Chapter 168

Professor Homin Kim gladly accepted the help of Seoseong SB.

From what I’ve heard, the world here is too small, so if you cross one bridge, most of them know each other. Among the researchers at Seoseong SB, there are many graduates from Hankuk University or MIT, and there are many people who are personally close with Professor Homin Kim.

Upon hearing the news, Daryl did not hide his expectations.

The two cars to be launched in the second half of the year are the first and last internal combustion locomotive of Karos. From then on, the company plans to focus on developing electric vehicles.

If a new material battery is developed before that, it will be able to be installed and released immediately.

Despite the announcement of joint research with Seoseong SB, CL Chemical continued to contact us.

Chairman Im Jin-yong heard the story and burst into laughter.

[Haha, the current situation in CL Chemistry doesn’t make sense.]

The main focus of Seoseong SB is a small battery. Even today, most of the revenue comes from small batteries installed in smartphones.

CL Chemical, on the other hand, has been developing large-sized batteries for vehicles from the beginning, and concluded a supply contract with the Volkswagen Group.

In the original long-term contract, risk hedging should be done by linking raw material prices or exchange rates with delivery prices. In the case of CL Chemical, the 10-year supply was contracted at a fixed price rather than a variable price.

At the time, it was not expected that the price of raw materials such as lithium and cobalt would rise this much.

[Other battery companies signed a long-term supply contract at a fixed price, but CL Chemical is the company’s production capacity, so the supply scale is overwhelmingly large.]

If you look at the size of the transaction, the small ones are billions of dollars and the big ones are over 10 billion dollars.

According to the contract, the quantity will increase several times from 2020 onwards. If you calculate based on the current manufacturing cost, the more you sell, the more you lose.

If a solution is not found within a few years, the losses will snowball.

The good news is that the price of cobalt continues to fall. This was nothing more than showing how much the speculative forces had been playing tricks.

The decline in cobalt is obviously a good thing, but the price competitiveness of our new materials has further deteriorated. The key to commercialization is how much the price can be lowered and stability can be improved through R&D.

After the call with Chairman Im Jin-yong was over, Sang-yeop senior said.

“It’s CL Chem. I have bad memories.”

I nodded.

“That was CL Chem.”

Senior Sangyeop shook his head in an instant.

“Don’t talk. Even now, when I think of that, I wake up.”

Previously, Sangyeop senior invested all of his fortune in CL Chem’s call options. But shortly thereafter, he was phishing an email by an employee mistake, and he blew up tens of millions of dollars. The stock price plummeted, and Sang-yeop lost all his fortune and even owed a loan company.

“I even worked hard on the construction site to pay it back.”

Eunsung Motor is cooperating with CL Electronics in the field of electric vehicles and CL Chemicals in the field of electric vehicles. As such, there is no reason for me to take care of CL Chemistry even more.

Taek-gyu asked.

“But what happens to hydrogen cars when new material batteries are really commercialized?”

The hydrogen car is the only part where Eunsung has a technological edge. Originally, it used a two-track strategy for electric vehicles and hydrogen cars, but now it is focusing on hydrogen cars.

I smiled.

“Perhaps the hydrogen car era will never come.

* * *

Time passed quickly after returning to Korea.

Summer started before I could even feel the spring weather. I thought it was getting hotter, and I had to turn on the air conditioner in the middle of the day.

It seems like summer started as soon as winter ended… … Is it your mood?

As the weather gets warmer, people’s clothes become thinner.

In our company, there are no specific regulations regarding clothing. The vice president walked around the company in training suits and slippers, but all the employees wore suits to work.

The financial sector is a bit conservative.

I had nothing to do for a few days, so I went to work and played a game with Taek-gyu, when my phone rang.

As soon as I pressed the call button, the nagging started.

[When are you going to have your health checkup?]

“I’ll go get it soon.”

[Don’t just answer in a dry way. Health is something you should take care of when you are healthy. Understand?]


[Keep in mind that no matter how much money you make, if you lose your health, everything is useless.]

“Yes. I’m working right now, so I’ll call you later.”

[Make sure to eat rice.]

“I see.”

Taek-gyu asked.

“Mom again?”

“Huh. Call me every day to see if you are concerned.”

“But can I really not go to the hospital?”

“Anyway, all the tests called prosecutors were done in the United States.”

While I was lying down, all sorts of detailed inspections were carried out. In particular, the brain was scanned intensively to determine why he couldn’t wake up.

“Do you know how stupid I was back then?”

“Are you afraid you won’t be able to wake up?”

“That’s it too, in case your superpowers are exposed.”

Fortunately, my body, including the brain, showed no difference from that of a normal person. Looking at it that way, it seems that this ability has nothing to do with the body.

“lets think. What would happen if it became known that you had the ability?”

“How is it going?”

“You’re going to be dragged into a lab or something and be dissected.”

“Ah, maybe… … .”

Taehyung said firmly.

“Maybe not. Haven’t you seen the X-Men? If you look there, you can see how mutants are treated.”

I’m crazy.

“Am I a mutant? Claws don’t come out just by making fists.”

At my words, Taek-gyu put on a face of regret.

“If that were the case, it would have passed.”

“… … If something like that happens, I’ll stab you first as a souvenir.”

He spends his time talking nonsense, and the phone rang again. This time it was an unknown number.

I pressed the call button once.


[long time no see.]

I was taken aback because it was so unexpected.

My partner asked me.

[Do you know who it is?]


His voice alone was enough to tell.

* * *

“I’m getting married next month.”

Seeing her expression on my face, she asked.


I said frankly.

“a little.”

