Chapter 184

The liver flowed without hesitation.

A container ship carrying disaster and relief supplies made in China entered the port through the San Francisco Port. The electronic equipment that Seosung Electronics produced and shipped from its Vietnamese plant also arrived one after another.

They will be stacked in a rented warehouse.

Even if the initial production volume is transported by ship, the volume to be produced later has to be transported by air.

We continued to stay at the Silicon Valley Hotel and received reports on the company’s status. And he closely followed the moves of the US government.

A week has passed since the briefing at the White House, but no announcement has been made about the evacuation drill. It was probably canceled because it could spread anxiety about the earthquake.

Vice President Bauer said in an interview with Fox News.

“As a native of Hawaii, since I was a child, I heard countless times that the Kilauea volcano was going to explode. But still nothing? After careful review of all data from the USGS (Microgeological Observatory) and consulting from academia, it was confirmed that the potential of Big One is infinitely close to zero. Even if a small earthquake occurs, the federal and state governments are taking all measures. Please refrain from articles that incite anxiety in the media, and trust the government’s announcement. In addition, we will thoroughly investigate and take strict measures against any act of spreading rumors and rumors that causes social unrest or seeks to profit from it.”

In fact, it was nothing more than a warning to keep my mouth shut. The media also pointed it out.

The good news is that Professor Mohan has a stronger conviction than before. If it had succumbed to deteriorating public opinion and even withdrew its argument, the situation would have been more complicated.

I received a call from Hyunjoo noona.

[I’ve done enough. It’s dangerous anymore. Do you know what the situation is now?]


The possibility of Big One was denied, and public opinion gradually deteriorated. If you go out of the hotel now, there is nothing strange about rotten tomatoes flying away.

[Come back to Korea with Taek-gyu quickly.]

Then he spoke to his mother as well.

[If I turn on the news these days, I keep talking about you, what the hell are you doing there? Do you keep rotting inside your mother?]

“… … Sorry.”

After hearing the nagging for a while, I sighed, but this time I got a call from an unknown number.


The caller was none other than Professor Mohan.

[I turned off my cell phone for a while because of the rain of phone calls here and there. This is Carrie’s cell phone.]

Professor Noh said in an urgent voice.

[Ah! I just discovered something more important.]


[There is a high probability that an earthquake will occur in Mexico City before the Big One arrives. It can be seen as a precursor to Big One.]

“How likely are you?”

[Right now, it’s more than 80 percent.]

“i See.”

He nodded his head without thinking, and at that moment something flashed in front of his eyes.

?An earthquake again?

As South America also belongs to the Pacific Rim orogeny, earthquakes occur frequently. The earthquake in Chile in 2015 is an example.

[Why aren’t you talking? Can you hear my voice?]

I came to my senses.

“How big is it?”

[Probably expected to be at the M7.0 level. Compared to Big One, it will be less than 1/50.]

Is it still an earthquake? So, how big is the Big One?

“Okay. Please contact me if there are any new facts.”

As soon as the call ended, Taek-gyu asked.

“What did you see this time?”

“There will be another earthquake before the Big One arrives.”


Again, the timing and scale are unknown, but Professor Mohan said that it was definitely a precursor to Big One.

Is there any way to use this?

I called Ellie.

“I have a favor for you.”

* * *

three days later.

I signed up for an emergency press conference. The place was the hall on the second floor of the hotel where we were staying.

“Are the requested documents ready?”

[I just sent it.]

I turned on the computer.

“I checked.”

Ellie asked in a worried voice.

[Are you really planning on doing this?]

“I can’t think of a better way right now.”

It takes great courage to do the right thing.

“Didn’t you tell Hyunjoo noona?”

[of course.]

If my sister finds out, she might come right away and tear it apart. When we find out later, both of us will be very scolded.

Ellie asked me.

[Did you think like this from the beginning?]

She’s never asked her before if she’d mind losing everything to her.



“I didn’t say anything before, and I asked for these documents.”

Ellie said in a cheerful voice on purpose.

[I know. I don’t know much about earthquakes, and I don’t know why they do this… … Still, I believe in Jinhoo’s sincerity.]

“Thank you.”

I didn’t know that having someone trust me can be so powerful.

Ellie said in a playful voice.

[Hmm, there must be better words than thank you.]

“I want to meet you.”

[I will expect.]

After the call, I pulled out her paperwork that Ellie had sent me to the printer.

I said looking at Taehyung.

“I don’t need to be with you.”

“What do you mean? If you want to do it, you have to be hot. Where can I sign?”

I signed it first, and then Taek-gyu grabbed the pen. He signed it without any hesitation.

“An earthquake will happen anyway.”

“But what if things go wrong?”

“OK. I have a sister. Even with only 3% of my sister’s share, I can play and eat for the rest of my life.”

“Ah… … .”

Did this child know that this was going to happen, and gave his sister his stake?

Taek-gyu put his hand on my shoulder and said.

“I’ll give you some pocket money, my friend.”

“… … turn it off.”

Well, even if I said that, I felt quite reassured. There are many people who will take care of me, so I don’t think I need to worry about starving to death in the future.

I looked at the watch Ellie had bought me.

“The time is up. I will go.”


* * *

There were already many reporters in the press conference room.

Some major American media such as CNN, NBC, and Fox News, as well as local newspapers, were there.

Since I’m holding a press conference, I’m sure so many media outlets will gather. I feel like I’ve come a long way again.

As soon as we entered, the camera was baptized.

I sat down in the prepared seat and said.

