Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 89 The Third Level Of Phoenix Ming Tianze

"Double cultivation?"

The words fell.

The air suddenly became a little delicate.

Creaking, creaking——

what sound?

Li Mo was stunned for a moment and looked down, only to see a certain Bingtuozi holding the Tianshuang Sword with a creaking sound.


If the person who said this was not me, the sword would have struck me, right?

He raised his head again and met Ying Bing's scrutinizing eyes again.

Li Mo: "!"

You won't be disliked, right?

It's all to blame for those flower-picking thieves in the martial arts world. Every day they describe the evil skill of picking yin and replenishing yang as dual cultivation, which makes it easy for people to misunderstand.

"If we practice two swordsmanships together, wouldn't it be considered dual cultivation?"

"This is serious martial arts."

Li Mo added.

"What's serious and not serious?"

Ying Bing tilted his head in confusion.

She was actually thinking just now about where in the Eastern Wasteland Li Mo's inheritance came from.

Why do you even have martial arts in dual cultivation?

After thinking for a while, Ying Bing muttered:

"This aspect of martial arts has extremely high requirements for both parties."

"It may not be possible to practice. You can bring it to me first."


Li Mo nodded and took out a few pages of pale gold paper from his arms.

Ying Bing sat in front of the stone table, placed Tianshuang on his knees, and looked down. Gradually, his expression seemed surprised.

She couldn't see the level of martial arts.

"Well, I also found it by accident."

"Go to your room tonight."


"Don't you want to practice dual cultivation?"


Bingtuozi's willingness to agree was unexpected.

Classmate Xiao Li lamented that it was her who was the main character who was chic and decisive.

Speaking of dual it also considered an investment?

After leaving Wu Xue behind, Li Mo saw Shang Wu leaning against the back door and hooked his fingers at him.

meaning is:

"Come out and get beaten."

Li Mo sighed and went out through the back door.

When he walked out, Ying Bing's hand holding the paper slowly tightened.

It's not like she's inexperienced.

This is indeed a serious dual cultivation martial arts.

But even if it is serious, it is usually practiced between couples.

Gui Gong strictly forbids his disciples to fall in love.

In the previous life, many disciples secretly practiced similar martial arts and were caught by her.

But now, she is...

That strange feeling in my heart.

It made her want to curl her fingers involuntarily.

However, if it were not for this reason, she would not know how to fulfill the punishment standards.

After all, Li Mo wouldn't drink too much every day and go to the wrong room...

it does not matter.

This is to get back to the top as soon as possible....

Also to repay his favor...

Yes, that's it, there is no other meaning...

Moreover, he could also figure out what kind of physique Li Mo had that could actually give birth to such weird inner energy.

With this thought in his mind, Ying Bing looked down seriously.


Outside the hospital.

The color of fire once again enveloped this open space.

Li Mo still felt uncomfortable staying in the field, but he didn't try to use his inner breath to burn it. After all, staying here could temper his inner breath.

Moreover, as long as the master pays a little more attention this time and closes the loopholes in time, his last trick will not work.

Looking up, Shang Wu was sitting on the wall with his legs crossed.

"I'll teach you how to fight today."

"But today's stuff can be considered a real skill."

"Come on, take action."

She crossed her fingers.

Li Mo actually saw some seriousness on the face of his usually lazy master?

He couldn't help but calm down.


Still starting with Feng Ying Bu.

Then use the star pestle.

Then it was bounced away by Master's finger.

As soon as he finished his thoughts, his figure moved.

But just when he thought everything was going as expected.

He saw those almond-shaped eyes filled with fire.

Li Mo suddenly felt tight in his chest, as if he had been struck by lightning, as if a sacred mountain was crushing him, and he was just a withered grass being crushed.

His eyes immediately fell into darkness.

he died.

No, not really dead.

It was just a real experience of death.

That shuddering breath still lingered in his consciousness after he woke up.

"You woke up faster than I thought."

Shang Wu was still sitting on the wall, her crossed legs swinging leisurely.

"Just now....."

"If you practice swordsmanship with a sword, then the hammer can't only be used to hit people."

Shang Wu jumped down.

"The fighting spirit?" Li Mo asked tentatively.

"not completely."

The fire in Shang Wu's eyes faded:

"You now have a treasure trove of nothing and don't even know it."

"Old rule, talk while fighting."


Li Mo was silent.

He can't hang around for a whole day?


At night.

Another day of fighting teaching is over.

"I finally understand why Master had no apprentices before."

"If it were someone else, the grass on the grave would be three feet tall next year."

Li Mo, who didn't want to move a finger, sank into his dantian.

It has to be said that if you can endure the training method of Shang Dance, the effect will be quite outstanding.

The inner breath has grown a little stronger.

And that's not even the point.

If he were to fight against his former self, he would be confident that he could win within ten moves if his inner strength was almost the same.

His realm and fighting level have improved rapidly.

If you give him a few more months, maybe he can condense his energy to perfection?

Dragging his exhausted body into the yard, Li Mo saw "Phoenix Ming Tianze" that he had given to Bingtuozi during the day, lying quietly on the stone table.

Apparently Bingtuozi threw it here after reading it.

"By the way, I haven't watched it myself yet."

Li Mo heated up the rice and watched while eating.

This martial arts has no levels and is divided into four levels.

The first level pays attention to the blending of breaths.

The second level is the blending of divine will.

The third level...the body and soul are united.

"Does this union of spirit and body mean..."

Li Mo was silent for a moment.

[Ten years of Martial Dao’s inspiration and success]

[the first year..... ]


Not long after, the deduction was completed.

Well, it's strange that he understood this thing quite quickly.

Li Mo opened his mouth and forgot to swallow the food.

People of the same gender can practice this martial art, but they can never reach the third level.

Because it is necessary for both cultivators to know the basics.

At that time, the essence, energy and spirit can achieve a short-term perfect fusion.


It’s not that homosexuality is totally unacceptable...that’s not the point!

Did Bingtuozi not realize this level?

"Li Mo."

A familiar voice came from upstairs.

Ying Bing stood in front of the window.

"Come up."


Li Mo felt a little uneasy.


Pushing open the door, he met Ying Bing's quiet eyes.

Li Mo felt a little uncomfortable being stared at:

"How much have you learned about dual cultivation martial arts?"

"I've mastered the first level, I'll prepare the rest tomorrow..."

"It's very good. It's very good on the first floor. It's enough."

Li Mo felt slightly relieved.

At this time, the familiar coldness began to spread from Ying Bing.

in the dark.

The girl patted the head of the bed and said in a cold voice:

"Take off your clothes and come here."

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