Chapter 124

I stopped the employee to report to the branch manager.

When the branch manager comes, he’s not even going to give me a cut, so what should I do when I meet him?

Mother’s gift was delivered to Dongtan’s house, and the rest were brought out. Ellie continued to glance at her watch on her wrist with her proud expression on her face.

“Do you like it that much?”

“of course. This is the first gift Jinhoo bought.”

Come to think of it, I was very indifferent all this time. I thought I was only going to make money, but I didn’t take the birthdays or presents of the people around me properly.

I asked Ellie.

“Is there anything else you want to do?”

“Isn’t that too much?”

“It’s your birthday until 12 o’clock, so until then, I’ll grant you a wish.”

Ellie said playfully.

“When you say that, you feel like Cinderella.”

“If the clock hand points to 12 o’clock, this car may turn into a compact car. So tell me right away.”

Ellie clapped her hands after a moment of giggles at my words.

“Ah! I remembered one.”


“I know when I go.”

* * *

We arrived at the Lite Tower Observatory in Jamsil.

Lite Tower, completed last year, was the largest skyscraper and landmark in Korea. The top floor of the 124-story building was composed of an observatory to welcome visitors.

Lite Group’s main business is not manufacturing, but food, distribution, hotels, department stores, and services. With the money they earned, they built such a huge skyscraper in the middle of Seoul.

I’ve heard rumors about it a few times, but this was the first time I’d been there.

As I approached the window, I could see Seoul at a glance. Gangnam as well as the Han River and Gangbuk came into view.

Ellie looked out her window and admired it.

“The night view of Seoul is beautiful.”

Seeing what they like, I think it’s a good idea to bring them along.

“You know what I said before?”

She frowned at my words.

“I remember.”

In the past, we had seen the night view of the Han River on our way back together on the Olympic Boulevard. Then she said she would give her a Hong Kong night view if she comes to play later.

After that, I went to Hong Kong with Taek-gyu, and we enjoyed the night view from Victoria Peak together with Ellie and her sister Hyun-joo.

With a 360 degree view centered on the tower, we looked around slowly in a counterclockwise direction.

I bought her coffee at her cafe inside her gazebo while Ellie was browsing.


“Thank you.”

I sat down on the chair, and Ellie sat next to me. The seat was so small that, by chance, our hands touched each other slightly while we were sitting.

Ellie didn’t have to take her hand off, neither did I.

We sat like that until we finished our coffee.

* * *

In her car on her way back to the hotel, Ellie didn’t say anything. She just clenched her chin and looked out her window.

Her mind suddenly became complicated.

I don’t know when she was, but she seemed to have a crush on me Ellie.

At first, she thought that she might be an illusion caused by cultural differences or expression methods, but looking at her past actions, she will not be a simple illusion.

It’s hard to believe that a woman who doesn’t lack anything in appearance, personality, or job likes me.

Maybe she’s not mistaken for me alone?

So what should I do now?

It’s been so long since we’ve dated, it’s hard to get a sense of it.

While thinking, the car arrived in front of the Grand Dayton Hotel at Samseong Station.

Ellie opened the door and said.

“Thank you for taking me,” she said. Be careful and go in.”

“Come on, wait a minute.”

In an instant, I unknowingly grabbed her wrist. Ellie was taken aback by the sudden action.

“What’s wrong?”

“That, that… … .”

Once I got it, what should I say?

“Will you give me a little time?”


She said this without a win-win, so it’s only natural to get this kind of reaction.

“Um, so… … .”

When I was confused and unable to speak properly, Ellie nodded her head.

“I see.”

I don’t know what I knew, but I sighed in relief. Anyway, I’m glad you found out.

She smiled playfully as she looked at my face.

“But you can’t make me wait too long.”

“Yes. of course.”

Ellie got out of her car and waved her hand.

“It was fun today. Be careful.”

I drove back home. The distance from the hotel to the house was not long, so we arrived quickly.

