash is never tracked, and it’s never caught if the giver and receiver keep their mouths shut. I brought several more of the same bag.”

Choi Moon-gil looked at him and said.

“If you don’t clean it right away, I will report it to the police.”

“Give me the key and I’ll put it in the trunk.”

“I can’t put it into words.”

Choi Moon-gil took his cell phone out of his pocket as if he was really going to call the police.

Bae Jin-han did not stop even looking at it.

“I heard that you made a bad investment this time and suffered a huge loss. Who would have thought that there was really going to be a great San Francisco earthquake?”

Choi Moon-gil, who was about to press the call button, stopped working.

“What… … .”

“Didn’t you set up an offshore company in Bermuda and trade with overseas accounts?”

“What, what?”

Bae Jin-han has been working to dig up and accuse large corporations of corruption since his days as a representative of a civic group.

In the process, he was able to obtain important information faster than others. Among them, there were good news that the stock price could rise, and there were many bad news that could cause the stock price to fall.

In modern society, information is money. If you know it but don’t use it, you’re a fool

However, there is a problem both morally and legally to use the information obtained through the activities of civic groups for investment. So, he set up a ghost corporation overseas and then used the account to invest and make money.

It is also true that he has suffered recent losses. He thought that the earthquake was impossible, so he traded with FX margin, but the big one came and he lost half of the principal.

As there were many enemies around, he was always careful not to get caught. In fact, he’s never noticed anyone before.(Read more @

He felt a cold sweat running down his back.

“How… … ?”

“He made a few mistakes when he bought real estate in the name of his son who is studying in the United States. If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have known.”

Choi Moon-gil’s expression hardened.

“Did you inspect me?”

The Blue House inspecting the opposition leader is something that can only happen in dictatorship countries. However, if you look closely, it is not likely that the opposition party leader invested in an offshore company in a democratic country.

Bae Jin-han pretended not to hear, and said something else.

“Even leftists who shout anti-Americanism and advocate reform, all want to educate their children in the United States. I understand.”

Choi Moon-gil still couldn’t get out of the shock.

‘How the hell did you find out?’

For a moment, he thought of the president.

Park Si-hyeong has been conducting various national projects since the days of Gyeonggi-do governor, and after becoming president, he poured tens of trillions of trillions of dollars of national treasury into overseas business acquisitions and various resource development projects in the name of securing overseas resources.

However, there was little performance, and the public companies that carried out the business fell into a state of capital erosion.

The opposition party raised the issue several times and even conducted a state investigation, but all the invested money had disappeared and it was impossible to trace.

Some suspected that Park Si-hyung was working to steal the national treasury.

If that statement is true, Park Si-hyung was nothing but an expert in hiding his assets using overseas accounts.

It’s not the police who can find the money the thief is hiding. The same thief knows better where the thief is hiding his money.

“Huh… … .”

he stifled a laugh.

Is it like a little thief swearing in front of a big douche?

In the meantime, as the leader of the opposition party, he criticized the Blue House and the ruling party countless times. It must have been a thorn in the eyes of Park Si-hyung.

Yet he has been silent until now.

Of course, as it was discovered through an illegal method, it could not be disclosed, but it would have been possible to shed suspicion in the media.

‘Did you hold it until the end to use it in a situation like this?’

Bae Jin-han asked him.

“What would you like to do? Would you like to run for president, or would he personally reveal that he invested with an offshore account and be punished and condemned?”

“… … .”

Choi Moon-gil didn’t say anything.

But the answer was as if it had been decided.

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