Chapter 133

We all went to a Japanese restaurant to have lunch together.

I thought about how to sit for a while, but fortunately, Taek-gyu sat down right next to me. Naturally, Eli and Yuri sat side by side.

Seeing the two of them together, their charms were clearly revealed.

Ellie looks boyish in a brown short cut, and Yuri looks cute in a long blonde ponytail.

The atmosphere seems a bit awkward… … .

I ordered a meal and then quickly got up.

“I’m going to the bathroom.”

As I was washing my hands in the bathroom, I realized something important.

Could it be that I was flirting on both sides without knowing it? So what do we do now?

As I was thinking, I heard a voice from behind.

“So, quickly make up your mind and confess.”


I looked in the mirror and Taek-gyu was standing behind me.

“What’s the matter?”

In response to Taek-gyu’s question, I said as if making an excuse.

“No, I’m not in a position to meet anyone right now. I am busy with work.”

There are only a couple of things that have been opened up, but nothing has been settled. There was a lot of work to be done, and the problems of Eun Sung-cha and Park Si-hyung showed no sign of being resolved.

Is it possible to have a relationship properly in this situation?

Taek-gyu wiggled his fingers and said.

“That is just an excuse. Do you know that other people are dating because they have enough time left?”

“is it?”

After all, who in the world is not busy?

“There is no love that doesn’t hurt anyone. You just have to follow your heart.”

“It is, but… … .”

I nodded and stopped.

Why am I getting dating advice from a single mother?

“What do you know about dating?”

Taek-gyu patted my shoulder and said.

“Do you know that there are only one or two Miyeonsi that I woke up to?”

“… … .”

I learned dating through a game.

By the way, the fact that he is here means that there are only Eli and Yuri. I was a little worried when I remembered that only the two of us were left.

Wouldn’t it be awkward for each other?

I hurried back to my seat. However, contrary to expectations, the two were chatting affectionately.

“Then you came to Korea after working in Hong Kong?”

“Yes. The Korean branch was established and I followed Jessica.”

“Wow! It has always been my dream to work in Hong Kong. It is the financial center of Asia.”

“Have you been to Hong Kong?”

“I went there a few times with my parents.”

Ellie looked at me and said.

“Why did it take so long? Come on, eat.”

“Oh, yes.”

The atmosphere was friendly throughout the meal. Yuri asked about Golden Gate, and Ellie answered kindly.

When the story of Hyunjoo’s older sister came out, Yuri couldn’t hide her surprise.

“She is the first female branch manager,” she said. I think she’s really great.”

Taegyu said.

“My sister isn’t doing well.”

“How can that be?”

“I would have to work 20 hours a day for about 10 years.”

“… … .”

We finished our meal and went out.

said Ellie.

“I’m going for coffee.”

“Is that so?”

At that moment, her cell phone rang. The sender was Chairman Im Jin-yong.

[If you’re not busy, how about a drink?]

When she hears her voice, it doesn’t look like she’s just calling for a drink. Do you have something to talk about?


[I will give you the address.]

After finishing her call, I looked at Ellie and said.

“I’m sorry, but something has happened and I think I’ll have to go.”

Ellie smiled and nodded her head.

“It’s okay, let’s go. We will drink coffee together.”

* * *

When I arrived at the place I was told, there was an attendant standing in the parking lot.

“The president is on the second basement floor.”


I left the car with him and went down the elevator. A man was sitting alone at a large, dimly lit bar, sipping his drink.

As I approached, Chairman Im Jin-yong turned his head.

“Hello, senior.”

“Thank you for coming, junior.”

“What are you doing?”

“It’s not a big deal. I’m afraid to drink alone.”

There was no one here except Chairman Im Jin-yong. Bartenders, staff, and attendants were nowhere to be seen.

On the table were a bottle of alcohol and two glasses.

“Are you still drinking alone?”

“My brother just came and went.”

“If it’s your brother… … Are you Seung-yong Lim?”