As soon as I parked my car, I was blown away.

I don’t know what the hell I just said.

I put my head on the steering wheel for a while and had time to reflect, then took the elevator and went up to the first floor.

Taek-gyu was playing a game in the living room.

“What are you doing now?”

“Something happened.”

I handed Taek-gyu a shopping bag.

“What is this?”

“A gift from Hyunjoo noona. I bought it while I was going to the department store. You tell me.”

“Do you have any presents for me?”

I nodded.

“Huh. Buy yours with your own money.”

a guy with a lot of money

* * *

As I was leaving the meeting with the team leaders, I received a call that an unexpected guest had visited the company.

I ordered it to be sent up to the CEO’s office. After a while, a woman in her early to mid 20s came in.

She wore a short beige dress that revealed her body, a trench coat over it, and she was of moderate height and high heels.

Her face was clean without any blemishes as if she had been well taken care of, and her features were not lacking enough to be called a beauty.

From the bag she is carrying to necklaces and earrings.

Even though I don’t know much about fashion, I could easily see that everything I wore was a luxury item.

She smiled and held out her hand.

“Nice to meet you, CEO Kang Jin-hoo.”

“Nice to meet you, Managing Director Han Hyo-rin.”

As we sat down, the secretary served coffee.

“I heard that it is not easy to meet the CEO of OTK Company, but thank you for taking the time.”

“The meeting is just over.”

Han Hyo Rin looked out her window while drinking her coffee.

“The view is nice. Does this building belong to OTK Company?”

“What did you come here for?”

She is the daughter of Eunsung Card President Han Jeong-gu and the cousin of Chan-young Han.

The bad relationship between me and Eunseong-cha is something that everyone in the business world knows. But someone from Eunseong Cha will come to visit me.

She had no other feelings for her, because she didn’t hate her just because she was a relative. I’m just curious as to why she came to see her.

When I asked her, she ruffled her hair and said.

“She broke her marriage because of you, you know?”

If Seoseong SB had passed to Im Seungyong, she would have married him. There is no bond as sure as marriage.

However, instead of acquiring Seoseong SB, Lim Seung-yong was also robbed of Seosung Heavy Industries and Seosung Engineering.

As there is no reason to pursue an arranged marriage, the marriage seems to have naturally been abandoned.

What is the era, what is arranged marriage?

Looking at this, it seems that only the real Korean chaebols live in the medieval era.


Han Hyo-rin looked at me and smiled.

“I just want to say thank you. I didn’t like him very much.”

I said, remembering the image of Im Seung-yong I saw at the funeral.

“It would have been sad if the parties had heard of it.”

He’s not particularly handsome, but he’s not blemished either. To put it bluntly, does he just look like a third-generation chaebol?

“As long as it was taken by Chairman Im Jin-yong, I wouldn’t be able to see your face on this floor anyway.”

From what I’ve said, it seems that your personality is not normal.

“Did you know that we are classmates at Korea University?”

I was shocked to say that.

I thought they would be the same age as me, but they must be in the same school as me.

“I heard it was business administration. I am in the Department of Contemporary Art.”

“Come to think of it… … .”

I think I heard rumors that the daughter of the president of Eunsung Card entered the school when I entered the school. What I didn’t remember right away was that our school had to have one or two children from the chaebol.

Why do I have so many alumni in the chaebol family?

“Maybe we met at least once at school.”

For reference, the College of Business Administration and the College of Art are far apart.

Well, I may have just passed by on the way to and from the front door, but… … .

“I only went to school for a year and a half.”

At my words, she nodded her head.

“It’s really great. To start such a huge company without graduating from college.”

It’s not that strange.

“Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and started Microsoft. Facenote founder Mike Goldenberg also dropped out of Harvard University.”

“That’s America.”

That’s right.

It is possible only in the United States to drop out of college and succeed, but it is not possible in Korea. If both of them had been born in Korea, they would have prepared for civil service exams or employment at large corporations.