How long has it been since you graduated? Isn’t that too fast?

It is not uncommon to get married quickly for no reason. Maybe that’s what I’m thinking?

I didn’t ask because I thought it would be rude.

“With that old man?”

Seon-ah smiled.

“Then who will it be?”

It’s the first time she sees Seon-ah since she took a break from school last year. A lot has happened in that one year.

It is still beautiful enough to attract the attention of those around you. Hair style, makeup, clothes, bags, shoes, etc. have become more sophisticated, exuding an upper-class atmosphere in facial expressions and movements.

Even if you go into a conglomerate’s daughter-in-law right now, you won’t feel uncomfortable at all.

We are sitting at the coffee shop on the second floor of the Ceylon Hotel. Just because it’s a hotel doesn’t mean that the coffee tastes better. It’s just expensive.

“Did you ask to see me because of this?”

“Huh. I want to see your face and give you a wedding invitation.”

Seon-ah took out a wedding invitation from her Birkin bag and held it to me.

I looked at the wedding invitation. The date is the 12th of the following month. Venue: Grand Paros Hotel Crystal Hall.

Cinderella stories abound in novels and dramas, but in reality, it is extremely rare for a chaebol to marry an ordinary person.

Most people, not just chaebols, look for a mate according to their level, such as economic background, education, family, and appearance. Apparently, realistic conditions play a big role in marriage.

However, this does not mean that there are no Cinderella stories in real life.

An example of this is the relationship between Prince Harry of England and Meghan Markle, an American actress, announced recently. It has been officially recognized by the British royal family, and the wedding is expected to be announced soon. Although Meghan Markle was a foreigner, a celebrity, and had a history of being mixed black and white and divorced, there was no major backlash because Prince Harry was the second child unrelated to her right to the throne.

Likewise, the late Junhyung is the third son far from his successor. If he pushed him to marry him because he liked him, he wouldn’t have much objection in his family.

I don’t know if I chose him with that in mind… … .

The first time I saw Go Junhyung was at a school festival. At the time, I was just an ordinary college student, and he was the son of a chaebol family. The difference between the two of us was obvious.

But now the situation is completely different.

When it comes to GH Construction, it is just one large corporation. OTK Company can acquire any number of similar companies if it decides to do so.

I asked over coffee.

“I have been wondering about one thing for a long time.”


“Why are you dating me?”

After being discharged from the military, when he happened to meet at a drinking party, Seon-ah said that she wanted to succeed. He just hadn’t noticed for a while, but he probably had the same idea from the first time we met.

Although his father had a business, our family was not very prosperous. Among my seniors and classmates, there were many people from far better families.

But why was it me?

To that question, Seon-ah gave a simple answer.

“Because you looked the brightest.”


“You said it back then. From the first time I saw you, you were something different from the other kids.”

“… … .”

I’m not sure what this means. What the hell did she see in me? At that time, there was no such thing as foresight.

Seon-ah was fiddling with the cup with her fingers, as if striking her keys. She has a habit of coming out when she has something to say.

“Why did you hide it?”


“To be the CEO of OTK Company.”

“You didn’t ask.”

“I am not joking.”

“It’s true.”

What can OTK Company say proudly to the plate where the daughter of RCK Bross vice president also hides her identity?

It was after Brexit that OTK Company became famous. Until then, it was a level that only people in the financial world knew for a while.

“What happened in between?”

“Bantecoin, L6 explosion, startup investment, Brexit, etc. Don’t you know everything?”(Read more @

How I made my money has been reported countless times by the media, and everyone knows it.

Seon-ah looked straight at me.

“Is that just that?”

Of course, if investment could make money so easily, who would work hard?

This was possible because I had foresight, but… … .

“I was lucky.”

Sun-ah didn’t ask any more about it. Instead, she asked for something else.

“Then she said she met a foreign lawyer who came with her to school?”

“how did you know?”

“I heard from Yuri.”

It seems that she and Yuri are in touch from time to time. She doesn’t seem to know that she is the daughter of RCK Bros Vice Chairman Ryu Chul-gyun.

“you are… … .”

As Seon-ah was about to say something, a woman approached our table. She smiled at me and greeted me.

“Hello, CEO Kang Jin-hoo.”

Someone did it and saw it, and it was none other than the owner of this hotel. Ceylon Hotel is a subsidiary of Seoseong Group and is currently run by Im Soo-mi, the older sister of Chairman Im Jin-yong.

The sudden appearance of the boss made the employees all at once nervous.

I got up.

“Hello, Mr. Lim Su-mi. What are you doing here?”

She smiled.

She said, “While she was at work, she heard that the CEO had come after Kang Jin-ho, and she ran to her in a month.”

The Ceylon Hotel headquarters is located in the hotel grounds. It seems that someone from the staff recognized my face and reported it above.

This is already the third meeting. The first thing I saw was a funeral home, and the last one I saw was a baseball field.

Unlike at the time when he was comfortable in everyday clothes, he is wearing a suit now, exuding a strong atmosphere like a female lead.

By the way, I’m quite familiar with this kind of atmosphere, who has always seen Hyunjoo noona by my side.

President Lim Su-mi said it like a joke.

“These days, my younger brother is taking care of me a lot.”

“What do you say? I am indebted to the president.”

“She was very worried when she heard that she had collapsed in the earthquake. Are you okay now?”

“of course.”

I guess it was a big thing. There is no one I meet who doesn’t take care of my health. Come to think of it, is Seon-ah an exception?

President Lim Su-mi turned her head to her Seon-ah.

“I think you were in a meeting. this person is… … ?”

“… … .”

What should I say about this?

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