I can barely guess why we met. Perhaps he apologized for the folly of trying to confront his brother for a while, and asked him to take his leave.

“So what happened?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong said while drinking.

“As an older brother, I accepted it. You have to understand that the youngest sibling made a mistake for a while.”

“As the group president?”

Instead of answering my question, he smiled softly.

“The president is a lonely place.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong pointed at me with his finger.

“Isn’t it the same?”

“I have Taek-gyu.”

“It’s good. That there is someone to drink with peace of mind.”

“I think so.”

I could feel that he was genuinely envious in the way he spoke.

“Do you like alcohol?”

“I can’t drink.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong held out a glass in front of me and poured a drink.

“There is a saying in Scotland. There is no bad whiskey in the world. There is only good whiskey and better whiskey.”

“That’s a good saying.”

“However, no matter how good the whiskey is, if you drink it with someone you don’t like, it’s not as good as cheap vodka.”

We sat side by side and drank.

There were no snacks. It’s probably not because I didn’t have money, so I guess he’s the type who doesn’t eat snacks when drinking.

Anyway, I just ate and I was full.

Chairman Im Jin-yong brought up the main point.

“President Park Si-hyeong seems to have pulled out his sword.”

I nodded.

“Looking at what you’re talking about, it looks like the tip of the sword is pointing at me.”

He circled the empty glass with his fingers.

“If Ronald had taken over Washington, Si-hyung Park would have been holding his breath. But right now, Ronald is busy making up his mind.”

Ronald succeeded in winning the White House after more than three million votes, but the Republicans failed to win Congress. Democrats won a majority in both the House and Senate.

It would be nice if the public opinion would give it strength, but Ronald’s approval rating is currently lower than that of the Republican Party.

In any party or party, there are mainstream and non-mainstream.

Diane, who came from a prominent political background and has been involved in the Democratic Party for generations, naturally belonged to the mainstream Democratic Party.

On the other hand, political rookie Ronald was classified as a staunch fringe within the Republican Party. His policies also differed from the traditional values ​​of the Republican Party.

Ronald’s push-and-pull policy was strongly opposed by Republicans as well.

His ambitious efforts to reform immigration laws, reform health insurance, trade agreements, and build a wall along the Mexican border were hampered one after another.

In order to carry out the policy, it is necessary to constantly persuade and compromise with the party, the National Assembly and the media.

But where does Ronald go to complain?

Instead of persuading him, he began to pour slander and ridicule toward those who opposed him, and the more he did, the stronger his reaction became.

The National Assembly turned its back on women, the approval ratings fell, and even the leaders of the party turned their backs on them. It’s really an all-inclusive situation.

“What do you think is President Park Si-hyung’s weakness?”

“Isn’t that PAS?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong nodded his head.

“It is definitely fatal. But can you bring down the president by revealing it?”

“… … .”

“Let’s talk about it during the competition. At that time, there was an atmosphere that if you passed the primary of the Korean National Party, you would have become president.”

I nodded.

“It actually happened.”

The presidential election was a landslide victory. Park Si-hyeong was elected by receiving a majority of the votes for the first time since the direct system was implemented.

“Because of that, there was a fierce battle against each other during the primary. PAS was also known for the first time when the opponent blew up.”

In addition, collusion with large corporations, borrowed-name property, slush funds, embezzlement, etc. The problem was not one or two. But nothing prevented him from becoming president.

“Was the public really not aware of Park Si-hyung’s corruption? Or did I close my eyes knowingly?”

Although the prosecution has acquitted the charges on various charges, not many people believe that Park Si-hyung is 100% innocent.

Nevertheless, in the end, the people chose Park Si-hyung.

Was it because he thought that a good leader, even with some flaws, was better than an honest but incompetent leader?

“People only see what they want to see. Even if the relationship with PAS is revealed.”

It’s not just one or two things that have happened so far. Among them, there were several incidents that could shake the government, such as illegal inspections by the National Intelligence Service or interference in the election of the security guard.

