Chapter 149

On weekends, I tend to rest at home whenever possible.

I woke up late and went down to the kitchen to make coffee. Taek-gyu was sleeping on the sofa in the living room with the TV turned on. Looks like he’s been playing all night.

I cleared the messy living room and woke him up.

“Hey, wake up.”

“Why are you awake? Let’s get some more sleep.”

“You said that Hyunjoo noona and Eli would come later.”

By the time I was finished washing and tidying up, Hyunjoo’s sister and Ellie arrived. After parking in the underground parking lot, the two took the elevator up to the living room.

“We are here.”

“Come on.”

Ellie was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and jeans, not the women’s trouser suit she usually wears. She had skinny jeans, so her slim body was exposed. Hyunjoo noona also wore a simple outfit today.

Taek-gyu, who was not yet awake, rubbed his eyes and said.

“Is your sister here?”

“I forced Jessica to go to work even on weekends. Did you do well?”

Did you purposely make an appointment for lunch on the weekend to let Hyunjoo noona rest?

Golden Gate officially goes to work five days a week, but employees voluntarily go to work even on weekends. The branch manager works without even sleeping, can the employees take a break?

Nothing makes a person more tired than a competent and hardworking boss. If you’re incompetent, you’d think about throwing it away or even changing your job, but do you feel like you have no choice but to follow what they’re told you to do when you give only the exact instructions you need?

Thanks to Hyeon-Joo’s sister’s efforts (and her staff’s overtime), Golden Gate’s Korean branch was fully established, to the point of being able to operate independently without further support from the Asian branch.

Golden Gate focused on corporate customers and high-net-worth individuals with its experience and infrastructure in the global market.

From the end of this year, it plans to open a branch to expand its business to general customers as well. Therefore, domestic brokerage firms were very nervous in order not to lose customers.

Meals were prepared in advance by working ladies. We sat around the table and ate together.

When I do this, it feels like a house where people live.

I’ve been eating too little all this time.

After eating, we each sat down in the living room with coffee or drinks.

“I bought a cake from the hotel.”

Ellie cut the cake and gave it to each plate.

Taegyu said.

“Is Ronald coming tomorrow?”

“I will arrive around lunchtime.”

President Ronald plans to spend three days and two nights in Korea and visit Japan and China in turn.

A visit to the US embassy, ​​a visit to the USFK base Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, a business meeting, a speech at the National Assembly, and a flower arrangement at the cemetery were packed. This included a course to stop at the Gapyeong Golf Course, which Stamper Corporation invested in.

Even in the midst of being busy, is it a clever publicity for your own company?

said Ellie.

“Aren’t you arguing for and against in Gwanghwamun Square?”

As this is the first visit of the US president to Korea, many people expressed their welcome and opposition. A large-scale rally was held at Gwanghwamun Square over the weekend.

Only the police were busy. The police issued a Gap-ho emergency, mobilized the careers of 195 companies and 15,000 people, and installed fences to prevent clashes between the two sides.

“Turn on the TV.”

Taek-gyu turned on the TV at Hyun-joo’s sister’s words.

As soon as I turned on the news channel, articles related to the assembly came out. Conservative groups welcomed Ronald’s visit to Korea. Not only the Parents Association, which can be said to be the representative of conservative groups, but also the ‘Mom Volunteer Corps’ made up of middle-aged women only, and the ‘Doctor Mo’, a group that supports Park Si-hyung, etc.

Grandfathers in military uniforms also joined in. His grandfather, wearing a Marine Corps octagonal cap and dark sunglasses, vigorously waved the Taegeukgi.

Ellie asked curiously.

“Who are they?”

“The Salvation Soldiers Association is an organization made up of veterans of the Korean War.”

“i See. They are great people.”

Ellie, who nodded her head, raised her question after a while.

“But aren’t they all too young for that kind of thing?”

“… … Iknow, right.”

Most of the members are in their 70s, and at most are in their 80s. Did you ever go to war with a gun when you were a year or two?

Representatives of each group appeared on the podium and gave speeches. The plaza was filled with national flags and flags fluttering along with the Taegeukgi, and various banners were spread out.

[Welcome to President Ronald Stamper’s visit to Korea!][Welcome! Mr. President!][President Ronald! Love it!][LOVE USA!][Korea-US alliance, forever!][Old soldier naver die!]

The Korean people love the President of the United States like this.

How happy would he be if he saw Ronald, who is swearing every day in America? It is a good thing to warmly welcome the president of a friendly country.

During the interview, one protester said, ‘President Ronald will do everything for you. He has hope, hope." she said with tears in her eyes.

I don’t know what you’re doing, but… … .

Hyunjoo noona pointed to the screen.

“Spelling wrong.”


If you look closely, it’s ‘naver die’, not ‘never die’.

What does that mean? The whole world might be watching, so why isn’t anyone pointing it out?

It wasn’t just a welcome meeting. Progressive groups also rallied and held a rally against Ronald.

[Warfan Ronald, go away!][Peace on the Korean Peninsula!][Stop sanctions against North Korea!][Abolish the racial discrimination policy and the anti-immigrant policy!]

?Some were stopped by the police when they tried to rip or burn the American flag, or when they tried to push into the US embassy.

Why are you doing that? Even the American people who hate Ronald don’t seem to like that kind of behavior.

“I’m glad Ellie isn’t American.”

At my words, Ellie shook her head.

“How are you? In a democracy, it is natural to have a different voice.”

That’s right. If there are people who support it, there will also be people who oppose it.

Anyway, if you see the country rave about the US president’s visit to Korea… … .

“Is that the extent to which Ronald likes or dislikes?”

Taek-gyu said something.

“Isn’t it just a bad thing in America?”

“… … .”