“The purpose of this press conference is to warn of the dangers of Big One. The size of Big One is beyond your imagination. The federal and state governments must immediately develop an evacuation plan and rescue plan.”

I delivered to the press the measures that Professor Mohan had set up by dividing the damaged area into A1, A2, and A3. Everyone’s reaction was outrageous.

“Are there any questions?”

As soon as I could finish my words, the reporters poured out questions.

“I got information that I was in a coma for a week due to the last earthquake, is that true?”

“Have you been checked by a psychiatrist?”

“What do you think about the rumors of spreading rumors and trying to profit?”

“Do you really have no intention of doing that?”

Suddenly, the atmosphere became like a hearing hall.

No one believed in the potential of Big One. So I’m doing this for one of two reasons.

Crazy, or have a different purpose.

That’s why they treat me like a madman or a speculator. In this situation, no matter how hard you try, it won’t sound like an excuse.

“For now, I am fine. And I am well aware that there are such misconceptions. To be clear, I have never invested for personal gain, and I have no intention of making a profit by reselling it in the middle.”

Reporters shouted in unison.

“How do you believe that?”

“Have you ever traded derivatives under a borrowed name?”

“Are you willing to disclose transaction details transparently?”

The criticism from the investment was expected to some extent. But it would be ridiculous if an investor predicted a crisis but didn’t invest.

In fact, hedge fund Scion Capital operator Michael Burry made a fortune by predicting and investing in the US real estate crisis. Even the investors who put their money in the fund before the crisis didn’t believe him.

“I am convinced of Professor Mohan’s words. In mid-September, there will be a major earthquake in Mexico City first. It can be seen as a precursor to Big One. And at the end of September, the Big One will come.”

Reporters shouted in unison.

“What are the alternative grounds?”

“Are you denying the government’s claim that there is no possibility of a Big One?”

“Can you prove here that it is not really for speculative purposes?”

If I don’t bet everything, who will believe me?

I pulled out the paperwork I was carrying.

“I, as the representative, and the entire stake of the deputy representative will be deposited with the State of California. If nothing happens by September, 97 percent of OTK Company’s stake will go to the state of California.”

The hall was engulfed in silence for an instant.

I looked at them and asked.

“Does anyone still think that I am crazy or that I am trying to profit from speculation?”

The reporters who had just been accusing them of disguising their questions were astonished and said nothing.

I said looking straight into the camera.

“The Big one is sure to come.”

* * *

after the press conference.

We got the lawyer’s notarization and sent the deposit documents to the court. Now there is no turning back If the Big One doesn’t come in September, they’ll both be left on the brink.

In the meantime, the billions of won earned in dividends and salaries and the house you live in will remain, are you lucky?

Calls came from all over the place like crazy. Chase Southwell, Warren Boat, Chairman Lim Jin-yong, Sang-yeop senior, subsidiary executives, etc.

Everyone asked why I made that choice, and I repeated what I said at the press conference.

Big One will come, so prepare. It would be of great help if only a few of them could believe me.

While I was getting calls from various places, Taek-gyu also received a call from Hyun-joo’s sister. Just by looking at his face, you can tell how badly he is being crushed.

After finishing the call, Taek-gyu cried and said.(Read more @

“I feel like blood is flowing from my ears.”

“Huh. I’m fine.”

It would be better not to answer Hyunjoo noona’s calls for a while.

After receiving dozens of calls and sighing, this time the hotel phone rang.

Who was to come?

I listened to the receiver.


The other party said as if yelling.

[What are we going to do now?]

Finally got a call was waiting

“You must have seen the press conference.”

[Every American has seen it. What did you think of the press conference? Was my warning funny?]

I said calmly.

“Didn’t you tell me to bring cash, not air cheques?”

How much is OTK Company worth?

No matter how small, it’s more than $100 billion.

“I put my everything on the Big One coming. This is solid evidence to support Professor Mohan’s claim, and the cash I can show you.”

he asked as if exasperated.

[Are you really crazy?]

Now the ball has passed to the US government. If you didn’t know, you have to take action when you know more.

If earthquake damage occurs, political responsibility should be assumed. If an earthquake does not occur even after taking the chaos and evacuation, we must again assume political responsibility.

In the end, I was put in a position where I had to weigh the two.

I asked Ronald.

“Now there is only one month left. What will the President do?”

* * *

After the press conference, the situation changed drastically.

It is impossible to remain in San Francisco believing in the potential of the Big One.

Some people began to leave San Francisco and Silicon Valley first. Several companies have also joined the migration. It was difficult to find large trucks and vibration-free vehicles.

Disaster supplies such as emergency food, bottled water and emergency medicine were sold like wings. Walmart’s shelves were empty, and the words ‘Sold Out’ appeared on most items at AMZ, the largest online shopping mall.

On the other hand, complaints from residents who continued to live in the area exploded.

I bought an apartment with the money I saved my whole life, and who would like to hear that an earthquake is coming soon?

In the meantime, in conjunction with the economic recovery and the growth of IT companies, real estate prices in San Francisco and Silicon Valley have been skyrocketing without realizing it. However, the many deals disappeared in an instant.

Several major sales contracts were canceled, and the planned sale was postponed. Construction companies that were building buildings in the city center were in trouble.

Financial markets were also shocked. The stock prices of IT companies with headquarters or businesses in Silicon Valley plummeted, and unrelated stocks also fell all at once due to concerns about an economic slowdown.

The chaos has now spread beyond California, the United States, and the rest of the world.

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