Han Hyo Rin put her coffee cup down.

“Drink well. You must be busy, but I have to get up.”

“I will not go far.”

She said a word before leaving.

“Ah! Would you mind making a card? Recently, a new VVIP card was released. The annual fee is 3 million won, but I will give you a special discount.”

I shook my head.

“If Eunsung Card is separated from Eunsung Motor Group, think about it.”

Han Hyo Rin knew that she would, and she smiled.

“I’m leaving my business card, so if you change your mind later, call me. It’s okay to call me when I’m bored of drinking alone. It’s my motive anyway, but next time we meet, I’ll talk to you comfortably.”

She put her business card on her table and left.

I picked up the card and muttered.(Read more @

“By now, my classmates must also be busy preparing for employment.”

When you join as a new employee, you are already a non-existent person.

Also, chaebols are different from the starting line.

* * *

It was a holiday, so I slept profusely.

It was almost lunchtime, and I got up and went down to the first floor. I rarely cook anyway, so the kitchen was neatly organized.

I made a cup of coffee and went out to the living room.

Taek-gyu was sleeping on the sofa in the living room.

“… … .”

Why does this bastard leave his room and sleep here all the time?

Leftover chicken and beer were scattered on the table. I went into the room first while eating together last night.

I turned on the TV and switched to the CNN channel. At the same time, political news was in full swing. Ronald’s face was full of frown on the big screen.

There must be many other photos, so is there any reason to bring those photos?

“Today, CNN seems to be chewing on Ronald hard.”

I leaned back on the sofa and watched the news leisurely.

The Ronald administration, which was launched amidst the worries and concerns of people around the world, was creaky from the start.

Ronald made all sorts of ridiculous promises during his candidacy. We will stop immigration, we will protect trade, we will build a wall in Mexico, we will scrap health insurance reform, and so on.

Politicians, whether in Korea or abroad, tend to change their words after they are elected, ignoring their promises to some extent. Surprisingly, however, Ronald was ready to keep all his promises.

Starting with repealing the TPP, he signed an anti-immigrant executive order, scrapped the health care reforms created by the previous government, and introduced new reforms.

However, the anti-immigrant executive order was blocked by the Supreme Court, and Ronald’s health insurance reform bill was blocked by opposition from the House of Representatives.

In the National Assembly, we fight the Senate and House, which is controlled by the Democratic Party, in the press conference, we fight the media, and outside the country we fight over trade and withdrawal from various agreements… … .

Since Ronald became president, there has not been a single day of silence in American politics.

Aside from the complicated political situation, the US economy is on a moderate rise. Last year, it achieved 3% economic growth, and it is predicted that it will be possible to achieve 3% in the first quarter of this year as well.

Because China and emerging countries are growing so fast, 3% seems like a small percentage, but it is truly remarkable that a country with an economy the size of the United States continues to grow at a rate of 3%.

The United States accounts for an overwhelming share of global GDP. Therefore, the growth of the United States is the growth of the world.

To use an analogy, a person with 100 million won needs to earn 10 percent to earn 10 million won. But if a person with 10 billion earns 3% profit, it is 300 million.

Thanks to the economic recovery, the three major US indices, the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P, set new all-time highs.

Ronald bragged that it was all thanks to his being president, but he had nothing to do with him, thanks to the good work of his predecessor.

Well, it is not that there is no hope for the corporate tax cut.

In any case, it is good news that the US economy has entered full-fledged growth amid a gradual slowdown in China’s growth.

While I was watching TV and thinking about whether to eat the leftover chicken from yesterday, the phone rang.

The caller is none other than Chairman Im Jin-yong.


Chairman Im Jin-yong said in a friendly way.

[What are you doing on the weekend, junior?]

“Ah, I’m resting at home.”

[If you have time, how about going to a baseball game together? There is a demonstration match between Seoseong Dragons and CL Gigant today.]


Did the chairman of Seoseong Group ask me to go watch baseball?

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