Chapter 158

Silicon Valley, the largest IT industry in the United States, is located to the south of San Francisco.

The reason for going there is that the research center is scheduled to announce the autonomous driving technology to be installed in new cars. You should also look around the lab situation.

As the plane took off, Eli said sadly.

“I wanted to see Niagara once.”

I also wanted to go all the way to Canada. When I come to America, I will not be able to tour and will continue to work.

“I think it would have been fun to go on a road trip in a car.”

“From Detroit to Silicon Valley?”

Roughly 4000 km. Wouldn’t it take 40 hours to run at 100 km/h without a break?

“You can stop by and see other cities along the way.”

So will it take a month?

It’s a trip across the United States from east to west… … .

“It must be fun.”

At this age, I did not know that I would be running a business rather than traveling.

“When work is done, look around.”

“Hmm, someone said it. When busy things pass, more busy things are bound to come.”

“Who said that?”

“It’s Jessica.”

“… … .”

I can’t refute it because it’s a word that comes from experience.

All of a sudden, Ellie stared at me in her face.

“By the way, your expression doesn’t look good since before, are you okay?”

In fact, her head hurt a little, and her stomach felt nauseous.

She heard the symptoms and she said Ellie.

“Aren’t you getting motion sick?”

“It could be.”

She had never had motion sickness while she was flying. So she’s not sure if this is motion sickness or not.

Ellie had a worried expression on her face.

“It could just be that I am not feeling well. During that time, she has been under a lot of stress.”

“is that so?”

I smiled on purpose.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get better with a little rest.”

I leaned back on the seat and caught my breath. As I do this, it seems to be calming down a bit.

I was not feeling well, so I skipped the inflight meal.

Meanwhile, a huge city appeared out of the window.

* * *

Fortunately, by the time the plane landed, the headache and nausea had subsided somewhat.

“It must have been motion sickness.”

Ellie sighed in relief.

“That’s fortunate. Is it okay if I don’t go to the hospital?”

“of course.”

However, the moment she stepped out of the plane and set foot at the airport, she felt a strong sense of discomfort that was hard to explain in her words.

She seems to be thinking of something… … .

When I suddenly stopped walking, Ellie asked.

“What’s wrong?”

I shook my head.

“it’s nothing.”

Is it real stress?

As she came on a domestic flight, there was no separate entry procedure. When I got my luggage and went out, the bodyguards were waiting for me.

We left the airport and got into the prepared car.

It took less than 30 minutes from the airport to Silicon Valley. The car went straight to the hotel. The hotel had a living room in the middle and two bedrooms.

We went to our respective bedrooms and unpacked.

“You must be tired from the flight, but I’m taking a break.”

“What about Ellie?”

“I’m going to go downstairs and do some exercise. I haven’t done it in a few days, and I’m so tired.”

You exercise until you come on a business trip. Also, this body is not just created.

Ellie changed into her tight-fitting tracksuit and headed to the hotel’s fitness center. I lay down on the sofa without changing clothes and closed my eyes.

How long has it been?

When I woke up to the sound of the door being opened, Ellie was back. Her whole body was soaked from her hair, as if she had been hit by the rain.

I looked out the window. The emerald green San Francisco Bay stretched out through the window.

The weather was sunny.

Maybe it wasn’t rain, it was wet with sweat?

“I woke up. Aren’t you supposed to sleep more?”

“It’s okay now. But what kind of exercise did you do?”

“There is a squash market in the hotel, so I enjoyed it a lot. It would have been nice if Jinhoo went together.”

“… … .”

We went together once before and almost threw up.

I looked at the clock. I think I closed and opened my eyes for a moment, but two hours had already passed.

“Would you like to go for a walk? I also have a cup of coffee. After all, I’m going to start working hard from tomorrow.”

I nodded.

“That would be great.”

“Wait a minute. I’ll take a shower and go out.”

Ellie took her shower and then changed her clothes and came out.

She wore a white off-the-shoulder blouse with a sky blue long flared skirt that reached near her ankles, and she wore sandals with slightly heels.

“how is it?”

I put her thumb up.

“It’s pretty too.”

Even though she didn’t have any makeup on, she looks like she’s still looking beautiful today.

Instead of a suit, I wore jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers.


As she left the hotel, Ellie naturally folded her arms.

The weather was absolutely spring weather. We wore sunglasses to block out the sun.

It’s a very safe city, but in case people don’t know, bodyguards followed us from a certain distance.

They were also wearing plain clothes, so they looked like lovers on a date. He might be hiding a pistol in his arms.

There were so many different races that I thought that the expression ‘a furnace of race’ was just right. Asians were also very common. Not one or two people wear sunglasses.

Thanks to that, we didn’t notice it at all.

… … That is only a hope.

Her sight of Ellie walking down her street with her sunglasses on was enough to draw the attention of those around her. I heard her whispers saying she wasn’t a model.

Do I want to look like an IT expert or an international student?

Ellie said, holding her body tight.

“How about that cafe? Would you like a cup of coffee over there?”

“Good idea.”

We sat down on the terrace of a nearby open-air cafe across the street. I ordered a salad and sandwich with seafood along with coffee.

First, I got coffee and went back to my seat, and I saw a blonde young man in his late twenties working hard on Ellie.

“Have you ever been on a trip?”

“I came from Korea on a business trip for work.”

“Five! Korea! nice to meet you. My name is Kevin Anderson. I work here.”

“Nice to meet you, Kevin. What are you doing?”

