Chapter 187

When Vice President Bauer rolled his eyes and fired, Taek-gyu pretended to look around the office for nothing.

“The office is very cozy and nice.”

“… … .”

He will be the only person in the world who does this in front of the President and Vice President of the United States.

Vice President Bauer exclaimed.

“Are you saying you know what Silicon Valley is like?”

I also fought back without giving up.

“Silicon Valley has no silicon in there!”

This was a proposition that was so obvious that people did not recognize it.

Silicon Valley is a coined word made by combining the words silicon used for semiconductors and Santa Clara Valley. However, there are no silicon mines in Silicon Valley.

However, since the 1970s, the semiconductor industry and IT companies have gathered, hence the name.

“The World Trade Center collapsed during the 911 attacks, and the Morgan Stanley headquarters was also in that building. In an instant, the headquarters disappeared and all equipment and facilities were lost.”

Morgan Stanley was managing hundreds of billions of dollars in financial assets, including bonds and stocks. If it was done wrong, it would have spread to the worst financial accident.

“But Morgan Stanley reopened less than a day after its headquarters collapsed. This was possible because the thousands of employees who worked there were successfully evacuated just before the building collapsed.”

Even if you have backed up your data, you must have an expert who can handle it. Had it lost all its employees at that time, Morgan Stanley would have suffered an irreparable blow.

“The reason Silicon Valley is Silicon Valley is because there are companies that lead America’s cutting-edge industries and the people who work for them. As long as they are alive, Silicon Valley can rebuild anywhere. But what if they all die? I don’t know, but American industry will be set back another 10 years.”

Ronald is the only U.S. president to have no political or public experience. He even has no affiliation with the Republican Party, even though he is the Republican president.

Conversely, this meant freedom from interests with existing political forces.

Because of this, he was able to draw conclusions that he thought was right, without worrying about the changes in the political landscape or the views around him that his decision would bring.

I thought that foreknowledge would lead the future in the right direction. But there was one question.

I chose to support Ronald because I saw the foresight.

The result was a chaos in American politics caused by women’s riots, trade disputes, and various scandals.

If Diane had become president, the Democrat-majority Congress would have helped push her promises, trade disputes would not have occurred, and the Russian scandal and sex scandal would not have occurred.

Why was it Ronald and not Diane?

Why did Ronald have to be president?

Now I feel like I know why.

With high approval ratings and political stability, no one is willing to take risks. Rather, it is a confusing situation, so it is possible to make other choices.

I looked straight at Ronald and said.

“You asked me the other day if I could be a great president, didn’t you? Then I said it would be, but I wasn’t really sure. But this time, I will tell you with confidence. This is your only chance to do that right now!”

When Ronald ran for the Republican primary, no one was sure he would become president. It was the same even after passing the primary and being nominated for the Republican nomination.

Neither his campaigners nor his family believed in his victory. Except for himself, only one person was certain that he would become president.

it’s me

I was the only one who supported him with certainty. And now I still have the same conviction as then.

“What would you like to do?”

Ronald stared at me for a long time. I didn’t avoid his gaze.

“If the Big One doesn’t come, do you know what will happen?”

both will end

However… … .

“When the Big One comes, he will be the greatest president in history. Maybe he will get the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Ronald smirked at my words.

“The Nobel Peace Prize… … That’s a good thing to hear.”

He got up from his seat and grabbed my shoulders strongly with both his hands.

“Let’s try one more time this time.”

Vice President Bauer jumped up in surprise.

“This is nonsense!”

Ronald ignored those words and called his aide.

“Prepare the press briefing.”

Vice President Bauer muttered as he took turns looking at me and Ronald with a puzzled expression.

“Everyone is crazy. Totally crazy.”

* * *

11:30 p.m. Eastern time.

The press room of the White House was a gathering of major American media. Usually a spokesperson briefs, but this time, Ronald himself came forward.

He said with exaggerated hand gestures as usual.

“As of this time, we are declaring a state of national crisis and designating the San Francisco Bay area as an emergency disaster zone. We will evacuate residents by dividing it into three areas and prepare ourselves for an earthquake. We will immediately establish the Disaster Integration Headquarters as an organization under the direct control of the President and take all measures to reduce the damage expected from the Big One.”

Journalists were shocked by the unexpected announcement. After the shock passed, the reporters stood up in unison and poured out questions.

“Did you get the consent of the ruling party?”

“Are there any parts of Congress that need approval?”

“Do you think it is possible to evacuate in time?”

“What is the basis of Big One?”

“Please answer specific actions!”

* * *

The most important hurdle of persuading the president has been crossed.

But the real problem started now. Democrats as well as Republicans will strongly oppose it, and public opinion will be much worse than it is now.

We took a hotel near the White House.

Taek-gyu looked at me and asked.

“If we don’t come to Big One, won’t we be sentenced to death?”

“I will not be executed.”

You could be shot to death on the street instead.

There are now less than ten days left.

A big one warning has been issued for the San Francisco Bay area. Government offices and schools will be closed for the next ten days, and public enterprises will be forced to suspend their work.

Private companies have been forced to send their employees elsewhere or take vacations, while at the same time taking out tax cuts.

Personnel were drawn from fire departments and hospitals across the United States. With only essential personnel remaining, all other personnel moved to California.