It is not.

* * *

US President Ronald Stamper arrived in South Korea on a private plane.

As it was the first visit of the president of the most friendly country, Korea welcomed him as a state guest. President Park Si-hyeong showed courtesy by personally meeting him at the airport.

This isn’t the first time we’ve met. When Ronald was elected, President Park Si-hyeong rushed to the United States and met briefly.

No wonder he really didn’t know that he would be elected, so there was no one in the diplomatic line who had contact with Ronald. It was to the point that I was sweating hard to find the relevant person in a hurry.

Well, of course, I believed that it would be Diane, and the fact that I was only lining up for it was similar in other countries.

As soon as Ronald took office, he put pressure on South Korea by bringing up the issue of the trade deficit and defense contribution, which put a great burden on Park Si-hyung.

Regardless of each other’s thoughts, the two leaders greeted each other with a friendly handshake.

Ronald grabbed Park Si-hyung’s hand and pulled him suddenly. Park Si-hyung almost fell because of the wind, and Ronald smiled and grabbed his shoulder.

Although it was diplomatic disrespect, Park Si-hyung did not say a word of protest and only smiled awkwardly.

The two leaders walked on the red carpet affectionately.

Afterwards, they went to the Blue House and held an official welcome ceremony.

Hundreds of soldiers from the Army, Navy and Air Force Honor Guard and military band lined up, and official events such as national performances of both countries and inspection of the honor guard were held.

At the state dinner that followed, Park Si-hyung opened his mouth by bringing out the commonality of being a businessman and president, and Ronald responded by saying that he was well aware of that fact.

The Korean media focused on Ronald’s visit to Korea and focused on the future Korea-US relationship.

* * *

As I was resting at home after work, I got a phone call.

After checking the time and place, I hung up the phone. Then I drove straight to the Grand Paros Hotel in Namsan.

Unlike usual, security from the parking lot was strict. The same goes for taking the elevator.

I went up to the 20th floor under the guidance of the bodyguard.

The 20th floor was lined with US bodyguards in suits from the hallways.

Again, the body search was basic.

I was able to get inside only after I had been thoroughly searched and left my cellphone. The inside was over 100 pyeong, and the view of Namsan Mountain could be seen from the window.

As I passed the living room and entered the study, Ronald inside welcomed me warmly.

“It’s been a while, Mr. Kang. Is this the first time since the inauguration?”

“You worked hard to come to Korea, President.”

Ronald grabbed my hand so tight it hurts and patted my shoulder hard.

“I keep hearing about you. It seems that you still have a bad relationship with the president of Korea.”

I smiled bitterly.

“I want to get along, but it’s not easy.”

If you don’t touch it there first, nothing will happen. In any case, reconciliation will be difficult in the future.

“Sit down.”

Ronald sat down on the sofa and instructed the bodyguards.

“Let’s go out.”

As the bodyguards hesitated, Ronald said jokingly.

“Why? Do you think I will lose if I fight this friend?”


The bodyguards went out to the living room, and it was only the two of us left in the study.

The person in front of me right now is the most powerful person in the world. How many people in the world can speak to the president of the United States alone?

If you think about it, it is a great privilege to be alone in this place.

Perhaps because of his busy schedule and jet lag, Ronald’s face showed a tired look.

Come to think of it, I’m already in my 70’s. If it were anyone else, I would have retired long ago and would be watching my grandchildren at home.

“You look tired.”

Ronald sighed.

“Politics is not easy. If I hadn’t been president, I’d be lying comfortably in my penthouse by now.”

“You still have to get re-elected.”

just did it

All US presidents since Bill Clinton have been re-elected.(Read more @

However, with Ronald’s current approval rating, it is said that he would be happy if he could complete the rest of his term, let alone re-election.

“What did you call me for?”

Ronald held up a glass of wine on his desk.

“I used to drink alone, so I called because I needed a drinking buddy. Are you okay?”

I thought something important was going on.

“of course. A good drink is better when you drink it together.”

“Haha, what do you know about this guy?”

Ronald poured bourbon into a glass and handed it to me. We clapped the glasses lightly.

After a while, he leaned back on his chair and mumbled.

“I’ve always played winning games. I thought even failure was a step towards success.”

Ronald’s greatest strength is that he is not afraid of new challenges.

When you start a new job, all kinds of noises are bound to arise around you. However, once he decided to do something, he had the momentum and pushed it to the end.

No matter what difficulties he encountered along the way, he persevered without hesitation or hesitation. Perhaps it is because of such a positive and warlike personality that he is where he is now.

“Until I ran for president, people thought it was a joke to gain fame. It was the same after becoming the Republican nominee. No one really believed I was going to be president. Even the people who work in my campaign.”

I took a sip.

“I think it was because the approval ratings were far behind.”

Ronald pointed at me.

“But you were different.”


“You acted as if you were sure that I was going to be president.”

I nodded.

“Because I was really so sure.”

Ronald became President of the United States by winning the Rustbelt. And the foundation of Rustbelt’s victory was the investment of OTK Company.

I helped Ronald because he decided it was in our interest to be president.

But is that all?

I remembered an old woman I met at the inauguration.

What would she be like if she became president?

Diane belongs to the Democratic mainstream, and she was nominated to succeed the former president. She comes from a prestigious political background, and she also has a wealth of experience in government affairs, which she has accumulated throughout her years as a senator and secretary of state.

With Democrats in both her House and Senate, she would have succeeded to her predecessor’s policies without much controversy.

But when Ronald became president, everything changed.

If I hadn’t seen the foresight, so I didn’t support Ronald, the current president of the United States would be Diane Underwood, not Ronald Stamper.

So, why did Yeji show Ronald instead of Diane?

And how will that affect the future?

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