“I am currently working as an engineer at M Pizza. If you have time… … .”

Ellie laughed playfully.

“Ah! You work at M Pizza. It’s a coincidence. At the same time, the largest shareholder of the company is standing behind him.”


Ellie pointed to me standing behind me, and the man looked back.

Instead of talking, I slightly raised my sunglasses. He immediately recognized me and opened his mouth wide.

“Ugh! May the river… … .”


I put my finger to my mouth. Then he reached out to me.

“It is an honor to meet you. I heard you were in Detroit.”

“That job is over. Anyway, I’m glad too. Please continue to work hard for M Pizza.”

“Yes, of course!”

He quickly returned to his seat.

As I sat down, Ellie smiled.

“saw? That’s how popular I am.”

It’s natural to be popular, but I didn’t know it would be enough to be hunted in a short time.

“I can’t leave you alone in the future.”

“It’s okay. Because in my eyes, Jinhoo is the prettiest.”

“It makes me feel a little reassured to hear that.”

Ellie said as she drank her coffee.

“The weather is really nice. Were you good enough to come out?”

“It is.”

The spring sun is warm.

Unlike Korea, there is no fine dust and no yellow dust. Sitting on the terrace and enjoying the sun, I felt like I understood why everyone wants to live here.

Of course, you’ll have to endure murderous rents and prices to do that. With the world’s best workforce flocking to the city, home prices in San Francisco are skyrocketing day by day.

Currently, the median price of an apartment in Seoul is about 500 million won, compared to 1 billion won in San Francisco. There are many houses worth over 10 billion won, and the monthly rent for a shabby studio on the outskirts of the city is millions of won.

Those who could not afford the rent were either pushed out of the city or forced to live in homelessness. In fact, housing instability caused by high house prices has even been highlighted as a social problem.

The higher the house price, the higher the income level.

If you earn more than $100,000 a year, you belong to the high-income class no matter where you go, but in Silicon Valley, if you earn more than $200,000 a year, you are considered middle-class.

Wouldn’t it be like this in Manhattan, New York, where the financially wealthy gather?

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a place where the most talented people and the richest people in the world gather.

I don’t think it would be a bad idea to live in a place like this if you quit your job later. Do I have to buy a house in advance before going higher?

“It is similar to Hong Kong in that it is a city by the sea, but the atmosphere is definitely different.”

“How is Hong Kong?”

Ellie thought for a moment at my question.

“Well, it’s not strange at all to have a shabby building that looks like it’s about to collapse next to a flashing high-rise building. The East and the West, the past and the present seem to blend and harmonize?”

“Ah! I think I know what it feels like.”

“By comparison, this place is much cleaner and more comfortable.”

I saw people walking down the street. His expression was full of vitality, and his gait was comfortable. Probably, there is also the influence of a large number of IT manpower.

Ellie recounted some episodes from Hong Kong.

“Do you know how popular Jessica was there? Among our customers, a wealthy Chinese in their 30s saw Jessica and fell in love at first sight, offering a diamond ring the size of her fist and proposing to marry her.”


This is the first I’ve ever heard of this.(Read more @

“It’s an exaggeration to say it’s the size of a fist, but it’s true that I came with a diamond ring.

“So what did you do?”

“How are you doing? I rejected it outright. Other than that person, there wasn’t one or two men who dashed towards Jessica. He was more popular than me.”

“… … .”

Was Hyunjoo noona like that?

To be honest, if you look at it objectively, Hyunjoo noona is beautiful enough. There seems to be a part that strongly appeals to people with certain tastes.

Of course, I don’t know because I’m not like that.

By the way, I have a feeling that something has gone awry since before… … Is it your mood?

* * *

next day.

We got in the car and headed to the lab.

As a global company, Seosung Electronics has various research institutes in Silicon Valley and is cooperating with various IT companies.

At the Electronics Business Research Center in San Jose, Suseong Electronics and Karos researchers were working together to stabilize and mass-produce software.

Developing a technology and mass-producing it are two completely different things. In order for a particular technology to be commercially viable, it must pass through numerous obstacles.

The most important of these is the price. Are there one or two products that failed to commercialize because of the price?

Right now, electric and hydrogen cars are much more expensive than internal combustion engine cars. The only reason it can have price competitiveness is thanks to government subsidies.

There are subsidies for eco-friendly cars, but self-driving cars don’t have any. In the end, we have to figure out how to keep the price as low as possible.

No matter how good the technology is, if the price is high, the demand is bound to be limited. Realistically, if you want to sell to the public, the limit would be ,000 for a sedan and ,000 for an SUV. It would be nice if it was lower than that.

After all, the cost of the car is there. The problem is the price of autonomous driving parts.

The equipment mounted on the experimental vehicle is inevitably expensive as it is produced in a small amount of prototypes. It will be possible to significantly lower the price just by having a mass production system.

But for that to happen, a lot of investment is required.

After all, is it the key to having economies of scale?

When we arrived at the lab, an unexpected person had arrived first.


A man in his forties wearing glasses reached out his hand towards me.

“See you here.”

I asked in amazement.

“What are you doing here?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong said with a smile.

“When I heard that my junior was coming to Silicon Valley, I hurriedly flew in a private plane.

The fact that I am coming has already been known to the researchers at Seoseong Electronics. Of course, the conversation would have gone to the Seosung Electronics headquarters as well.

You don’t even need to come to America. … Do you have any work to do in Korea?

“You worked hard to come.”

We shook hands.

At that moment, a hologram appeared in front of me after a long time.

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