However, most of them were not even investigated, and even if they did, the results were moderately beyond individual deviance.

“President Park Si-hyeong never forgets his grudge. You know what he was doing in the general election right after his election.”

After the fierce competition, Park Si-hyung showed a posture to embrace the opposition. Because he needed to have the widest possible support base to become president.

But in doing so, once he was elected president, he no longer needed them.

The general election was held less than a year after the election was over. The approval rating for the president as well as the party’s approval rating were on the rise, so he could wear a member of the National Assembly badge only if he received nomination.

At this time, Park Si-hyeong wielded the blade of the purge as a way to eliminate opposition lawmakers from the nominations. There were no exceptions, even among party leaders. Either they did not give the nominations, or they were forced into rough terrain under the pretext of strategic nominations. If he didn’t like it, he had no choice but to run away from the party and run as an independent.

If he had been so blunt, the word ‘nomination massacre’ would have come out.

On the other hand, his people thoroughly took care of each seat. After that time, the Korean folklore actually took on a character close to that of Park Si-hyeong.

“Park Si-hyung has made great contributions to two things since he came to power.”(Read more @

One is to take control of the so-called four major agencies, the police, the prosecution, the National Intelligence Service, and the National Tax Service, and the other is to control the media.

He replaced the presidents of all three broadcasting companies, including public broadcasting, with his own, and took control of the conservative media with the right to organize full-length channels.

The media, who criticized the government for its wrongdoings in the early days of power, shut their mouths, and now they have become faithful trumpeters.

With the development of internet media and social media, it is impossible to hide all the facts. However, if the mainstream media kept their mouths shut or made other noises, they could turn the events of the past into a nuisance and reverse the truth and lies.

The judiciary and the media did not play their role, and all kinds of illegalities, corruption, and government errors were buried.

“During the US presidential election, many companies sided with the Democrats, and some CEOs openly criticized Ronald. And the media such as CNN and NBC openly fought with Ronald. What would have happened to those companies and the media if they had done the same in Korea?”

“I do not know.”

Maybe he didn’t look good.

“Korea is very different from the US. In a situation where political power dominates the market, even a chaebol group cannot do business if it looks disliked by the politicians.”

“It has a lot of weaknesses, isn’t it?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong graciously acknowledged.

“That’s right. So, large corporations have sup- ported large sums of money to the Korean National Party in the name of political funds. Other than that, how much do you think you would have brought to Park Si-hyung and his aides?”

“Isn’t bribery a feeling of impeachment?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong laughed.

“It is the fault of the person receiving the bribe, but it is also the fault of the person giving the bribe.”

“… … .”

Is it the one who gave and the one who received, that we have no choice but to keep our mouths shut?

The Seoseong Group would have also contributed quite a bit of money. As it is number one in the business world, the amount must be the largest

Once again, I started to realize just how much power the president had in Korea. Fortunately, the term of office is limited to five years.

“Will the government change in the next election?”

“Unless nothing else happens, the successor nominated by President Park Si-hyung will take over the presidency.”

Park Si-hyung will never let go of power easily. He probably won’t even try to reign supreme after he retires?

“Then what should I do?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong said as he adjusted his glasses.

“There is nothing to gain from fighting the regime, so it would be better to reconcile. If necessary, I will build a bridge.”

“Reconcile… … .”

If I bow my head like other chaebols and stick my money in, will the problem be solved?

OTK Company is an American corporation, so if there is a problem, it is enough to move it to the United States. However, K Company is a Korean corporation, and all investment companies are located in Korea.

No matter how much I do business in Korea, do I have to go this far?

I thought for a moment and then shook my head.

“I don’t think so.”

The first thing I touched was over there. I’ve been through all sorts of things because of it. Even if it was me, even Taek-gyu suffered a tough situation.

“It won’t end like this.”

I nodded.

“Good for you. I didn’t mean to end it like this.”

How many times should I pay back what I suffered?

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