Even military transport planes were mobilized to carry military supplies. Field food, tents, clothing, blankets, and medicines were piled up in California one after another.

The National Guard and Federal Forces to rescue also began to move, and military trucks filled the highway.

It seems that all available resources in the United States are converging toward San Francisco.

As Big One’s concerns grew, he expected that some measures would be taken. But this was beyond everyone’s imagination.

When the various measures were announced, not only the United States, but the world was shocked.

[Silicon Valley Paralysis!][How is the high-tech industry in the US?][The US economy stops growing!][Silicon Valley IT companies such as NPL, Guble, AMZ, etc. stock prices plummet!][San Francisco real estate crash. Even items for sale that have dropped by half are available][Gold and oil prices soar! Inflation pressure increases!][The phenomenon of hoarding daily necessities everywhere!][The probability of Big One is still less than 5%… … ]

The Washington Post ran the following headline:

[Ronald Stamper’s gone completely crazy!]

Public opinion also stirred.

– Evacuation of residents is nonsense!

– Against corporate migration!

– In order to escape the North Korean nuclear threat, you are relocating the entire city of Seoul citizens.

-I can’t even buy water to drink or run out of things at the mart.

– Walmart ran out of dog food. My dog ​​looks like he’s starving.

– In that case, wouldn’t it be better to just be beaten by the Big One than to evacuate?

Democratic leader Lewis Kinkead was determined and criticized Ronald in a media interview.

“The president is crazy!”

“Isn’t that too radical?”

“no! He’s totally crazy! By believing only insane professors and speculators, you are ruining America!”

Even Fox News, a pro-Ronald and pro-Republican leaning party, expressed concern about the move.

Time magazine featured a photo of Jin-hoo Kang on the cover.

The title was ‘Rasputin Kang’.

* * *

Shelters should neither be too close nor too far from the hazard area. In addition, transportation should be convenient for transporting goods and personnel.

Ronald designated a temporary shelter, and we moved items from the warehouse to it.

Warren Boat, who appeared in the press, said.

“I will not comment on the possibility of Big One and CEO Kang Jin-hoo. However, it does not mean that disaster preparedness is wrong. Berkshire Cashier will keep pace with the government’s measures so that it can produce and supply related products as much as possible through its subsidiaries. The Coca-Cola plant is also planning to increase the production of bottled water, so we ask for your understanding if the mart runs out of Coke for a while.”

I spoke to Chairman Im Jin-yong.

[I will support the Seoseong group as much as possible to the extent that it is not a big burden.](Read more @

“Thank you.”

In the current situation, that alone is of great help.

The evacuation status was displayed in real time in the White House Situation Room. We had to finish the evacuation as much as possible before Big One arrived.

But did I say bad things come together?

Another disaster occurred in the United States in the midst of being busy with disaster preparedness.

* * *

September 22nd at 2am.

A fire broke out in Houston, the largest city in Texas. The city-owned 25-story rental apartment, Blupel Tower, was inhabited primarily by white, low-income families.

The fire that started on the first 5th floor climbed up the outer wall. The fire department near the fire station responded to the report, but it was delayed because the fire truck access road was not secured properly.

In just 20 minutes, the fire engulfed the entire building. It happened in the middle of the night, so most of the occupants were asleep and couldn’t get out.

People who could not stand the fire jumped out of the building and were caught on camera.

The firefighters managed to put out the fire after fighting for 15 hours, but the building had already been burned down.

Only a dozen people were evacuated, and it was estimated that most of the 400 people whose lives were not confirmed were dead.

In the event of a catastrophe of this magnitude, the governor should appear at the scene and instruct rescue activities and countermeasures.

However, it was 10 hours after the fire broke out that Governor Martin Albright appeared in the meeting room.

The smoke alarm didn’t work, and there were no sprinklers. The biggest problem was sandwich panels made of combustible materials used for exterior walls during the remodeling process.

The reason why the remodeling, which could not even pass the safety inspection, was possible is because Governor Albright eased construction regulations instead of cutting the budget for rental apartments.

When the accusations poured in, he turned his arrow to the president to avoid responsibility, even though he belonged to the Republican Party.

“The federal government has moved all available fire and medical personnel to California in the name of preparing for an earthquake that will never happen. In the process, confusion in work has been created, and the number of victims has increased. Otherwise, precious lives could have been saved!”

It can’t be said that the effect is not completely absent, but since the initial response has already failed, these words were only excuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Above all, he could not properly explain what he had been doing for 10 hours.

However, protests against the emergency measures and dissatisfaction with Ronald were widespread across the United States, and the disaster that occurred in this situation was enough to ignite the discontent.

Even the media poured out Ronald to blame, rather than holding Albright accountable.

[Today at 2 a.m., Houston Blupel Tower fire broke out!][So far, 60 confirmed deaths, more than 350 missing. Most of the missing people are presumed dead!][Worst fire disaster in American history!][More deaths than Mexico City earthquake][Because I was preparing for Big One, I couldn’t prevent the fire disaster][President Ronald should be held accountable… … ]

It was a big mistake that there was no further drop in the approval rating.

After the Blue Fell Tower fire, even bone marrow supporters turned their backs, and Ronald’s approval rating plummeted to less than 10 percent.

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